Celeste the Fandub

Project Overview
I have been struggling to find a project I truly wanted to direct. Tackling Undertale dubs has been my comfort zone, but Celeste has me inspired in a way I have not been before. If you are coming from my recently posted Undertale dub this enthusiasm is no doubt coming across as disingenuine, but hopefully, this incoming gush for Celeste will change your mind.
Celeste is a spectacular indie game that is worthy of praise in gameplay alone, as it's fresh take on the already dense population of indie, pixel style platformers is insane amounts of fun. However what had me fully entranced was the story and its undertones about the struggles of anxiety and self-doubt. I have always felt int he past that games with messages like this to be rather heavy-handed, but Celeste it is done perfectly. It tells the story of a girl named Madeline and her desire to climb Celeste mountain. Along the way, she meets a few colorful characters such as the odd yet lovable Mr Oshiro, A kooky old woman and her fast friend and selfie-lover, Theo. It's the character known as "part of you" or Goth Madeline that truly takes the story to a new level. As acts as the seeming villain of the story but what she is revealed to be is something that has left me and many fans of the game truly affected.
The game does expertly use sound effects to represent the characters voices, and they truly are part of the game's charm. However, the rare opportunity for a female protagonist's voice work to shine is a rare thing and this game is one that has this opportunity in spades. This being said there is plenty of character in those I mentioned previously so this is by no means a one-woman project.
1: ACT: it's the most crucial and always will be. Put in that emotion and inflection. Get mad when you're mad, get sad when you're sad. I know you can do it
2: MIC QUALITY: I know it sucks not being able to have all the super duper mics people have on the site, but I will be needing recordings that are clear and are at the very least salvageable with post-processing
3: INVENTIVENESS WELCOME: While I'll have directions for each character if you have a way you wanna take it that you think will work, go for it!
4: PAYPAL: Paypal will be the method of payment for this project. Depending on the size of your role payment will be made in various incraments as line are sent in
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Latest Updates
Howdy all, this lil fandub is finally coming together. Prologue and Chapter 1&2 are out now! Thank you all for your participation and hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdNMwo8hTjw
Hitting y'all up twice once in one day, but Celeste the Fandub has been cast! Madeline/Badeline: Jen Bush Theo: Strider Icarus Mr Oshiro: Dan Bellis Old Woman: jared the auditioner Mom: Vannesa Martinez Thank you all again for your awesome auditions! I hope you can all enjoy the end product and that I'll be able to audition with y'all the next time round! Y'all are beautiful. Stuart -
Thank you all!
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'm honoured to have nearly 230 of you audition for roles in this crazy lil thang. There is still a few more hours to go I believe as CCC runs on different time-zone to me but to make sure I can come to a decision in quick enough time, I'll be starting to cut back my "short" list of 136 auditions. Please do not be disheartened if a reject pops up, as I hate to do it but its the only way for me to make sense of my list. The talent you have all offered is something to be proud of and hope you all keep sharing your awesome talent with the world. Y'all are beautiful, Stuart -
1 week 'til final casting and please get Discord
Wowee, have y'all blessed me with some amazing talent. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone's time, no matter if I shortlisted you or not. And how willing so many of you are to take on feedback is great. Also letting y'all know that there is a week to go, so if you got re-do's you want to try or someone you know has just got to audition, 'tis time to hop to it Also also, I have been thinking with the directing process I'd really like to sit in while you re-record and due to you not wanting a strange man in your house and me living on the other side of the planet to most of you Discord is the way to go! Thank you all again, Stuart

Madeline is a younger girl looking quite young in the size scheme of things. However I see her ( and the dev sees her) as being more towards her 20's than a child, due to what she goes through. I wrestled with the idea to have her and goth Madeline being separate Actresses or not however due to the nature of her origins going ahead with her being played by the one actress seemed to be the right call
Accent: Any ( But cannon is Canadian)
Madeline can seem quite head-strong at first, the first interaction she has with the Old woman coming across as rather hostile and sassing Oshiro lightly, however, she is a kind-hearted girl overall. She struggles with a lot of self-doubt eventually amalgamating in the part of herself being revealed, AKA Goth Madeline. Goth Madeline is the personification of Madeline's self-doubt and anger, so comes across as cruel and hurtful. She starts off coming across as a bully to Madeline speaking condescendingly as that is how Madeline perceives her, however, she truly only wants to keep Madeline safe as anyone's self-doubt does, so a lot of the anger she shows towards Madeline comes from a place of care.
As far as voice differentiation between the two, it's a very hard task. I may use a light filter to separate the two, but ideally, I would like the subtle differences. Primarily in her tone more so than another voice. Try to resist the urge to go for an "edgy" sound entirely more just subtle emotive differences. When Auditioning please do pause in between each line to
LINE 1- ( At the begging of the game, Madeline has a bit of monologue, that could be taken as coming from someone else, but I see it as her in her own thoughts. You can hear in this that she had issues doubting herself before and has a tone of light frustration as if approaching tasks like this has been difficult before. To some degree this the first sign of goth Madeline, just not overtly shown)
This is it Madeline. Just breathe. Why are you so nervous?
Line 2 - ( This is Madeline's first talk with Goth Madeline. G Madeline is in full swing of talking down to Madeline, however, is still showing quite strongly, her insecurities about when Madeline makes comments about her looking creepy. Madeline is concerned here but hold a certain aloofness throughout the conversation. Here is footage of the scene for reference https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=16m57s)
G Madeline- Madeline, darling, slow down
Madeline- Who said that?
G Madeline- Oh, I'm simply a concerned observer
Madeline- Are you...me?
G Madeline- I'm part of you
Madeline- Why would Part of Me look so creepy?
G Madeline- ..... This is just what I look like okay? Deal with it.
( This at a sort of a false ending of the game. Madeline sees letting G Madeline go is the solution to her problem, G Madeline shows wavering at first, noticeably bothered by the idea of Madeline abandoning her. This really shows that this part is truly Madeline's self-doubt. It eventually boils up into a full-on rage from G Madeline. Madeline's believed clarity fading away as G Madeline gets more and more enraged. The scene for reference https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=2h9m49s)
Madeline- We need to talk.
G Madeline- Okay..
Madeline- I finally understand who you are. You're not my true reflection.
G Madeline- I'm not..
Madeline- You're everything I need to leave behind. You're cruel, paranoid controlling..
G Madeline- Why would you say that?
Madeline- No, it's okay! I understand now. I don't need you anymore
G Madeline- So you're just... abandoning me?
Madeline- I'm setting you free. We'll both be so much happier.
G Madeline- You're so..so...so stupid! You think you just leave me behind? You think you can blame everything on me? You think you're ABOVE me!? ANSWER ME!
Madeline- Calm down, please...
G Madeline- CALM DOWN!?!
Madeline- Breathe Madeline..Use the feather(slow deep breaths, that slowly become more shallow as the technique she's using isn't working)
G Madeline- You're going to think about a feather to stop me?! You are not ABOVE ME. And you can't climb this mountain. It's time to accept that.

Theo is an aspiring photographer who climbs Celeste Mountain primarily to take pictures that will boost his followers on InstaPix, and acts as support and companion to Madeline on her journey. He is a genuine guy, with his only fault being all the intenseness you may expect from a Youtube vlogger.
Voice: Medium-low to Low
Accent: He is from Seattle, Washington. So any general sounding North American accent is fine
( Describing where he comes from in a jokingly over the top old-timey fashion, setting up for the punch line. The capital letters her are more him adding extra wonder to the words than yelling them.) Well, my inquisitive compatriot, I doth hail from the MYSTICAL, ENIGMATIC kingdom of.....Seattle.
( Operating a gondola up the mountain with false confidence, being generally smooth throughout but maintaining a sense of goofiness too REF: https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=1h16m47s)
This lever looks important. *pulls the lever with a bit of strain falling over.* Easy every time. I was probably a gondola operator in a past life.
( Trappped in a crystal of his own creation. A symbol of how trapped his by all the people he has watching him online. Gets uncharacteristically real with Madeline REF: https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=1h46m33s)
Madeline, you're my only hope right now. I believe in you, for real.

A mysterious, wise and slightly kooky old lady that offers her wisdom and laughter throughout the story. Differing between her more kooky old lady moments to her very clear advice giving moments is key here.
Voice- Medium (Old)
Accent- Any, just old
( Having a good hearty laugh at Madeline's expense while reinforcing the dangers of the mountain. Timing the laugh as shown in the example would be sublime, making it as natural as you can REF: https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=2m32s) *laughing sort of tone throughout* If my "driveway" nearlly did you in, the Mountain might be a bit much for you. ha ha ha
( Getting progressively more intense and kooky sounding. Although the game portrays it that while partially sincere, she's just playing it up to mess with Madeline. REF for Timing: https://youtu.be/Z2tqSQNJxZQ?t=2m45s)
Suit yourself. But you should know, Celeste Mountain is a strange place. You might see things. Things you ain't ready to see.
This is a very short role, but still, a challenging one in its own right. She is Madeline's Mom and has scene where she is concerned about Madeline's panic attacks. Genuine motherly worry is key.
Voice: Medium
Accent: Any (but may depend on Madeline casting)
( Classic parent getting a call from an out of home child. Warm excitement)
Madeline, what a nice surprise! How's your trip?
( Concerned about Madeline. A tone of conveying along with he words that this is something that's happened before)
Oh no, are you having another panic attack? Focus on your breathing honey, I'm here.

Mr Oshiro is the frantic owner of a hotel on Celeste Mountain. He is bound to his business, so even as a ghost he dwells there. He plays a very much comedic role for a majority of his appearance building up to one powerful emotional moment. His other quirk being frequently talking to himself out loud.
Voice: Any ( But had a sort of pedantic George Takei in Mind)
(After appearing in an immensely spooky fashion, greets Madeline excitedly.)
Welcome! May I help you?
(Desperately trying to get Madeline to stay in his hotel)
*talking to self* You imbecile, you're losing her! *Back to Madeline* Oh, err I almost forgot to mention. Valued guests such as yourself stay in our finest accommodations at half price!
( Heartbroken after G Madeline lets all of Madeline's inner criticism out on him in brutal fashion. Not wailing tears upset, but that empty kind of sadness. Contrasting a lot from his colorful personality earlier)
Ms MAdeline before you go...I need to ask one question...Why would you be so nice to me, only to run away? What did I do wrong
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