Case Files: The Psycologist

Case Files: The Psycologist

Project Overview

Note: More roles will be added as we make more progress. Stay tuned!

Plot Synopsis

Cole a special agent sent by the E.T.C to investigate a small obscure town in Washington. Somehow, this town has achieved a 0% crime rate. The E.T.C ain't sure how they accomplished this, but theorize it has to with anomaly known as, Dr. Casimir. 

A Psycologist with no past to speak of and inserted himself into their society. People there seem to wordship him like a god and listen to all of his commandments. 

Unsure how Dr.Casimir accomplished this, they send in Cole Rogers to investigate this strange doctor. However, not only secrets of the town will be unravels, but Cole's mind as well.

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Latest Updates

  • Update 2 - VA's selected

    Thank you all very much from the bottom of our hearts for auditioning for the roles. For those who didn't get the roles, more will be added later. Thought, they will mostly be minor roles.

    Stay tuned for more updates!

  • Update 1 - A lot of submissions & teaser

    We are very happy to see many talented voice actors coming to audition!

    Everyone here has done a solid job and we are in the process of reviewing them. We'll be sure to update as soon as we chosen our candidates.

    More roles will appear soon, but only selecting these three characters for now. In the process of making a teaser trailer utilizing these characters.

    Will update more of the teasers release date!

    Stay tune!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cole (Protagonist)
Role assigned to: LimitedTimeOffer

Cole is an agent sent from the E.T.C to investigate a small unknown town located in the Washington's forest. Doing his best stay undercover as a Tourist on vacation. Carefully chooses each of his words to not give away his real identity. He acts a bit naïve with the townsfolks. Making soft joking remarks to diffuse situations.

Looking for a soft worn out voice. Slightly dead inside.  

There is more to this character, but we are not ready to reveal that here. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • adult
  • Hello there my spectacular old friend. By any chance did I give you my case files?

  • Positively. I’ve never been so close to feeling at peace before.

  • Jesus. Did the kid ever even have a chance?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr.Casimir (Cult Leader)
Role assigned to: Wang Lee Chi Chi

A mysterious psycologist that showed up in small town out of nowhere and asserted himself. Dr.Casimir never shows anything else besides holy professionalism. Talks softly and warmly to everyone he meets. Always acting as the perfect psycologist that can repair anyone. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • warm
  • Welcome Cole. Thank you for arriving at your appointment on time. Please, have a seat while I get us relaxing herbal tea.

  • Understandable, you went through a great ordeal of trauma and depression

  • Unrooting it from the source of its invasion

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

From ex-convict to church clergy. Runs the small town's church in the name of Dr.Casimir. Only speaks highly of the town and the good doctor. Has a ruffled higher pitch voice. 

Voice description:
  • any
  • adult
  • male young adult
  • Hello there dear Outsider. Are you enjoying our genteel society?

  • Indeed. I was a lost torment soul. Constantly running from police and indulging in vile sin. I never thought there would be salvation for me. Only despair

  • I’ll pray for your soul, Outsider


Public Submissions

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