CarFlo's Minecraft Role-plays - Hope's Peak High

Project Overview
These auditions are for recurring character(s) that appear in my series, Hope's Peak High. With that said, I might be asking A LOT of lines from you since they may be featured in a lot of videos in the long run.
I excited to hear how you guys bring these characters to life!
I will be adding more characters shortly!
My name is Carlo, and my YouTube channel is "CarFlo" My focus has grown to become Minecraft Roleplays.
Here's a link to my channel for reference: CarFlo
1. Please have a decent mic with minimal background noise.
2. Be able to commit to doing lines for recurring roles.
3. Be able to give me lines by the due dates (I try to give 2 weeks notice).
4. Relax, have fun, be confident.
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High school student. She's very stoic and mono-toned. She barely conveys any emotions when speaking with others. She's a shut-in type of girl. Always on the computer.
Potential love interest for the main character, so it's a major role!
(Bored) The name's TK. And no, DON'T ask me what it stands for...
(Mischevious) There's no use hiding anything from me... everything I need to know is already on the internet.
(Nervous) A... a date?! I've... never been on one of those...

High school student. She's all about peace, love, and friendship. Obsessed with flowers/plants. She's sweet, innocent, and can be oblivious to everything around her. She often stares into space and daydreams.
(Happy) Hiya, my name's Rose. I hope we can be great friends!
(Scared) Oh no... my flowers are dead... Wh-who did this?
(Flirty) Hey Damien... may I place this rose on your jacket? I think It would look really cute on you! -Cute laugh-

(Happily) Heya! I'm Marina Rivers! I'm like, totally glad to finally be here!
(Motivated) I want to push myself as hard as possible when it comes to skating... I want that gold medal, no matter what.
(Sad) People talk behind my back all the time. They all say my energy goes straight to my legs and none of it to my head... I think they're right...

Gothic, edgy girl. Comes off as very cold and antisocial. She's sarcastic, irritable, and foul-mouthed... but gets flustered when a handsome guy talks to her. When this happens, she starts talking really really fast. She's fascinated by vampires/demons/etc.
Yeah... my name's Chloe. If you want to know more, then too bad. That's not happening.
Look, I have no interest in talking to you, so if you could please just leave me be, that would be great.
(Flustered) You... jerkface... what are you doing wasting my time?! ShutupIhateyouyoustupidjerk! IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!

Not your typical high school girl. She's very muscular and physically strong, but sort of meek and timid when it comes to her personality
Hello, my name's Cherry Sakura. I'm attending Hope's Peak High as the Ultimate Body Guard.
I'm not really used to having girl friends... so... forgive me if I'm doing this all wrong.
If you want to talk to her, you're going to have to go through me first!

Nagisa from Assassination Classroom. He's a little bit different in my YouTube series, but he's still the assassin that he always was.
Shy and often mistaken for a girl. He's kind of the runt of the classroom.
Hi! Nagisa's my name, assassination's my game!
Heh, I hope you know... you're not going to survive a duel against me.
(angry) You get to die... RIGHT NOW!

Cool, energetic, go-getter. Loves playing with fire. Becomes a maniacal lunatic when he's in the mood to burn everything to the ground.
(Happy) Yo! The name's Red. Nice to meet ya!
(Cool) Whoa! Is it hot in here? Oh wait, that's just me...
(Maniacal) Burn baby burn! -evil laugh-

Yeah? So what if I like cute things?! Do you have a problem with that?!?
Just stay out of my way... and we'll get along just fine.
Oh my god... that's such a cute puppy... OHHHHH!

A character that first appeared in my series, "Minecraft Comes Alive" and later in "My Friend is a Creeper."
He's a shy boy... not very confident when he talks to people he doesn't know. Despite his childish appearance, he's quite mature for his age.
He usually keeps to himself and he's quiet for the most part. He'll be speaking in a relaxed and calm tone, unless he's nervous.
He IS still a kid though and thus, gets curious about a lot of things. He'll be asking a lot of questions that may or may not make things awkward for Carlo.
(Shy) "H-hello. My name's Ollie. It's... nice to meet you..."
(Annoyed) "Stop treating me like a little kid. I know what I'm doing okay?"
(Curious) "Hey umm... why is that guy looking at your tentacles like that? It looks like... he's hungry or something..."

A character that first appeared in my series, "My Friend is a Creeper."
Yaebi (pronounced: YAY-BEE) is a zombie boy. And YES he's a boy, but people often confuse him for being a girl because of how he looks.
He's not a mindless zombie like all the other zombies. He still has the ability to think and speak like a normal kid.
He has a very active and mischievous personality. Always wanting to take a bite out of every human he meets.
Think prankster and trouble-maker. But once he gets hurt, he can start to cry... a lot. He is still a kid after all...
(Mischievous) "So... do you think I can have ONE little bite? Oh come on! It's not like it's gonna hurt or anything! "
(Joking) "-Zombie moans- Just joking! I'm not THAT kind of zombie hehe."
(Crying) "Owww! That hurt! WAHHHHHHHH! (Crying loudly)"

Totally new character. He did make an appearance at the end of "My Friend is a Creeper," although, he didn't say anything.
Stealthy and assassin-like. He's very proficient with the Bow.
He speaks very calmly and militaristic - almost as if he was a robot.
He is still young though, so he's not perfect soldier. He can get frustrated when he misses his targets.
(Calm) "Target in range... The Ultimate Ghoul, Carlo... this one's going to be easy..."
(Loudly) "Mission accomplished! Standing by for further instructions Sir!"
(Shocked) "Wh-what?! How did I miss my shot?! Ugh, I guess... I just wasn't good enough..."
Public Submissions