Bryce Papenbrook Impressions?

Project Overview
I need a voice actor to do a voice actor.
Anythings fine, just please:
-Don't have loud background noise
-Have okay-ish quality of a microphone (and audio)
-Try your best,
-What is even going on?
-That's great, that's great.. Now beat it.
-W-wait! It's not what it looks like! This is just a big understanding
(creeped out.)
-God, this place seriously gives me the creeps.. (girl scream) Jesus Christ!-
(You can add your own line at the end, If you want to at least.)
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yeh, just do your thing.
(You can add your own line at the end, If you want to at least.)
*Say something you think would fit*
-That's great, that's great.. Now beat it.
(creeped out.)
-God, this place seriously gives me the creeps.. (girl scream) Jesus Christ!-
-W-wait! It's not what it looks like! This is just a big understanding
-I'm sorry was I talking to you? I didn't think so