Book of Life 2: Fan Made Trailer

Project Overview

If you've seen the Book of Life, then you'll love this fan-made trailer. If you haven't seen it, it is literally at Walmart for $5.00. Or there are clips on Youtube to get YOU pumped. I hope many of you try out, I want to see your potential, and I hope that you all try your best and leave me speechless. (Which I know YOU will). Ta ta for now. The video link is to the Book of Life Trailer for the actual movie that came out around October 17th, 2014. Also if you are looking to hire someone for your projects well I have some experience in my About ME section, and pm me I would love to be apart of whatever you have to offer. Also If you participate in this project you may use this as a reference for your job resume. 

Also my discord is Kelsie_Frey#5364. I have run out of messages I can send so try to get in touch with me here.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joaquin Mondragon
Role assigned to: RodHT

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. He used to be selfish but now is trying to be the selfless hero he is now. HE struggles a bit due to the fact that nearly all his life he had a magic medal that made his ego inflate and his pride soar. He is an all-around funny guy who is a bit of a goofball when it comes to women. His ego now somewhat deflated is a minor obstacle on his journey. He still thinks highly of himself though.

Voice should be prideful, maybe make Joaquin refer to himself in the third person as he does almost all through the first movie. (He seems to do it a lot but now it is scarce.)

  • I want to see my father, is that possible?

  • (To Chela, Chakal's adopted daughter) [Upon seeing her for the first time] You look very handsome,  I mean gorgeous, I mean........

  • (To himself) Hmm...Mhm....Joaquin, you are looking handsome today, yes.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
El Chamuco
Role assigned to: ChiboxVA

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. The Ruler of the Land of the Cursed (unwillingly), he is completely evil and ruthless.  Unlike his brother Xibalba, he doesn't care for humans and would rather see them dead than alive. His wife is La Noche,  the ruler of the Land of the Unknown; a place filled with spirits and lost souls.

Voice should be deeper and raspier than his brothers but I can work with anything as long as it sounds completely evil.

  • (To Joaquin) [Sinsiterly] Yes, it was I who made a bet with my brother to send your father to the Land of the Unknown.

  • (To Xibalba, his younger brother) Why is Chakal in the Land of the Cursed?! He won, remember!

  • (To Chela) [Evilliy] Here this medal should help you avenge your father. *gives her the Medal of Everlasting Life*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maria (Posada) Sanchez

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. A Fiesty young woman who is not your stereotypical damsel in distress. 

Maria is a spirited & rebellious young woman who values independence and freedom, having been this way since she was a child. In her youth, Maria had a tendency to act without thinking things first, which used to get her in trouble despite her good intentions.

Maria is by no means defenseless - she is able to stand up for herself on more than one occasion and knows kung fu and fencing. Maria is also very caring and compassionate to those around her and is willing to put the town's safety before her own happiness. She has a deep love for animals; to the point of not eating meat at all [8]. She is also a cultured and intelligent woman who enjoys reading.

Voice should be like how she talks in the Clips on Youtube or the movie.

  • (To Joaquin) [kindly] We will help you find your father.

  • (To Manolo, her husband, and father to their [now] three children) [peaceful] What shall we name our son?  

  • (To Chela) [Pissed Off] Why are you here and what have you done with my husband?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
La Noche
Role assigned to: nightenshadows

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. 

She is a mysterious young woman, well I want her to be mysterious as the dark side of the moon as her name implies her name means moon in Spanish or the night, either way, sounds mysterious and yes she is the Ruler of the Land of the Unknown a mysterious place.

  • (To Joaquin) [mysteriously] Your father should be right over there.

  • (her husband El Chamuco) [Urgently] I feel bad for doing this, I think we should stop!

  • (To her sister La Muerte) [very jealous] Why is it that El Chamuco is in love with you, STILL?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Manolo Sanchez

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. 

Manolo is a kind, sensitive & brave young man. He has a passion for music and a love for playing music with his guitar; Manolo dreams of being a guitarrista and a musician rather than be a bullfighter like almost all of Sanchez family bullfighter but he does have the gift and talent for bullfighting. Manolo truly thinks and believes killing the bull in bullfighting is wrong. He is a sweet, compassionate young man who truly loves and cares for his family, his best friends and the town of San Angel very dearly.

[Spoiler Alert if you haven't watched the movie]

Of course, he also has his moments of insecurity, like when he doubting that he could be able to win Maria's love. And although he is not in agreement with the tradition of his family, he feels that he can not rebel because he fears to disappoint his father. That is all in the past now because the Sanchez familia has now accepted him for who he really is.

Voice should be an impression of Diego Luna's Voice as that is literally what Manolo's voice sounds like. but take your own spin on things though.

  • (To Joaquin) [kindly] We will help you find your father.

  • (To Manolo, her husband, and father to their [now] three children) [peaceful] What about Fernando?

  • (To El Chamuco) [Pissed Off] Why in the fricken heck am I down here, yet again?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chela; Chakal's Daughter
Role assigned to: nightenshadows

The adopted daughter of Chakal who's own revenge will lead her to San Angel, to avenge her father's death. She is even eviler than her father. She can be described as the female counterpart of Joaquin. She has a pet wolf named Loba, a silver wolf. 

Her father won't be featured in the trailer but here is some background on him to help you do this character. 

He is a very evil, insane, determined, power-hungry, violent, vicious, wild, predatory, belligerent, murderous, and dangerous man. Once he was a normal man, but after losing the medal, he lost his sanity, becoming a threat to anyone who got in his way to recover what he considers to be his.

  • [Proud] I will avenge you, father.

  • [To Loba her wolf Companion] Come on Loba, let's ride.

  • [When she sees Manolo and Maria] So you're the ones who murdered my father, huh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
La Muerte

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. 

La Muerte is a kind, truthful, sweet & generous goddess whose belief in the goodness and pureness of mortal-kind stems from her own heart, as well as from that of the departed and deceased mortal people who are now her citizens and subjects. She cares for everyone and anyone, no matter who they are, and will assist anyone who is need of her help, believing humankind to be completely pure. While La Muerte is very forgiving towards those who truly want to repent, she is also well known for her weakness for wagers. The only known bad side to her is when someone (i.e. Xibalba) cheats in wagers and bets, making her angry despite her sweet disposition.

Xibalba used to cheat and now he tries to not anymore, there is an emphasis on the word tries as it is the gods only weakness for some odd reason.

Voice should be sweet, when angry she should be scathing with rage.

  • (To JLa Noche) [in a complete fit of rage] I DON'T KNOW MAYBE YOU SHOULD ASK HIM?!

  • (her husband Xibalba) [Urgently] We have to tell Joaquin, something is not right here, I just know it.

  • (To her sister's husband El Chamuco) [very angry] I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Looking for a Mexican Accent, as this takes place in San Angel, Mexico. 

Xibalba's voice actor did a fantastic job with Xibalba's voice. Try to mimic his voice deep raspy voice.

Xibalba appears on the surface as sly, cunning and cruel. He is a manipulative trickster who will resort to lies and cheating to get his own way such. Despite this, he is not pure evil, rather mischievous than malevolent. He is very suave in the manner and tends to be well-spoken.

He believes that there is little to no good left in humanity and that it is beyond redemption. This may or may not be down to the jaded view he sees from his realm, the Land of the Forgotten.

He claims that the reason he meddles in mortal affairs is that it is the only fun he gets outside of ruling. Though he is calm and confident, he is too proud of himself. When Manolo angered him by shouting "He will pay for what he has done", Xibalba talks and approaches Manolo with pride stating " No one in any of the realms has ever talked to him in such a way and survived ", taunting him.

Despite his actions throughout most of the story, he truly does care for his wife, La Muerte and will attempt to please her, particularly towards the end. He also gains some form of respect for mortals who impress him. He's quite capable of selfless love and admitting when he's been proven wrong.

Jorge Gutierrez has described him as the jealous type. Even more so now that he now suspects that his brother still has a thing for his WIFE. The nerve of that guy [El Chamuco].

  • (To Manolo, urgently) I have reason to suspect that my brother El Chamuco is behind this and let me tell you he is even worse than me.  {after Manolo looks at him confused] I gave you a second chance, he wouldn't have.

  • (to his older brother, El Chamuco) [This is to be read with a VERY sarcastic tone of voice] Oh, gee I don't know, what don't you try owning up to your grievous mistakes for once in your IMMORTAL life!!

  • (To Chela as she's about to storm San Angel's gates) Are you sure you really want to do this?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Posada

He has a bigger ego than his "'adopted'-son" [Joaquin] His voice should be gruffer than his Joaquin's voice but a bit higher like his voice is squeaky just a tad.  

He is a serious man and even occasionally severe; especially with his daughter Maria in the last film.

But he is also a father who really loves his daughter and a general who cares about the welfare of the inhabitants of San Ángel.

  • [Scornfully to Joaquin] Your father, he was the one who chopped my hand off!!

  • [Sad] I'm sorry, I am truly sorry. It's the only grudge I have been holding against your father.

  • [Boastful] That's my grandson, all right!! *while Manolo and Maria groan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joaquin's Father (Sr. Joaquin Mondragon)

He has a bigger ego than his son though he has had time to ruminate on all of his past decisions and regrets them all except getting married and having Joaquin as a son. The Medal basically made him the enemy. His voice is much gruffer than his son's as he has aged.

  • [Surprised] Son is that you? (Upon seeing his son after all this time)

  • [Sad] I'm sorry, I am truly sorry."

  • [Boastful] That's my son, all right!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

He is a pig that Maria Sanchez has owned for the past 13 years now. He was a going-away present that Manolo gave her before her father sent her off to most likely Barcelona, Spain to become a "proper young lady" (That did not work like at all). According to the Director, his voice is made to be like a pig who is trying to be like a goat.

  • To Maria his owner: Bleh!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mythological Creature of Latin American Origin

Creatures include: Quetzalcoatl, El Chupacabre, and more  

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mythological Creature of Latin American Origin

Creatures include: Quetzalcoatl, El Chupacabre, and more  

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mythological Creature of Latin American Origin: Quetzalcoatl

The god Quetzalcoatl is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. He is the god intelligence and self-reflection, a patron of priests. Quetzalcoatl is a primordial god of creation, a giver of life. With his opposite Tezcatlipoca, he created the world.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Lead Animator

Need someone to expertly animate the trailer complete with expert lip-syncing and excellent editing. (Will discuss payment but I prefer the animator doing it for free since my budget is a little tight).

  • Say something you think would fit


Need someone to expertly animate the trailer complete with expert lip-syncing and excellent editing. (Will discuss payment but I prefer the animator doing it for free since my budget is a little tight).

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer for TBOL: 2 Trailer

Looking for suspenseful, uplifting, calm, and all-around well-balanced placement of the music in the trailer. Must be an expert in Audio Manipulation software like for example Adobe: Audition.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer

Making sure that the correct audio is used in the right places.

  • Say something you think would fit


Need someone to proofread the script so there are no errors.

  • Say something you think would fit

My Role (lol)
cast offsite

IF anyone wants to be the Co-Director and they have the skills personal message me on Casting call.

  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
Lead Editor
Role assigned to: tonal

Responsible for the final layout and outlook of the project. Will run by me before I give the Okay so I can post it.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Candle Maker

A goofy fun spirit who makes all of the candles that are tied to each living soul.

  • Sure thing.

  • Oh, the Land of the Cursed, I wouldn’t go there if I were you.

  • Hey, Manolo!


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