Bone Comic Dub series [Re-Cast]
![Bone Comic Dub series [Re-Cast]](
Project Overview
This project is a comic dub of the series Bone.
Bone is an American independently-published graphic novel series that was made into 9 books created by Jeff Smith
Bone is a "fish out of water" story involving a trio of cousins getting stuck in a medieval/fantasy world after being chased from their homes in modern civilization. At first, the story comes off as being light-hearted with many cartoonish actions, but as the series goes on, it becomes much darker and more serious as the cousins get caught in the middle of a war between the forces of good and evil and they shape the fate of the world.
What I'm looking for
I am looking for voice actors that are able to bring these characters to life. You’ll be given lines of what your character says for each chapter and images of pages your character will be in so you can get a better understanding of the situation your character is in.
As a voice actor, you have 3 main requirements
- When recording your lines do more than 1 take so I can get a feel about which is the best performance, Also when you're finished organize audio with the book number and chapter Don’t record all chapters into one audio file. For example when recording for book one chapter one of a character style it as “character 1-1”. Be sure to listen back to your audio to make sure you didn’t miss a line.
- Mic quality has to be decent (No background noises, no muffled audio, no movement of the mic while recording, etc.)
- Add flair to your voice acting. Don't just sound like you're reading aloud a text, be able to convey a feeling as you record your lines. Familiarize yourself with the character be put a spin with how you best understand these emotions.
This is a NON-PAID project, However, like many free projects, I will make sure to share your social media pages and give you exposure to other projects. You will also get experience.
When you receive the lines you'll be speaking, the chapters your characters will appear in for the Book. You can get started on practicing.
You will be credited at the end of each chapter you’re in, links to whatever social media you wish to show will be in the show, and I will give you a recommendation for your work on Casting Call Club. I will also have you in mind if I'm working on any other projects if you are interested. However, for now, we're just working on the Bone series.
Make sure you have a Gmail or Facebook account so that I can contact you.
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Thorn is a human woman living in the valley that cousins encounter and the secondary protagonist of the series
After meeting Fone Bone and hearing his predicament, Thorn agrees to help find his cousins make sure they return to their home. It is revealed later on that Thorn is the Long lost Princess of the Valley and also someone who can use mystic powers that shape their world. At first, Thorn wants nothing to do with her new responsibilities but grows to accept that she can't run away from her problems and decides to do what she can to help the people she cares about.
For casting, the voice for Thorn would need to be someone who is good at projecting their voice as well as portraying feelings such as anger and sadness.
She starts out as being kind and generous, in the middle she becomes anxious and very quick to anger and finally matures into a calm person retaining her kindness and generosity.
- english
(Screaming/Mix of hatred and fear) “GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE! Those things killed my parents! How could you bring one into my room!? Get it out of here NOW or I’ll kill it!”
(Confused and scared) “What’s happening Fone Bone? WHy is everything changing?! Why can’t we go back to how it was before?”
(Strong voice) “So much has changed since we first met. But not everything changes. Remember me when you're back home.

Lucius is the Leader of a town called Barrelhaven and a supporting character of the series. Lucius is introduced in the 5th chapter of Book one when Phoney arrives at the former’s bar. After buying 5 drinks, Phoney finds out he doesn’t have the right currency and ends up having to work for Lucius to pay off his debt. It's discovered that Lucius used to be a Guard that protected the royal family and had an intimate relationship with Rose.
Lucius typically comes off as a huge intimidating person who is ready to fight if provoked. Underneath this tough exterior is someone who can be compassionate as he acts as a father figure to those he has a close bond with.
- english
(Expressing feelings ) “Rose was beautiful and kind…I was in love with her, but Briar seemed more grown-up. (Regret) In women’s ways, if you catch my drift. I made the wrong choice, just like I always do”
(Taunting/confident) “You’re gonna have to since I sent the bug on ahead. Without him, you only have two choices. Follow these tracks, or stumble into a ghost circle on you’re own. Take your pick.”
(Angry/Complaining) I have had it with you drifters! Always coming to town for the festival and trying to get beer on credit!

Grandma Ben is Thorn’s grandmother and a supporting character in the series
The voice I’m looking for is a motherly figure, the kind of person that is able to voice strictness but also be able to sound gentle and kind
At the start of the series, Rose presents herself as being a sweet, energetic, and kind grandmother, however, it’s revealed that she’s been carrying a secret for all these years. In truth, she is the former Queen of the valley who had to go into hiding when the royal kingdom was destroyed during the war and spent the next 15 years living on a farm with her granddaughter. When it appears that another war is going to break out, Rose assembles the guardians of the valley in order to restore the throne and protect the valley from further harm.
As Grandma Ben, she is an old farmer who’s been living in her farmhouse alongside her granddaughter. She comes off as a sweet old lady who always has a kind word to say, greeting the world with a smile. Despite her age, Grandma Ben is very Energetic and vibrant as shown to do daily exercise and is able to handle all of the heavy-lift chores around her farm.
As Rose, we see a more serious side to her. She displays an attitude more fitting for a military sergeant. She isn’t as patient with the antics of others and will immediately snap at them so they will fall in line.
At the core of both personas, however, Rose is fearless, Brave, and compassionate towards people she’s formed close bonds with.
- english
(In a happy tone) ”Married? Why would Lucius and I get married? That's ridiculous! Lucius and I never even courted. He was never sweet on me.”(Disciplined mother telling off son) "I'll be asking the questions! I wanna know why those monsters were after you and I want the truth!"
(Calm/wise) Ever since you came to our valley, I blamed you for everything that went wrong, but the truth is that our problems started way before you got here.

The Possum kids are a group of siblings that appear in the Bone series. Being children, they are very energetic and happy go lucky.
Overall their dynamic is fairly like Alvin and the chipmunks
When Fone Bone got trapped during the winter, the Possum Kids and their mother took care of him and have been family friends ever since.
- english
(Mad) Are we lost again?
(Caring) What about Fone Bone and Smiley? Who's gonna worry about them? They disappeared days ago.
(Scared) Oh my gosh. Do you hear that? What if it's a possum eating bear!?

Kid Thorn is Thorn when she was still a child, living with the dragons. Kid Thorn makes a few appearances whenever Thorn has dreams as she is piecing together the truth behind her past. Her role helps showcase the still innocent side of her personality.
- english
- female child
(Joyful) I'm learning to play. The Red Dragon is teaching me.
(calm) It's too bright. I can't see anything

This is the role of a background character.
- english
(Scared worried) why is this happening Thorn? Why are the hairy men doing this?
(Panicking) It's the rats! Run!
(Calm) My name is Tear. My family and I were refugees when the ghost circles appeared and trapped us.
Public Submissions