Beta Crystal
Project Overview
Two siblings that travel the Andromeda Galaxy in order to find and takedown a cybernetic warlord named Console. While visiting many exciting planets and defeating the kings and queens on that planet.
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Console is a power hungry Cyborg that seeks to establish peace throughout the solar system by ruling it. Console is strict but fair. Grading the monarch’s he puts in charge of the plants a large amount of freedom as long as they maintain control and peace of their world, deliver regular reports, and deliver resources to him to increase his army. Console is a cunning individual who makes sure to stack the deck in his favor before invading a planet.
- male adult
- adult
- Vindictive
- Kaido(One Piece)
You Humans are nothing but an annoyance.
Sweep the Area! Let no one Escape!
Then you'll die with this planet.
Eors was only a child when his planet was invaded and conquered by Console. He watched as Console took over control of the planet and forced his father to swear allegiance. Growing up Eors’s father made no qualms about his hatred of Console and tried several times to lead a rebellion. The final attempt took place shortly after Eors’s son Tex had been born. The lost rebellion resulted in the loss of his wife and father.
Personality: Eors lives by the laws of his species. And believes that power and might are what matter most. A lesson burned into him further by growing under Console’s rule.
- english
- male adult
- animation/character
- DBZ Broly
You are a waste of space!
You're far too weak to ever beat me let alone Console.
You call yourselves heros?! You're barely even worth my time!!
Public Submissions