Bendy and Boris the quest for the ink machine (comic dub)

Project Overview
I have full permission from the original artist to dub this.
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Bendy looks soooo hot when you do Bendy! And Boris looks like Goofy from mickey mouse club house
Boris focus! You guys need to find the parts for the ink machine
wow i didn't see that!! are you ok guys??

I'm looking for a more manly voice for Bendy to show he's older then Boris
Your mocking me aren't you
(flustered) B-Boris behave!
Hehe looks like you didn't need my help to ruin things for ya bud

I might just take this role myself but I want to see what you guys can do first. I want him to sound more like a 13 year old boy maybe? I don't know, be creative.
Aww it's okay Bendy! you'll get your dream girl someday!
*gasp* BENDY!
You need any help Mr. Mickey?

I really just want maybe a man in their 20s but not too deep voice. (And also, maybe try to sound a bit sexy, I want the girls to swoon! XD)
(he's chasing Bendy btw) Where are you going with those tiny feet of yours?
UGH so annoying! here, take it!
*sad* M-Mugs.......

I'm think maybe older than Boris but younger than Cuphead so maybe like around 16 - 18 years old
Aww your'e so fluffy!
Morning bro!
I just wanted to know about real friendship for once

(defeated) I was able to bring happiness to a lot of people... But, I can't bring a single smile to my own brother....
(worried) MY BORIS!
Nah don't worry Ozzy! he wasn't too mad about it

Be creative! Edit: Oswald is actually very depressed so all the lines have to have sadness in them
*nodding in agreement sound*
Your'e too good for this world bro!
I don't want to waste your time but I needed to say that...

(flustered) I-I'm not sure I mean I never knew I was into guys in the first place o-or maybe it's just him
No not at all! In fact I totally fancy your voice! it's divine!

I'm going to cast multiple people for this role. I just want a childish voice for this role
Is this like our new mom?
Morning papa!
Bad papa! Go to your room!

(mad) YOU!
Oh you know it hunny!
(upset and hurt) what's the difference, all men are the same
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