Beerus VS Vegeta fan animation

Project Overview

Looking for voice actors for fan made animations

I like to do animations on YouTube, mostly of anime but not only and I use a technique for the voices that I’m not a fan of. I basically use the original Japanese voices and add subtitles that don’t have the same meaning, anyway I’d like to start using actual English voices from now on. Right now the work wouldn’t be paid as I’m just a student with limited ressources so if you’d like to help it’d be greatly appreciated. For the first time I want to dub an animation that is already available on YouTube which is an adaptation of a fight in the manga dragon ball super that opposes Beerus to Vegeta. I linked the video

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Project Roles: Vegeta Beerus
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Xyraine

Has to be similar to the dbz version of the character’s voice, kind of rispy and cold

  • It’s hard to say, saiyans committed a lot of sins

  • Utter scum!

  • No, we deserved what happened to us

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Similar to its dbs interpretation, speaks nicely at the beginning and more threatening as the fight is about to start 

  • How many planets have you destroyed?

  • What if I tell you I ordered your planet’s destruction ?

  • Hakai !


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