Battle Moon Wars: The First Arc (A Fate/Tsukihime Game EN Fandub)

Battle Moon Wars: The First Arc (A Fate/Tsukihime Game EN Fandub)

Project Overview

Hello to everyone seeing this! This project will be a fun English fandub of Fate/Tsukihime PC game called Battle Moon Wars. The game itself has multiple chapters of story, all unvoiced with their own arcs. These arcs are split into varied chapters and I will open CCC"s for each arc I complete. Once this is completed, you are more than welcome to sign up for any future projects I host and hold onto any role you my have enjoyed doing! I wish you all the best and be sure to leave your Discord username so that I may contact you if you are selected!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Takumi Atsuta
Role assigned to: Lightnin

Age: 21

Role: Main Character

"A young Youkai with a tempered and calm soul, Takumi maintains a professional demeanor, carrying out his missions with frightening efficiency.  As such he is often the organizations go-to front-line soldier to deploy on more dangerous missions. He’s intelligent, intuitive, responsible, level-headed, and fearless. Despite being young, he’s already an experienced warrior to the point nothing, save for the safety of his comrades, seems to faze him. Even when standing atop the Devil himself, Takumi is unshaken and treats the ordeal as though it is just another mission and slays him all the same. Underneath his calm, cool-headed attitude there lies fire burning deep within with the desire to seek greater challenges and continue growing stronger even though he’s already plenty powerful with few beings who can actually pose a threat to him. He’s also not quite as modest as he lets on, while he attributes, internally he’s well-aware that he’s an incredible fighter and is quite confident in his skills. Outside of his duties, Takumi is a fairly laid-back poor university student, not particularly talkative nor quite the silent type, he maintains a soothing, approachable presence. For those younger than himself he’s often giving advice, offering guidance, positive reinforcement, teasing, and caring for them like an elder brother. It’s also not uncommon for him to spend days at the bedside of someone ill until they recover"

Takumi is one the main protagonist and will have a lot of lines for himself, both in and out of battle. He's stoic and lively when going into battle. Outside of battle he's calculating and analyzes the situation in front of him, but not quiet. Be sure to invoke his analytical nature and how he cares for others younger than him with a deep young adult voice.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Introduction) “Ah, I’m Takumi Atsuta. I only met Shiki-kun a short while ago.”

  • (Taking Light Damage From An Enemy): “Even with that, I’m still fine.”

  • (Calling Haruna Out): “You…You have no idea what the Grail War is, do you?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haruna Mochizuki
Role assigned to: honeydewwy

Age: 17

Role: Main Character

Haruna is an energetic and lively teenage girl of the two protagonists. She tends to wear her heart on her sleeve and say what she is thinking. She tends to be very headstrong and get roped in situations by the other characters. Her partner Takumi tends to look out for her and call her out on her mistakes. Her lines should be delivered with feeling for the situation and loud.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Sassy): “That’s not…I guess I don’t. Got a problem with that?”

  • (Contemplating Aloud into Concern for Rin, Slight Pause After 'Quickly'): “Who was that red guy that showed up at the end? He ran off quickly…Eh, Rin?”

  • (Serious): : “Misaki city…is going to become a battlefield.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mike the Cat
Role assigned to: Proasek

Age: ?

Role: Minor Character

Mike is a minor character that only appears in the prologue section. He is Haruna and Takumi's boss and a yokai like them. This is explained why he's able to talk. He takes the situation seriously going on within the game. I'm open to any interpretation you can deliver.

Voice description:
  • creature
  • (Voicing the situation to Haruna and Takumi): “The distress call from our agents in Misaki claims that there are signs that the balance has deteriorated.”

  • (Realizing Aloud): “That it’s no wonder the evil spirits were born.”

  • “That’s pretty much correct.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nrvnqsr Chaos
Role assigned to: AKalanii

Age: Adult (1000+)

Role: Recurring Antagonist 

As the current Nrvnqsr Chaos, he is rather arrogant and considers ordinary humans, such as Shiki before displaying the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, as creatures inferior to himself. Chaos is an amalgamation of 666 beasts and a vampire with strong abilities. He comes across as cold and ferocious in his attacks. He has a natural deep voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Launching His Attack) "You would oppose chaos? Know futility!"

  • (One of the characters suddenly appeared with a magical girl persona, confusing him) “What is this?”

  • (Taking Light Damage and Annoyed) "The buzzing of flies…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arcueid Brunestud/Phantasmoon
Role assigned to: honeydewwy

Age: 800+

Role: Main Cast

Voice Demo

"The free-willed Princess of the True Ancestors"

Note: Arcueid's name pronunciation is (Ar-Coo-id)

"A royal member of the vampire race known as the True Ancestors. After being killed by Shiki Tohno, a naively innocent side of her was somehow released. She now lives as a free-spirited, almost childish, princess.

She is incredibly powerful and, despite being a vampire, is able to survive in direct sunlight. She has no desire to threaten human society, instead she hunts other vampires known as Dead Apostles. 

When Roa, her greatest enemy, is reincarnated, he appears in Souya where Shiki lives. Although a fateful encounter awaits her and Shiki here, a story of an earlier possibility is about to unfold."

Arcueid is very upbeat and happy, especially towards Shiki while being Princess of the vampire . She really cares for him, but has the capacity to ask serious questions. Her energy levels are described to always be an 11 and she never not super energetic and happy about something except when she's serious or angry. In this project, Arcueid puts on a magical girl persona with long lines. Be sure to really invoke this along with serious tones in between!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Magical Girl Persona): “The one standing before you is named Arcueid no longer!”

  • (Serious, Protective of her Shiki, No Persona): “You don’t seem to be a mage, but if you’re after Shiki, I won’t forgive you.”

  • (Dodging an Enemy Attack, Taunting): “Where were you aiming?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akiha Tohno
Role assigned to: Apocalamb

Age: 16

Role: Main Cast

Voice Demo

Current head of the noble Tohno family

"After the death of her father, she inherits the role of leader of the Tohno family, a distinguished house in Souya. One year younger than her step-brother Shiki, she arranged for his return from the Arima family.

Her flawless etiquette and bearing perfectly epitomize the daughter of a noble house. She is strict even on herself, rejecting such things as modern-day amusements and frivolity. Because of her prideful and strong-willed nature, many find her difficult to approach.

She has fallen in love with her step-brother, however their childhood accident and subsequent time makes it difficult for her to be honest about her feelings.

Sensing a mysterious presence in her town. and determined to uphold the Tohno family name, she sets off into the night to investigate..."

Akiha Tohno plays a vital role within the game's second half of the first arc. She has a sharp toungue when chewing people out and can be quite cold. But underneath that cold exterior, lies a loving little sister of Shiki Tohno. Though she isn't quick to express it at first. Give her a demanding, regal, yet calm tone. Use the video link above as well to help gain further insight 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Surprised to see her older brother): “Nii-san! Why are you here?”

  • (Giving Her Brother a Very Cold Response): “There’s no reason for you to know what we’re talking about, Nii-san.”

  • (Ultimate Attack, Sending Out Her Power, Menacing): “I will cut your legs from under you…!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Satsuki Yumizuka
Role assigned to: Niffty

Age: 17

Role: Recurring Antagonist Turned Main Cast

Satsuki is one of first few main enemies you encounter across the game. However there's an opportunity to recruit her within your ranks and is quite prominent throughout the game. She was originally Shiki's classmate who has a crush on him, however turned into a vampire shortly afterward. She was able to maintain her power, but now has these uncontrollable vampiric urges. She's quite strong physically, but still has the apologetic and shy self from her side as a human. She ofte stutters when it comes to situations she can't explain. Be sure to able to convey the soft and vampiric sides of Satsuki within the lines.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Charging Up Her Punch to Attack): “Aww…let me through!”

  • (Stuttering, Apologetic): “That’s…I’m sorry, Tohno-kun!”

  • (Charging Up Her Next Attack): “If you get in my way too, then I’ll…!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: honeydewwy

Age: ?

Role: Side Character

Voice Sample

"Making a profile of her is somewhat tougher. In F/SN she's purely an antagonist, and in Fate and HF she doesn't really appear  so it's just UBW and Hollow Ataxia, but both games are kinda different since they live under totally different circumstances. what I can say is, combining the two: She's kind of traumatized after her lover in her legend was a piece of shit (made her become a witch to stay by his side then used her and threw her to the wolfs when things got dicey iirc, you can look at her actual legend). She doesn't show it too much, but she's sort of like has a commander personality I guess you'd call it, she commands Assassin as sort of an afterthought. She loves Kuzuki after her helped her without reason (she's that easy), and they seem to be engaged in Hollow Ataraxia, yet you don't see them talking a whole lot. She's kinda defensive of him though in F/HA. She is NOT defensive on him in F/SN though, at least not in fighting. I guess kinda like an awkward teen but a full adult and not awkward as much as silent around him. Inferiority complex as fuck, bitch made the most complicated plan during UBW and essentially made herself an army, yet still felt like she was a good-for-nothing."

From this rather intricate summary, Caster is quite malicious. Under these circumstances, Caster would organize and set up the enemy attacks against our protaganist. She isn't afraid to take matters into her own hands and face the heroes herself. She's keen to do evil giggles/chuckles so be sure to incorporate that with this woman.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Start with an evil giggle): “Fufufu…This room is covered in my invocation. Now I will enjoy slowing torturing you all.”

  • (Firing Her Ultimate Attack as a Gigantic Beam): “A magician’s true power…Can you handle it…?”

  • (Defeated and in Pain): “How could this…But I was told that everything would go smoothly…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Artoria Pendragon (Saber)
Role assigned to: honeydewwy

Age: 35 (chronologically) 15 (physically)

Role: Main Cast

Voice Demo

Saber finds herself in this world with Haruna's group. We meet up with her along with Rin, Kohaku, and Haruna after catching up in the later half of the arc. Saber presents herself as a strong and independent woman with a strong sense of justice. Her battle lines see her with determination and emotion in her voice like the warrior she is. She takes situations seriously and values her comrades above all else in this strange circumstances. Voice acting wise, doing British for your takes is completely optional, but would fit nonetheless for the character historically. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • aristocratic british
  • (Blocking a Magic Attack, Disappointed): “You’d challenge a knight with magic?”

  • (Unable to Move): “I can’t move a muscle…”

  • (Ultimate Attack, Dashing in close to the enemy): “I’m betting it all on this one attack!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rin Tohsaka
Role assigned to: Apocalamb

Age: 17-19

Role: Main Cast

Voice Demo

Voice Demo 2

"Rin is like the outwardly perfect person, like a non-nerdy straight A student. Keeps her distance from people. Doesn't push people aside, but more like answers everything nicely but doesn't help to keep a conversation going with showing interest or questions and all that jazz. Alone, but with an air of unapproachability yet kindness and not an air of a loner or a social outcast. That is, unless the person in front of her ticks her off, at which case she'll still speak calmly but also make constant jabs at them and act smug towards them, whenever they demand her attention. Actually, she DOES put a lot of effort into everything when she's alone, she just doesn't show it. A perfectionist and very hard on herself to do her best and more, and will demand the same of the person she's collaborating with (on the rare chance she absolutely has to), within the very limits of reason. She's a mage, so she was taught to do everything to reach the mage goal (get to the root, basically master magic for your purposes), including sacrificing people, and kill normal people discovering her work, but she doesn't want to do these things, so she keeps people at arm's length to avoid any chance of these situations ever happening. Would've probably left Shirou to die when he was stabbed by Lancer as per her teachings, but them being on decent terms and her recognizing him as a good person ultimately made her use up a gem on him, which is expansive af, which she felt bad about later (but not regretted) That said, she would kill a bitch if she had to, happened in multiple dead ends. Gems are her magic. Magic regenerates over time (basically stamina), her magic is putting it into gems she can later use (but the ultimate goal is storing all the magic and passing it down). A gem needs something along the lines of like 1 or 2 years to charge to capacity, iirc, and she charges the current gem each day to nit waste and magic (again, basically stamina)"

From this explanation, Rin is a perfectionist to get the job done. She's usually described as quite the tsundere, but in this circumstance, that isn't necessarily the case here. Rin is calm and approaches the situation akin to any risk that may come their way. However, she tends to keep to herself or Saber for any information she discovers. She speaks her battle lines with conviction so be sure invoke that as well.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Shooting Her Beams to Attack): “…Dodge this or you’re dead!”

  • (Lying to Her Allies): “Eh? Oh yeah, right. I wonder who he was…”

  • (Thinking About the Current Situation): “I can’t be certain, but it felt like we were baited…I don’t know which one of us they want, though.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Apocalamb

Age: 17-18

Role: Main Cast

Voice Demo

"A young girl who brightens the Tohno residence with her smile

She and her twin sister Hisui have worked for the Tohno mansion since they were young. Her trademark outfit is an apron over a classic kimono. Apart from assisting Akiha, she does household chores and tends the garden. Her pharmaceutical knowledge means she is also responsible for Shiki when he falls ill.  She is endlessly cheerful, always willing to help, and wears a constant smile. In battle, Kohaku can be seen  wielding the sword she keeps hidden in her broom, calling on strange plants, and even dropping firebombs from above as if by magic. How she is capable of such things is still mystery to those around her."

Kohaku is the lively twin of Akiha's maids. She's constantly energetic, yet mischievous at the same time. She wields a syringe to buff her allies, while making quite the prankish face to see what happens. Be sure to invoke how silly she can be to those around her. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Prankster, Injecting Her Ally with a Buff): “Here’s something I mixed up. The effects should be delightful!~”

  • (Dodging an Enemy Attack, Taunting): “You didn’t!...What a failure…"

  • (Calling Out to Her Sister Who Has Gone Missing): “Hisui-chaaan. Where are youuuu?~ Nee-san’s here to save yooouuu~”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Woman
Role assigned to: Proasek

Age: ?

Role: Minor Character (Thus Far)

Not much is known about this woman, except she appears to have taken a liking to Haruna at the end of the arc with just 3 lines. She appears to be an adult woman with a somewhat slow manner of speaking. There's a high likelihood she will appear in the later arcs as a more prominent villain.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "This night has only begun…If we can’t even deal with events like these…”

  • " don't know it yet...but you're treading on destiny's path to me."

  • "They will be taken care of in due time...but perhaps I should step in as well."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Proasek

Age: ?

Role: Minor Character (Thus Far)

Voice Demo

His personality is very contradicting. While he is thoroughly cynical and nihilistic, he is at the same time devoted and protective, and even a little childish to the point that it makes him hard to hate. He does not lie, but he does keep secrets and tell half truths. He means well and is capable of being nice, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially so when he gives advice. He cannot approve of Shirou’s ideal of becoming a Hero of Justice due to his own experience, but at the same time he cannot deny it for the very same reasons. In these circumstances, he shows up by the end of the arc to finish off Caster before disappearing. He has a natually sounding deep voice and so far only has 3 prominent lines as of this arc.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Hesistan to Say Cooking, Questioned) "What do I do in my spare time? Mess with my actually! Something like that."

  • (Launching an attack on Caster): “It must be done…!”

  • (Cynical): "You can stay right here because you lack to strength to do anything else significant."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Robot Enemies
Role assigned to: Proasek

Role: Background Cast/Recurring Enemies

For this role, you will have to be able to replicant a machine voice/audio mixing for the best effect. These group of recurring enemies speak in varied vocal tones for robots. When they are defeated, the impression I get is akin to powering down. Giving each of these lines a different voice would definitely be a crucial factor for each one.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • (Taking Too Much Damage): “This…this could be it!!”

  • (Shooting a Missile Out of Its Body): “Getter Missile!!”

  • (Defeated and Shutting Down): “Next time, with a better body…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zombie Girl Enemies
Role assigned to: Apocalamb

Role: Background Cast/Recurring Enemies

For this role, I highly advise to do each line with a different voice since there are a total of 2 zombie girl enemies with a chance of more appearing later down the line in the battles. Each has a different manor of speaking from slow, spaced out to energetic and sporty. I will indicate below and put your own spin on it!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • female teen
  • (Firing a Signal, Monotone, Spaced Out): “Radio wave…Transmitting…”

  • (Launching Her Ball to Attack, Energetic/Sporty): “Let’s go!!”

  • (Defeated, Energetic/Sporty): “Yu…Yu-kuuuuun!”


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