Batman: Legacy, Voices Needed!

Batman: Legacy, Voices Needed!

Project Overview

Batman: Legacy is an Upcoming Fan Project that Takes place in a "Elseworlds" Universe of BenTinEz's DCRFF. The Story Follows Aiden T. Wayne [Created by Me, BatMediaFilms], The First Blood Son of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, AKA Batman and Catwoman. As he solves the Mysterious Death and Disappearance of Batman and Bruce Wayne as League of Assassins Leader, Ra's Al Ghul tries to rebuild his league after his last fight with The Caped Crusader and Destroy Gotham. More Information Yet to Come. For anymore questions on the project please message me, BatMediaFilms on here or on my Discord: lordwucebrayne. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Batman [Aiden T. Wayne]
Role assigned to: Voice-Man

Aiden T. Wayne, also known as The Batman in this project is the Lead Role. Aiden is The First Blood Son of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. AKA The Original Batman and Catwoman. In the project, Aiden has been away from The Bat-Family and Gotham for 3 years, Originally Going under the Alias of "The Red-Bat" in order to fight crime and Train under his Father to take up the Mantle.

As Batman: Very Dark, Ruthless, and Angry [For Voice Reference, You can try to go for a more Kevin Conroy like Batman, or feel free to try and use a voice modulator or some sort to deepen your voice.]

As Aiden Wayne [Calm, Curious, Aggressive [Mainly in Flash Backs], Can get Serious.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • male young adult
  • I know I’ve always been seen as the next in line…but…I can’t help but wonder sometimes if being The Batman is right for me sometimes

  • I'm Not Going to Kill You. I want you to do me a Favor. I want you to tell all your Friends about me.

  • I am Vengeance.....I am the Night, I AM BATMAN! [Sorry But had to add the line]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Damian Wayne
Role assigned to: ItsKnight

Damian at this point has only been Robin for a few years and unknowing to the rest of the Bat-Family is  a traitor and still working with Ra's and his mother Talia.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • animation
  • Right... But if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have figured it out

  • Don't Patronize Me or I'll Break your face

  • I'm Light Years ahead of The Other Robins

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alanna Bozzelli
Role assigned to: Lanna Rose

Girlfriend/Love Interest to Aiden Wayne. Former Partner/Side Kick of Catwoman.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • I get you’ve wanted to get away from that wretched place, especially away from Your Father’s Cowl, but Gotham is still our Home Aiden.

  • You know Red, You’re beginning to sound like Selina nowadays... I like that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Barbara Gordon [Batgirl]
Role assigned to: Eyeflower42

Spunky, Calm, Smart, and Ruthless

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • Don't Let that Donut Dunker Get to you, Will have this whole thing Sewn up before Batman and Superman get back.

  • "Batman"? Boys, I'm insulted! I'm way cuter!

  • Catwoman leading the way? Isn't that like calling Penguin for backup?


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