Project Overview

This is a casting call for a fondue of a popular comic series called 'Bendy and Boris: The Quest For The Ink Machine'. I have been given permission by the artist of the art to use her art and voice act it. 

A summary of this series goes as followed;

Centuries ago; the ink machine was a very needed device in this world, that being responsible for curing an illness spreading around at the time

after the illness disappeared, the machine was no longer needed

everything went fine for hundreds of years until, the illness suddenly came back; why?

the illness came back because two idiots (Cuphead and Mugman), who played with the devil and lost, and the devil wanted their souls

they pleaded for mercy, so the devil gave them two choices:

       either they die or he spreads the old illness around town

they went with the second option since they didn’t wanna die

the devil’s power was limited to fifty people every year, so he started spreding it

random people started getting the illness and it was chaos

the machine remained in it’s original location but after so many years, it pretty much isn’t working anymore and no one knew how to rebuild it

death spread around fast and everyone started loosing their minds

two mechanics (Bendy and Boris, two non blood related brothers) knew how to rebuild it but it required special items that couldn't’t be found at the time

Bendy gave up and tried to ignore the ever growing chaos until, he got it himself

he knew that he was gonna die at any moment but at least the illness isn’t contagious so he didn’t have to run away from his brother

Boris cried everyday, knowing that he might loose his only family,

his sorrow was strong enough to call an angel, who gave him a map that shows many temples, each one containing an item of the machine needed

“your adventure might take forever but the illness can take years to kill someone, you might have a chance to save everyone, and of course save him” said the angel

Boris told his bro to stay while he goes on this adventure, but Bendy refused to leave him alone and joined him on the quest;

and everyday Bendy tried to make his brother more capable of taking care of himself, cause who knows, he might die at any moment!

the devil heard of this and wasn’t very happy about it; he couldn’t do anything, but he only had a link with the two idiots who lost to him

he lied to them telling them that their lives are still in his hands; and warned them that he’ll kill them if they don’t stop Bendy and Boris from getting the lost ink machine items

so they went off to their quest to get rid of them.

This series was very popular in 2017 to 2019, but fans still remain and question if there is more of the story. Although the series is officially on a very long hiatus and I've already published fondues with primarily my own voice, I feel as though I owe the fans of the series a better quality experience of the series, and to achieve that, I wanted to make a large compilation of the comics with better voice actors and such.

Our main source of communication can be through email: [redacted] 

Please Audition Only If:

  • You have a good quality microphone and have a quiet place to record (please avoid background noise and echoing)

  • You are able to put emotions into your voice - make everything sound authentic 

  • Paypal (for the paying roles)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Antagonistic bully, later joining the main leads, but with deceptive morals. Brash, impulsive, manipulative and stubborn (tsundere tendencies), but cares deeply for his brother's wellbeing. His confidence comes from his strong beliefs of being correct. Has some grit in his deep voice. 

  • “It’s our duty to get rid of them, so we’re stickin’ to that! Nothin’ else is gonna kill ‘em except us!”

  • "You little..that’s how you wanna play, huh?”

  • “Hands off the kid- now!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Felix (adventurer/novelist)
cast offsite

A middle aged novelist who write about his adventures. Friendly, mature, confident and brave when a situation may arise, but loses his composure when in the presence of his new found crush, Oswald. Although idolized by main proganonist, Bendy, also seen as a father figure by many others.

  • "Oh my, how did I get roped into this?"

  • "Oh yes! That machine is quite the mystery. Its location is known, but it lacks multiple parts for it to work."

  • "With a little bit of exaggeration, but yes, most of it is true."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Donald Duck
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A member of Mickey's travelling circus. Foul mouthed, angered very easily, although appears disinterested in other characters that are sad or upset,  shows compassion when the situation calls for, whether it be him offering blunt advice or subtle support.

  • “The loss of Ortensia was sad for all of us, but I believe there’s something called ‘moving on’."

  • “It’s like I’m talking to a freagin’ wall.”

  • "Oswald, I know this is weird for me to say, but you shouldn't bottle up your emotions, it's not healthy for you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Extras
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Three different extras, all with relatively similar deep voices.

Brute believes highly in himself and his old fashioned ideas, his anger fuels his physical violence, he is very manipulative when he wants something. 

Black Hat is a sophisticated individual, taking his job very seriously and calling out his coworkers if they don't seem to be doing their job right. Is willing to be comfortable and sarcastic with those he is closer to. Cares deeply for his adoptive children, expressing guilt for fear of not parenting them well enough.

The raccoon thief is rather sneaky and malicious, but gives up his petty act of stealing when he no longer holds the position of power in the situation. Unlike most thieves, he isn't very crafty, or swift in what he does.

  • Brute: "Don’t you find it off that the MAN of the house has to make his own dinner, while you spend the night with your slutty friend?”

  • Black Hat: "Don't worry, he probably just wants to fire you or something."

  • Raccoon Thief: "Stop with the yelling and give me what you've got, boy!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Oswald is a member of his brother Mickey's circus. He resigned being a magician act after his wife, Ortensia, passed away from the ink illness.

When first introduced in the series, Oswald is a very depressed individual, not using his voice if he can help it. For the first bit, he only gasps, grunts and cries. His form of communication primarily being writing on a chalkboard.

Later in the series, Oswald begins to use his voice again, initially to make his brother and children happy. Oswald's personally reverts to how the characters had previously known him for; being sassy, suave mannered and teasing. 

  • "What's the point of going on anymore? All I have left is my kids and brother.."

  • "Why are you crying, bro? I only started talking again to make you happy."

  • "Hey! What business do you have with my son?"


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