Avatar : The Last Airbender - Taang Week by jinjinbun (reopening)

Project Overview

Original Link : https://www.castingcall.club/projects/taang-week-by-jinjinbun
After the 100 Year War, the Gaang have a reunion party together. There's a lot of tension though, especially between Toph and Aang. There's a lot of unfinished business too that needs to be resolved.

This comic is discontinued, but I have decided to post about it again because it's a favorite of mine.

There will be a lot of dialogue for Toph and Aang, so make sure you have quite a bit of time to record their lines. 

You do not have to know or watched Avatar: The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra to audition. I would like if you could learn to at least pronounce the names correctly. 

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  • Monetize on YouTube

    I have decided to monetize this dub. If you, as the voice actor of this project, feel this is wrong and want me to demonetized the series, I will happily do so if you contact me.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Avatar Aang
Role assigned to: Commander Neyo

Aang is immature and is still learning about romance. He has trouble understanding his own feelings and how to deal with difficult situations. He has a lot of inner dialogue and shouts quite a bit.

  • Huh. Her eyes.. They’re filled with such pain and anger. Such hopelessness. Was that my fault?

  • Oh, gosh.. Spirits, she’s gorgeous.. Nngh.. WHAT DO I SAY? With my current record.. I can’t mess this up. NO MORE CHANCES.

    But whatever I say, yes or no, She’ll think I’m just being affected by appearances!

  • Grr. I HATE CHU! (whimper and cry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Toph Beifong
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Toph is a strong earthbender who is stubborn and headstrong. She cannot express her feelings well and argues a lot with Aang. She has a lot of inner dialogue and shouts quite often.

  • (drunk) Hey! Aang! So what’s a handsome guy like you doin’ out here all alone, huh Twinkles?

  • I’ve never met your standards for perfection, after all. And I know this isn't exactly the best time to say this..

    Especially since you and Katara just broke up and everything. But..

    I.. forgive you.

  • WHOA! What’re you squeez- ack. TOO CLOSE. Hey hey careful or we’re going to faAAAAARGH!

Fire Lord Zuko
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Zuko sings Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. Zuko plays guitar (i think) with the song, so if you would like to play guitar with the song, instead of using the music, then I would prefer that more. I do not usually work with music, so I would like if you submit the lines with the music. I would also like if you could also voice Zuko's lines just for consistency's sake.

  • Pst! KATARA.. I thought this was an UNITED EFFORT?!

  • ~I set out on a narroway. / Many years ago / Hoping I would find true love. / Along the broken road. / But I got lost a time or two / Wiped my brow, kept pushing through. / I couldn’t see how every sign, / painted straight to you.~

    ~Every long lost dream. / Led me to where you are. / Others who broke my heart- / They were like Northern Stars. / Pointing me on my way into your loving arms. / This much I know is true / That God blessed the broken road. / That led me straight to you.~

  • Feh. Easy for you to say. You put Aang off until it was impossible to go back to being “just friends”.. Plus you rejected me after Azula shot me. Not that I’m bitter or anything.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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She is the older sister figure of the group and looks out for everyone. She's very expressive (some might say moody) and has a short temper.

  • Hey. Umm.. I just wanted to see if you were doing alright. You know, you haven’t been back for hours and Zuko’s going to-.. To-.. Oh spirits this is awkward..

  • YOU. You’ve got some nerve, questioning my commitment to Aang. Aang treats me and opinions with respect.

    I know I can depend on him not to let me down— UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE I COULD MENTION.

  • Pfft. Just kidding. It’s natural for guys like you to have problems committing, anyway.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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He is the older brother figure of the group and give guidance when he can. He has a lot of fun and silly lines, so hopefully you can do those pretty well.

  • OMG! The building’s collapsing! We’re all going to dieeeeeeeeeee-

  • Uh in theory.. But I don’t think Yue would’ve wanted me to mourn her forever. I think.. The best kind of love.. Is not to say, “I’d die with you.”

    But, “I can go on.. Even if you aren’t here.”

    “Because in my heart, you will never leave me.”

  • (drunken hiccup) HZC! Betcher, too CHICKEN to tell Aang how you se feel ‘bout him..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Avatar Kuruk
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He appears briefly in a flashback.

  • Ummi..!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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She is the girlfriend of Zuko. She appears briefly in a flashback. 

  • WHOOOooooo. Grr.


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