Avatar the Last Airbender Comic Dub: The Promise Part 3
Project Overview
Hello! I am doing a comic dub of Avatar The Last Airbender: The Promise Part 3. I did Part 1 in 2015 and Part 2 in 2020. They've been spaced out a TON over the years due to many different factors. I decided I wouldn't even bother doing Part 3 since I lost contact with all the VAs, and didn't know if I really wanted to continue. Well this whole week I started thinking about it and decided, screw it, I'm doing this! I have way more free time in life since I'm not in college anymore, I'm still just as obsessed with Avatar as I was then, so I'm going to do Part 3! I do need new voice actors, as I've lost contact with a lot, (aside from a select few) and a majority probably don't even voice act anymore. For Part 3, the quality is going to be MUCH better than the other 2. I've gotten way better at editing comic dubs and vocals, and am so excited to complete this trilogy! The deadline for now is May 15th at midnight Central time, but I may extend it if need be.
The Harmony Restoration Movement has taken a turn for the worst as Earth King Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko lead their armies into battle in order to achieve their opposite intentions for the Yu Dao colony: Kuei wants the colonials to leave for the Fire Nation, and Zuko plans to keep his people where they believe they belong. As the two nations enter conflict once more, Aang and Katara attempt to negotiate peace within the city's walls while Sokka and Toph meet with an old friend at the Metalbending Academy. If war is to be averted, Team Avatar must find a way to resolve the Yu Dao crisis. Aang may be able to do so with his only option: keeping his promise to Fire Lord Zuko.
-Discord for communication purposes
-A good quality mic (XLR is preferred, but USB is acceptable too)
-A good recording environment (Limited background noise, no echo, etc)
-Good communication! I would like to get this project done as soon as I can, so I'll need the cast to have good communication skills to help that happen!
-Ability to yell! (certain characters are battling and fighting throughout this comic, so the ability to sound urgent and raise your voice would be very beneficial!)
The characters are sorted by 3 types
MAIN- These are characters who are the main characters of the comic, and have a lot of lines
SIDE- These are characters who play an important role in the comic, and have a decent amount of lines
MINOR- These are characters who are briefly in the comic, and only have a few lines
Check out the quality of my most recent work here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi1m119pF3o&ab_channel=Caraboo900
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Voice reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bDIjK6OHVV_pfsYh2DrNDFIGth7vuA_A/view?usp=share_link
Aang is the last airbender, and also the Avatar! He recently defeated Ozai, and is now trying to figure out how to keep peace between the 4 nations. These comics take place about a year after the show ends. I'm looking for a slightly younger sounding voice, but it doesn't have to be AS young as Aang sounds in the show, as Aang's voice would be starting to drop by now. Sort of like Aang mid-puberty xD I'm open to hearing all different voice types though!
- male teen
- androgynous
- child
- male child
- neutral
- american
(disappointed) Whenever two nations come together, the stronger one can't help but hurt the weaker one. They'll conquer or burn or, at the very least, make a JOKE of the weaker nation.
(angry and in the avatar state) The harmony restoration movement was such a simple plan! Why couldn't you just follow it through?!
(encouraging/happy) It's a new world Zuko! You need to take some new risks. We all do.
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajHYExlitRc&ab_channel=Avatar%3ATheLastAirbender
Sokka is the brother of Katara and a best friend of Aang. He is funny, sarcastic, and a great leader. His voice is raspy and unique, and he voice cracks a lot. I would love for someone to try and sound as close to the original voice actor, Jack DeSena, as possible!
- male teen
- american
(bored/slightly annoyed) Katara and Aang should have picked me up by now. They're probably so caught up in their own oogieness they forgot all about me.
All right. Step one. Toph, can you get us into one of those tanks undetected?
(excited) Ooo ooo ooo! That's it! That's step two! "Screwy!"
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTu_GbblMIY&ab_channel=Avatar%3ATheLastAirbender
Suki is a member of Team Avatar and also a Kyoshi Warrior. She is currently dating Sokka, and she's a great fighter and leader. I'd like her voice to sound similar to the show!
- female teen
- american
(mid-battle) I don't think we've got a second!
(concerned) I don't know. He just seems so....so lonely.
I'm sorry to take you away from your students, Toph.
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/cs95gaAK7io?t=39
Roku is the Avatar before Aang. Aang comes to him often for advice on what to do. He has an older and wiser sounding voice.
- male senior
- american
(commanding) Now fulfill your promise and restore the world to harmony!
Empty yourself, Aang, and contemplate the world. Then you will understand.
(upset) By refusing to take decisive action, you continue to put the world at risk!
Sneers was a member of the Freedom Fighters. He is now dating Kori, and a member of the Yu Dao Resistance, a resistance to keep fire nation colonials in the city of Yu Dao. A lot of jokes are made towards him for dating a girl way above his league. For his voice, I'm open to anything!
- male teen
- american
(annoyed) Why does everyone keep saying that?
Listen, Smellerbee, maybe we've been thinking about this all wrong. What if Yu Dao is neither Fire Nation NOR Earth Kingdom?
(surprised/worried) No way! An entire army...?!
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/rdS_K3mdEBE?t=1358
Kori is the daughter of a Fire Nation citizen and Earth Kingdom citizen. She believes her family shouldn't have to get separated into their original nations for the sake of harmony. She attempted to assassinate Prince Zuko in Part 1, and has been leading the Yu Dao Resistance ever since. She is also dating Sneers. For her voice, I'd like something similar to the voice I had in Parts 1 & 2. She has a very confident tone and is always determined to do what she believes is right.
- female teen
- american
My name is Kori Morishita! And we are the Yu Dao Resistance!
Well, if you won't help us, Avatar Aang, maybe one of THOSE avatars will.
(angry) You can't force us from Yu Dao!
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/qU1J9DiQzDw?t=5
Smellerbee is one of Jet's previous Freedom Fighters. She has always hated the Fire Nation, and is leading a team of earthbenders and Earth Kingdom citizens to get the Fire Nation colonists out of Yu Dao. Her voice is very raspy, and she often gets confused for being a boy. I'd like her voice to be as close to the show as possible!
- female teen
- androgynous
- male child
- female child
- american
(angry) You're dating an ASH MAKER!? How could you?!
(mid-battle) Attack!!!
Looks like the Earth King's finally stepped up to his responsibilities.
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/SY3R8KT5WgA?t=4
General How is a general of the Earth King. It's his duty to protect him and lead his army. For his voice I'm not too picky, just something similar to the show!
- male adult
- american
(yelling over a battle) With all due respect Fire Lord Zuko, you stand on Earth Kingdom soil! Your words have no authority!
The dragon may still have its head, but perhaps now it's lost its legs...
Fire Nation colonials who remain in the city are hereby declared CRIMINALS, and shall be ARRESTED ON SIGHT!
Xing Ying is the leader of the Yu Dao chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club. She follows Air Nomad culture, and even got real airbending tattoos. She really respects Aang and the entire Air Nation. For her voice, I'm down for anything!
- female teen
- american
(reassuring/nervous) Oh we know Avatar Aang! For a fan club member to receive her tattoos, she must master hundreds of airbender-like forms!
(confident) Oh, these aren't paint. They're REAL tattoos, we use the same ink you-
Stay back Avatar Aang! We'll protect you!
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/rdS_K3mdEBE?t=663
Ho Tun is one of Toph's metalbending students. He is terrified of literally everything, and is always complaining about doom. For his voice I would like sort of a "big oaf" type sound. Similar to how the voice actor for Parts 1 & 2 portrayed him.
- male teen
- male adult
- american
(scared/upset) We're DOOMED!!!
Hey, The Dark One? I think you're taking this "soul of a poet" thing too seriously. No offense.
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/rdS_K3mdEBE?t=663
Penga is one of Toph's metalbending students. She is super spoiled, and always whining about shoes. She also had a big crush on Sokka in Part 2! For her voice, I'd like something young sounding, but also sort of whiny. Similar to the VAs I had for Parts 1 & 2.
- female child
- female teen
- american
(whiny) I wanna go with you! I'm ready!
(upset) Nooooo!!! Not my shoes!!
Voice reference: https://youtu.be/rdS_K3mdEBE?t=663
The Dark One is one of Toph's metalbending students. He is portrayed as having no emotion, being annoyed by everyone, and hating everything. At the end of Part 2, he comes out of his shell a little more and expresses his love of poetry. For his voice, I'd like a deep, mysterious voice that's similar to the VAs in Parts 1 & 2.
- male teen
- male adult
- american
I HATE all of you.
(poetically) Oh, cruel abandonment! My bones turn to dust beneath the gaze of your ever-mocking smile!
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ2ue2zA2ck&ab_channel=Avatar%3ATheLastAirbender
Uncle Iroh is the brother of Ozai, and the uncle of Zuko and Azula. He's a very caring and wise man. I'd love for his voice to sound as close to the show as possible!
- male adult
- male senior
- japanese
- japanese american
Sometimes, dreams are the way a person's spirit reveals the answer to his problems.
I think you are wise to choose happiness and love!
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg8PtKWpC9k&ab_channel=pawla
Azula is the sister of Zuko, daughter of Ursa and Firelord Ozai, and one of the main villains in the show. After the show she ended up in a psych ward, but in this comic Zuko approaches her for help. She has a minor role with only a few lines. I would really like her voice to be as close to Grey DeLisle's as possible!
- female adult
- female teen
- american
I'm about to celebrate being an only child!!
(sarcastic/condescending) Don't be silly, Zu-Zu! The satisfaction of serving the Fire Lord in some small way will be compensation enough!
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DmGgeI0GJ0&ab_channel=Avatar%3ATheLastAirbender
Ursa is Zuko and Azula's Mom! She only has a line or two so she is a very minor character in this comic. I'd like her voice to sound motherly and sweet, similar to the original!
- female adult
- american
No. I LOVED watching you. That's who you are, Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard.
*soft crying sounds*
This nameless Fire Nation soldier is a minor role and is seen by Zuko's side throughout the comic. He is extremely loyal, and willing to put his life on the line for Zuko. For his voice, I'm up for anything!
- male adult
- american
(panicked) Fire Lord, our tanks-!
Fire Lord Zuko! We've landed on the shores of the Earth Kingdom!