Project Overview
(Roles have been casted over all of April's try-outs, now another Month till the end of May to fill up other roles. Try-out any roles not casted! Remember, multiple roles aloud to try out, and you can be casted more than once :D)
Genre:Anthropomorphic / Drama / Fantasy / Science Fiction
The comic is finished, ending with 452 pages.
This comic contains graphic material such as hunting, murder and sexual behavior.
Read from left to right.
See here for Whole Comic by Kique7 on DeviantArt -
I will be turning his comic into an Audio Read-out for Youtube. I will need a lot of voice Actors/Acctresses to make this possible. So a lot of roles avaliable for both Male and Female. You will have choice between being a Dog/Wolf, Feline/Panter, or even a Hare, as there is a talking Hare in this. (I suggest reading the comic to first to get a feel for it, and the character you have chosen to Audition. Although that isn't neccessary to nail a role. You just need a clear microphone, be able to be serious, emotional, and get loud with it. Really become the character, and you shall get the character!)
I'm giving this project a Month to find all the voice Actors/Acctresses I need to get this thing going. That's all of April to read the comic, or just the description I put of the character to Audition. You can Audition more than once if you depict two ways that one character may sound. You can also audition more than one character, even all of your gender if you wished. Heck if your a girl with a cool guy impression, or vise versa, go for it! You may just nail an opposite sex role! xD
Please only Audition if you are serious about maintaining your role as that character throughout all of Asmundr. There is a sequal of Asmundr the creator is currently working on called Home, but if I do decide to make that an Audio read-out also upon completion, only if this one goes well, then I will not neccessarily make you do the Sequal, though if it comes to it, I will ask you, and you can go on to help me, or politely decline. ^^
I need people that are okay with swearing, and viloence, as the warning states above. You can audition if you are young, but only if you are aloud to, I would prefur older, but will keep an open-mind to allow young ones to help with this project. But you must be able to if chosen send me wav or mp3 files via an email, or even on DeviantArt if not able to email. Also being able to add my cast on Skype, possibly to a group we can all keep in touch with one anothers progress in, that would be good too. I will send you if you get the part your lines via the comic strips your featured in, and a script on google docs, so you need to be able to use google docs also. Although I can send you via emails the script also!
If you get a part, please keep in mind I may want you to whimper, growl, or bark. That isn't deffinate though. Maybe even howling xD
And finally some roles you may have to do young version of character and adult, so do check to see if a young one has an adult version, you could try out both if you liked ^^
That is all, if your still interested, then good luck auditioning! :D
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Young, playful, and fun loving. He sounds young, and still has a long way to go in life, only being a youngster just coming into adulthood. He is always interested in what's going on around him, and eager to help out, even if he always seems to fail at that, it never dampens his spirit. (He is only a short role)
What is it? What does it say? (eager to know, and with a lot of interest)
It's just a stupid joke... (says slightly unsure/worried, trying to assure himself it's all going to be okay)
Guys, Johaan is running ahead. (says to alert the others arguing, almost ecitedly that he has done something to help the pack)

He is very informative, keeping guard. He has a kind heart. Just a normal male voice for him.
Shit! Don't sneak up on me like that, huntress! (startled)
I don't know, but it wasn't a loner. There are fresh tracks from theree more canines and one feline. (says informatively)
I havn't seen her in a while... (slightly worried)

Another short role. Just sound like the cheif of the hunting part of the pack.
Should we kill them, master? (says wondering)
The coward? (suddenly curious)
I think he's lying (says hushed and stern)

He is cold hearted, and cruel. He is a leader, so shows assertiveness. I imagine him with a bold sounding voice, maybe deep.
Welcome to Asmundr, intruder. (smug)
Then you should leave. My pack won't be as kind to you if you step over my border again. (stern and thereatening)
Not you, sweetie. I think you should stay. My pack can offer so much more for a young female like yourself.

He is the old leader of the pack, old and wise. He cares about the well-being of his pack, and respects others around him, not being a harsh ex leader. He sounds wise, and still shows leadership in his voice.
This must have happened last night. (said seriously)
No, probably an outcast by the looks of it. She's been scavenging on berries for quite some time. (said thoughtfully)
Let's lay her at the bushes. Outcast or not, she deserves a decent burial. Be quiet about this, there's no need to worry the pack. (said seriously)

Just a cute young male sounding voice. (he will be in the sequal if I choose to do that in future)
Morning! (excitable)

Eyyy! Where do you think you're going, little girl? (says flirtily)

Just sound like a little pup. (she also has a role later as a teen)
Hehehhe! (childish laughter)

Very old,and sounds very wise. He is a god, so think godly with his voice.
It's too early to reveal... You will not understand.
You must listen, Kainan. Now is the time for you to become the leader you really are... Every follower shall find prosperity with you as their King.
You must continue your journey and end the life of your enemy. He can not fulfill his destiny or Asmundr will fall. Focus on your target. Destroy the Shield Wolf.

He is independant and curagious. He sounds stern and serious, looking out for his siblings all the time.
I barely even touched you. (says smugly)
Let's race! (says excitedly)
Were staying here?! (in protest)

He is kind, caring, and soft, but still strong. He speaks softly, but still boldly also.
I'm not going to hurt you (reassuring)
I apologize on behalf of my sister, she's usually not like this. (pause, then say crossly) Urrrr, your shouting is for sure going to give our position away.
It's kind of a common belief that everyone in Asmundr has a curse that follows them wherever they go. A curse of bad luck. (says knowingly)

He is stern, straight to the point, and although caring deep down, he has a sour outer to him. I imagine him with a serious type voice.
What the hell?! (snappy and cross) Do NOT touch my tail! (said assertively and crossly)
I don't like him anyway. (said smugly and un-caringingly)
It was tough for all of us to watch. You just have to be a strong pup. (showing his king-hearted side now, trying to reaasure the youngster of a shocking sight)

What is your name?
My name is Nitta, do you wanna play?

Very fidgety, always wanting to be on the move. She enjoys to learn new things, but gets bored over time.
Ok, can I go now?
How do you make the knives?
That sounds fun! Can we go now?? Please??


Still childish and fun-loving for his age. Think howe lenny from of mice and men would speak for him.
We decided to name the place Starfall! (excitable)
(whimper sounding worried)
Where are we going? (excited) I'm going alone? (slightly confused)

HA! (sharp laugh)
Where are you going, little doggy?! (menacingly said almost teasingly)
What the... (slightly worried now)

Speaks in a wise godly way. Soft spoken, and someone to look up to.
Kainan... You and your pack have proven to me that your species is so much more than I expected. I chose you to become the guardian and leader of Asmundr because mother and father were a step ahead of the rest... But I could never have foreseen how much greater you would become.
My kind will no longer interact with yours, but I will always guard the skies.
Thank you for the journey... Farewell, my friend...

He sounds gruff likes Ranulfr. But wise and fartherly.
Stay close.
This is not what our creators intended. We were placed on this ground to thrive and take over, to become the dominant species. We failed them.
The mark reveals your energy. You have to seek for others like you. If you can't find another marked wolf your power will fade.

He is bolt, curagiouas, a bit of a show off, fun, and cheeky. He has a cool kind of chilled out type guys voice.
I am very strong for my age. I've got a scar on my paw. I don't know what bit me, but it must have been a huge predator. It probably ran away when it saw my muscles. (says boldly, showing off)
What do you mean? The best part is when they walk away... (keeping his cool)
Now that is a den fit for a king... (says in amazement)

He is the pack leader. He must show assertiveness, dominance, but also a caring side too. He makes all the serious/regretful decisions, and must always remain strong through out. You will need to show a lot of ranges of emotion for him. I imagine him with a deep, stern, and serious voice. (he is a main character, so a big role)
I'm so sorry, what you did was very brave. Take a deep breath... Now close your eyes. Sleep and the pain will fade away...
We fell down a hole and tried to find a way out. I swear we mean you no harm. (said reassuringly)
So, you know the pack isn't going to let Zahira join. (said seriously to get the point across)

She has a cute young high child voice. She shows frustration when she can't learn something right, and like a typical child, finds love gross, and shows a great interest in the world around her. (you can play both young Lifa, and Adult Lifa if you want, but I may cast two people for her two role stages. Young Lifa is a short role, Adult Lifa is a longer role)
A hole? (said with confusion and interest)
Yuck! (disgusted by love)
It's Kainan! I want to jump on the roof too! (all excitable)

He is wise, brave, cunning, and always looking out for his pack.
Ugh I hate hunting... I feel like a traitor. Though I have to admit I do like the thrill...
You know mother doesn't like it when you brag, Lifa. (says seriously)
I think we should go now... (said seriously with worry)

He is very cunning, wise, and clever. He helps those in need, even outsiders. I imagine him having a bold knowing sort of voice.
We can talk once we are safe. The Dreyrugr will probably return with backup. Follow me (assertive)
Welcome to my den! The potions are made from plants, poisonous frogs... (quick pause) These spears have been with my kind for generations. There's been a lot of theories about who gave them to us, and how they were made, but no one really knows.
Well, the Dreyrugr's have never been good at saying goodbye... (flashback next shouting) Haha! You don't like that do you?! I PISS ON YOUR FACE! We could have had a tearful goodbye, but you had to go and SNAP LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO! NO! Biting isn't always the answer!

She is stern sounding, a bit grouchy, and likes to keep to herself, though she always has her best interest for her brother Grayson. He is her weak spot. She can lose her temper from time to time though...
And it's time for you to leave. (stern)
Hmpf! See?! She is nothing but trouble. Her scent is all over the place! They will find us by the time the sun touches the lake! (cross shouting)
We don't expect a pack dog to understand. (says smugly)

At first she has a stern sounding, snide sort of voice. But as she gets used to others, she shows a softer, caring, and loving side of herself. I imagine her with a mature female voice, deep, but still girly. Maybe even a bit of an accent, as she is sort of lost in an underground tribe, so her voice/accent wouldf differ to the upper packs. But an accent isn't neccessarily neccessary. xD
The chains were made by the Sky Gods, so I suggest that you stop wasting your time... (said sternly and almost smug about it)
You mean... As a pack member? (said hopefully in disbelief)
Wake up... (said as a hushed sharp whisper) We have to leave now while the sun is still up. My leader plans to kill you both. (still hushed whispering of a serious tone) You just have to trust me I guess. (said seriously, but also with a sign of being smug about it all)

She is caring, and very mothering. She shows concern when others are hurt, or if she is worried, and I depict her as having a soft, wise, mothering type voice.
Long hunt, Kainan? (wonder and concern of why he took so long to return) And where is Raimo? (sudden concern)
Revolver and I are growing old, and we would like you to take the role as leader together with Nitta. She misses Finn, but we all have to move on. Spend some time with her, and she will soften up to you. (said seriously, but also soft too)
Oh! (slightly surprised at what she has heard) I'm glad he found someone that can handle his crazy temper. (is cheerful sounding)

Deep, raspy, and sort of growled speech.
Draugr rakki... The undead dog...
Life taken by the stream, heart unfrozen by Fridulfr... Tell me, Draugr Rakki, why have you returned to my realm?
You used me... You took advantage of my power... But worst of all... You ran away from your home. Abandoned those who needed you most.

He is very curious and playful, doesn't take anthing seriosly as he just always wants to play. He has a silly sort of derpy type voice. Think Lenny from 'of mice and men'. Only sounding young as a kid.
Hi mom! (all excitable)
But it's so cold and hard to breath here... (exasuted)

He is the bad guy of this comic. He has no compassion, is sick, twisted, and evil. However through out he does begin to warm up in ways, but is still led on by his dark ways. I imagine him with a very deep voice. Sounding evil, dark, aggressive, and just no feeling what so ever. I am going to be very picky about who gets his part, as he is my fav character from the comic. I may even add effects to give him more edge when I choose who's voice I like best. So all you deep voiced males, get auditioning, and give it all you got!
Well... I want your territory to be mine and your pack dead. Very simple, old man.
You don't know who I am do you? My name is Ranulfr. I'm a descendant of the Liulfr bloodline, a Shield wolf...
What a pathetic Alpha you are... You're not even fighting back! (now sudden surprise after saying first part smugly) It can't be... The mark...

She is kind hearted, and shows understanding. She is quite the fighter. I imagine her with a soft female voice.
What are you doing? Who was that? (wondering)
A feline? Prairie cats don't travel this far up north. (slightly bewildered)
It's time to alert the leader, they're getting too close to the border. (said seriously)

The adult version of Lifa is always eager to discover and do new things. She is quite the bragger when she succeeds at something, and feels she can take care of herself. She shows a deep understanding in serious situations though. However she can also be secretive, and decietful, like her sister Nitta. I magine her with a stern female voice, but also sounding sweet and caring at times. She sure is a fighter!
You can look now Piccolo! (says reassuringly) I can't wait to tell them I did it! (bragful and exciteful, feeling such pride)
Ew, who is that? Do I know you? You look familiar, but I dn't recognize your scent...
Your ridiculous attempt to charm me has failed. (says smugly and sternly) Let's go home, Piccolo. (said seriously)

Just sound girly, or sexy, it's only a small role xD
(little girly chuckle)
Look, you are very sweet, whatever your name is, but a little bit too short... (says sweetly)
Fairwell, pup! (says sweetly with a chuckle)

She loves to sing (don't worry, no singing needed xD) is affectionate, but competetive. She has a sweet young voice.
Yes... I howl at the stars every night. And sometimes they sing back to me! (sweet sounding)
Father! (said excitedly) I know that mum! The star told me to call him father. (says sweetly)
I got to meet the rest of the pack yesturday. I liked them a lot... I don't understand why they had to leave. (says sort of saddened)

No one is allowed to talk to the Rifle. (stern)
Who? (slightly confused)
Johaan told me to leave him! He said they needed to talk. (says seriously)

I may need people who can make animal sounds, so go crazy and have a laugh with this audition! A lot will win this audition if I decide to use people making realistic animal noises :p
(Puppy Noises) eg whining, whimpering, yapping, barking, cute baby howling, yawning, snoring. ^^ Think puppy! xD
(Dog Noises) eg growling, barking, howling, whimpering, yelping. THINK DOG! xD
(Feline Noises) eg hissing, growling, meowing, purring, just think cat! xD

Mwraw! (fussy baby cat noise like a growl of protest)

Why so rude, beautiful? (says flirtingly)
It's just me. (says reassuringly, then pause a moment) So um, you're just going to take my kill ay? Ya know, I've been tracking that deer for two days now! (slightly annoyed)
Look, if you have hungry pups somewhere you can stay here until they are stronger, I won't bother you, but you have to stay away from my kills. (says calmly, but seriously)

Excitable, affectionate, and compassionate. She has a very sweet loving voice. Very cheeky, and giggles a lot too possibly.
We're back mom! (excited)
It took us four days, but we finally tracked it down! (bragging)
It's only your power that is fading, mom... (says softly with worry)

Sound like a cool guy, totally chilled out by everything, and down for a good laugh.
Embarassing... (laughs a bit)
Are we there yet? (impatient sounding)
Well done brother! He did it! (cheerful)

He is competetive, playful, and protective over his brother, even if he does tease him a little about girls. Just a normal guys voice.
Another failure, Rhov. (laughs)
Then why are we still walking? (confused)
Rhovanion can have it. It's too big for my taste anyway. (says thoughtfully)

My King... (respectful)
Ha ha ha... I understand now why your kind use these things. It is quite.. Fun!! (menacingly said, torturingly)
Poor dog... Let me put you out of your- (said sickly)

He is stern, shows leadership, and I imagine him with a deep voice. (A Short Role)
You walked into one of our traps. (straight to the point and said knowingly)
Let's get one thing clear... Try to escape or attack us... and you will be killed instantly. (very stern and assertive, sounding threatening)
I can see the honesty in you Kainan, but not in your hot tempered friend. You will remain chained. (still stern, maintaining his authority)

She is caring, but also a worrier. When danger lurks, it makes her feel uneasy. She has an ordinary female voice.
What was that?! (jumpy and worried)
Our pack is big, why would a lone male attack us? (said with wonder and worry)
Yes, but I'm leaving... There's a large male roaming near... I'm not staying to find out what he wants. (says with worry)

Nitta is a gentle female, but can hold a grudge for quite some time. She has an understanding, and gives a chance to anybody, even a chance for evil to be good. I imagine her with a soft sweet female voice.
We must leave our territory, father (said with worry)
She's not eating, nor sleeping, just laying there... And the ravens have been gone for a while now... (saying quietly with worry and care)
No, I have to go with Kainan (said seriously) You don't have to worry. I will be back soon. (said reassuringly)

Stern sounding, always looking out for the pack. He risks his own life to save those in the pack. So although stern and iritated by fooling around in a serious situation, he has everybodies best interests at heart. I imagine him with a reasonably deep, serious voice.
Idiots... (said with frustration, irritated by all the goofing around in his pack)
All I remember is that I woke up on the shore... With the bear I attacked laying beside me... A red mist began to seep out of the carcass. Th air was suddenly thick with the smell of death. Then the mist took shape of a wolf... and dissapeared... (slight pause) I won't be offended if you choose not to believe me.
Of course not! You only saw the worst part of it yesturday. There are some decent members in the pack. (defending his pack)

I can't walk any further, Johaan. (exausted)
What's going on? (wonder)

...What kind of animal could leave scratch marks that big? (shuddery and nervous)
HA! (smug laugh)

The demon wolf?
He doesn't exist, idiot. (laughing)
I think it's time for Rhass to pick a new lead hunter.

Talks like the leader of the siblings, looking out for his siblings. He talks stern, but not as stern as his father as he has a softer side.Almost always serious and informative sounding.
It's safe, the snow is deep enough. (reassuringlyy and informative)
You need to eat. (says sternly, almost commandingly)
What's the point?! (cross, raising voice now) All we do every day is hunt for scraps, chew bones and eat snow! We all hate it here. It's not our home and never has been... (stern towards the end) It belonged to someone else, but you claimed it like your own, and chased them away... Just like Ranulf. (really getting at her now with his opinion)
Public Submissions