Ask or dare the Eeveelutions part 1 {re-make} {You Can Still Do The Project People}
Project Overview
Ask Or Dare The Eeveelutions Part 1 Is Here!
Part 2 coming around May 18 or something...
But I Need Some Asks And Dares From All Of You.
Thanks For Being Here!
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- english
- 12 year old male Jolteon
- Both English
- 12 year old Male Flareon
- Both kind and funny
- teamwork
- both Logic pros
{Pyro The Flareon} Today Is Going To Be Great.
{Thunder The Jolteon} Hi Pyro
{Pyro The Flareon} Hi Thunder. How Are You? {Thunder The Jolteon} Im Good.

- english
- Glaceon Protective/smart
- 12 year old female glaceon
- 12 year old male Leafeon
- kind and funny
- Leafeon Kind/funny/smart
- Both English
- Keeping eachother safe/teamwork
- Logic pro
{Icey The Glaceon} So What Are We Doing?
{Mikeal The Leafeon} Okay Icey, There Is Something Going On Today And I Know That You Know.
{Icey The Glaceon} Mikeal What Do You Mea- Oh... No... Its Ask or Dare Day... Im Going To Be The Target Am I? {Mikeal The Leafeon} Maybe. {Icey The Glaceon} Why Me...

- english
- Vaporeon is kind/funny
- Espeon and Vaporeon are both 12 year old girls
- Espeon is smart/logic pro
- Both English
- Logic pro
- Protecting Life on earth
{Rainer The Vaporeon} So Then i- {Then Glaceon Gets To Rainer And Sakura} {Icey The Glaceon} Guys I Need To Say Something.
{Sakura The Espeon} Whats Going On? {Icey The Glaceon} Its Ask Or Dare Day...
{Rainer The Vaporeon} It Is? Well Then Im Ready For A Dare At Any Time! {Sakura The Espeon} Well Now Icey Will Be The Target... This Is Not Good.

- english
- sylveon is a 12 year old girl
- Umbreon is a 12 year old male
- all english accents
- Sylveon Kind/energy 24/7
- Smart
- they are bad around eachother
- Logic pro
{Kira The Sylveon} Wow These Flowers Would Look Good On You, Right Midnight?
{Midnight The Umbreon} Whatever...
{Kira The Sylveon} I Guess Thats a Yes! {Midnight The Umbreon} WAIT NO DONT YOU-

- english
- all english accents
- Eevee is a 5 year old girl
- Eevee has curiosity
- Ghosteon has a broken heart but he is finally happy because of the other eeveelutions
- Ghosteon is a 12-13 year old male
- Friends
- Logic pro
{Mia The Eevee} Hi Ghost.
{Ghost The Ghosteon} Hello Mia.
{Mia The Eevee} Where is Everyone? {Ghost The Ghosteon} I Dont Know.
- english
- StarEevee is a female teen
- MoonEevee is A Female Child
- all english accents
- Both Kind and royal to the star kingdom
- Kind/special
- The Rainbow star festival
{StarEevee} Moon... I Think Something Is Off...
{MoonEevee} What Do You Mean Star?
{StarEevee} I Think We Should Check Up With SunEevee And NightEevee...

So The Picture For This Is Something That I Drew
- english
- kind
- SunEevee is a 11 year old female child
- NightEevee is a 8 year old female child
- Both are English
- funny
- wise
- Logic pro
- Protecting The Sun kingdom and the Rainbow sun
{SunEevee} Sis Someone Is At The Door, Can You Answer It?
{NightEevee} Yeah I Will Answer It.
{NightEevee} Oh Hi Star- {StarEevee} Not Right Now Something Is Off Okay, And Where Is SunEevee?
- english
- Logic pro
- animation artist
- 2d animation
*Say something you think would fit*

I Wanted One Of The Eeveelutions Be Able To Sing So The First Eeveelution That Came To My Mind Was Sylveon!
- english
- 12 year old female
- kind
- all english accents
- Sweetheart
- energy 24/7
- Singer
- Makeing Friends
- Loves To Sing
*Sing Or Make Your Own Song That Would Fit With Sylveon*

- english
- 20-21 year old male adult
- all english accents
- Male Adult
- devious
- Love For Treasure
- Fast at making a option
- Thinks he is smart
Uh... Okay Whatever, Nevermind.
What is this place? I Dont See No Diamonds Gold Or Treasure...
You- You Don't Know Anything About Me! You Don't Know Who I Am!

- english
- male adult
- all english accents
- evil
- not trusting
- The Rainbow Star Shards
- Evil Pro
*Say Something That Maliceon Would Say*
Public Submissions