Archie Sonic The Hedgehog (Post-SGW) Dub || Issue #252
Project Overview
This a fan dub of Archie Sonic The Hedgehog Issue #252, all voices besides King Acorn have been cast. This post is solely to interest that one magical King Acorn voice we still need. Please Apply! The role is unpaid as this is just for fun.
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In the Sonic The Hedgehog animated series he was voiced with a slight British accent, if you would like to showcase that in your addition go right ahead. The main thing I'm looking for however is a sense of maturity and dignity in the voice. A sincere fatherly voice with the power of a king behind it.
"Nicole! Boys! Thank heavens you're safe! Did Naugus give you any trouble?"
"The coward, no worries, I'm sure you'll find him in time."
"While I would not ask you to prioritize your friends... I ask you to let me know the moment you've found my daughter."