Aquaman Series
Project Overview
This is my lego Aquaman series for the DCBU, the link is to the first episode.Disclaimer: If you get casted, it may take a few months or more for you to get your lines because the part you audition for does not become part of the story until later. This may not always be the case.
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Murk is a gentle giant that will always fight for his friends. He may not be the smartest person, but he is on the most loyal.
Your hurt my friend, you are going to pay!
Hello, my name is Murk, leader of the army.
Who wants a hug!!

Tula is flirtatious, rude on the outside, tough, quiet, sneaky, but nice on the inside. She is homeless girl that goes around Atlantis stealing food
Say something you think would fit.
You think that you can steal from me, I don't think so.
Hey Garth, do you mind handing me that?

Mera gets angry very easily, but when is not angry, she is a strong leader, kind, brave, stubborn, impulsive, serious and intelligent. She is sent from Xebel to kill Aquaman, but instead falls in love with him
Say something you think would fit.
Target is in sight, 1 minute until extermination.
Arthur, this way should lead us out of here.

This is the chief scientific advisor and the instructor's assistant for young atlanteans. He is wise, but also excited
Say something you think would fit.
Don't you want to learn about magic, it is very interesting!!
Hello, I am Vulko, how are you doing?

When he is not in the Ocean Master suit and is just Orm, he is charming, caring, and prideful, but when he is Ocean Master, he is angry, prideful, and confident.
Say something you think would fit.
Hello brother, funny seeing you here at this hour.
I deserve the throne and you know it!!!!

Garth is a respectful, witty, courages, energetic, gullible, but is also not the smartest. He is the head of his class in young atlanteans training since he can create water constructions.
Say something you think would fit.
Black Manta, that's your name, sounds like something you order off a menu. Like can I have the Black Manta please, thank you.
Hello my king, it is a pleasure meeting you.

Gary is clumsy, finicky, loyal, scared, but will have confident when needed. He is also the personal guard of Aquaman
Say something you think would fit.
Sorry Orm, I have some things planned.
When your mother came back to Atlantis to protect you, she was forced to remarry, and so she had another son.
Public Submissions