Apex Shadow - Episode #01 - A Fear of Flying (Dark Super Hero Audio Drama)

Project Overview
Hey, everyone!
My name's Joseph Bozlinski, AKA ValiantShadow in various places across the hive of scum and villainy known as the internet! I'm a writer, an aspiring voice actor, and-- well. Crap. A director, now, I suppose, look at that! Man!
Anyway. Now that that little ice-breaker's out of the way, let's get down to the serious, grimdark business at hand!
Apex Shadow is an audio drama, based on a comic book concept I've been working on for a while now. Originally, I was doing it in graphic novel format, using 3D models and art-- Daz Studio, Blender, things like that. But, once I got back into the VA community, I thought retooling it as an audio drama would be a lot of fun!
in Apex Shadow, super powered individuals-- "Capes", they're sometimes derogatorily referred to as-- have been around for roughly thirty years now. This series isn't like "The Boys", necessarily-- a lot of Capes have good intentions, using their powers to help and inspire however they can. But many of them make mistakes, mistakes with vast, horrible consequences. To say nothing of those who use their abilities for nefarious ends! A large focus of the series is the exploration of those consequences for everyday people. (In between your good ol' fashioned crazy action-packed and / or mind-bending comic book plots, of course!)
Seven years ago, the greatest hero of all, Apex, was instrumental in driving back an alien invasion. In the course of that battle, however, thousands of lives were lost. That date is now known as "The Downtown Tragedy". Since then, Apex has been missing, and Capes are more divisive a topic now than ever before.
And now, when our story starts, there's a killer on the loose, using brutal tactics to target both heroes and villains alike...
While I'll be taking on one of the initial lead roles myself in this first episode, there are numerous big characters for everyone to sink their teeth into-- and if we're able to make further episodes, characters that are kind of chilling in the background right now will have their time to shine in the spotlight later on! This is, ultimately, an ensemble cast, with lots of room for growth!
I know! I KNOW! Exciting stuff! I'll be tweaking / editing / refining / all those wonderful writerly words during the casting process, but all the heavy lifting's done. As soon as casting's completed, we're going to be jumping right into recording and making this happen. If you're cast for this pilot, you shouldn't find yourself waiting around for me to finish my work, so you can do yours. I've got you!
Now, on to the fun stuff!
-Discord! I live on Discord. I don't expect you to, but if you audition for this project, make sure you've at least got one! That's how 99 percent of project communications will be taking place.
-18+ only, please! This series doesn't descend into gratuity, but thematically, it's heavy stuff, with mature adult themes (sex, violence, abuse, etc.) intense, fantastical action, and a lot of profanity-- and so I'd just rather air on the side of caution! I hope to create projects in the future that have opportunities for younger actors!
-Good audio quality! I'm not expecting professional, studio-grade, "Why aren't you already working for Funimation" type stuff here, folks. I get it! We're all out here on the grind! But please, treat your space, keep that noise floor low! I want this to be the best it can be!
-Go wild! I'm looking for your best take on the characters. I'm not married to any specific sound, or accent-- sure, I had my own ideas as I was crafting the original comic, but maybe you have a better one! Show me ya moves! (Is that meme still in fashion...? Crap.)
-Did I mention the mature themes? The profanity? If you're offended by such things, this project may not be a good fit for you. That's not a judgement! It's just a bit of forewarning. This first episode comes loaded, and future installments will be pushing the envelope further (if I'm fortunate enough to make them!)
-Don't be afraid of smaller parts! I know it's often difficult to nab auditions for minor characters or extras. Let's call it like it is-- everyone wants the big parts! That's all right! No shame in it! But what I can tell you is that smaller roles will likely have bigger scenes in future installments! While Apex Shadow does have two "main" characters, it's definitely more of an ensemble cast, with different characters shifting in and out of focus as the story moves on.
The plan right now is to produce this pilot episode. If we can get through that, we'll see about making more of these things! I would certainly love to! So, this isn't a long-term commitment right now, but there could be longer-term plans if this does well! Pilot first, ladies, gents, and everyone else!
Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing your audition!
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Latest Updates
The casting call is coming to a close! Thanks once again to all the talented people who auditioned. The response has been amazing, and I couldn’t be happier. Tomorrow, I’ll be going over the rest of the auditions, and starting to make casting decisions. I’m going to try to fill every role tomorrow, but if not, all decisions should be made by the end of the week. Thank you again, you’re all amazing!
100+ Auditions!!!
Only a few days left, and we just hit 100 auditions (and beyond!) earlier today! That's crazy to me. This community is so full of talented people, and the fact that so many of you turned up to try out for my little experiment here is-- well. It's overwhelming, is what it is! Overwhelming, and awesome! I can't thank you enough. Regardless of whether you're selected or not, please know that your time and talent is appreciated! I want everyone to know-- I will be listening to every last audition that comes in, up 'til the very last moments of the casting call. Not a single final decision will be made until after March 3rd! Everyone will get a fair shot. Once the casting call ends, I'm going to sit down and review the shortlist. I may finish casting in a day, or it may take several. Honestly, there was a lot of talent that came through, so. I may need some help! We'll see how it goes! Once decisions have been made, I'll be reaching out to those cast with links to the Discord I'm working on for this and other future projects! (I've never made a Discord of my own before... nor have I... directed an audio drama before... *sweats* I'm making this up as I go, but I'm doing my best, I swear!) I'm nervous, I'm excited, and I'm thrilled to start working with you all. So, thank you again! Keep those auditions coming in, and we'll be in touch soon! -
Just about a week to go!
I was worried I'd have to extend the deadline on this project, but I've been very fortunate to get so many wonderful auditions! Thank you all so much! I'm in the process of punching up the script a little bit more, and I can't wait to put together a final cast and start working with everyone! Thank you all so much for sharing your talent with me. I'll speak with you again soon!
Kate's a complex character. She's definitely got a lot of anger, and she's not afraid to show it. In her mind, the entire concept of law and order is breaking down around her, because people who can fly and shoot energy beams are able to do pretty much whatever they want, without consequence. She wants things to be structured, to make sense-- and now, that's all slipping away. Add to that, she's trying to do her job-- in her mind, catching bad guys and helping those in need-- and fewer and fewer of her colleagues seem to be taking that idea seriously anymore. This is a woman who feels alone, betrayed, and furious-- because she sees herself as the last sane person in the room. And she covers up for it by forgoing almost all of her filter. But at heart, she's a good person who cares about others, and wants to see justice done.
Sarcastic - Quick-witted - Bold - Brash - Obsessive - Vulgar - Fierce
[To herself, investigating a crime scene]
You could've cleaned this shit up. You plan everything. You'd have to. This isn't gonna lead anywhere, is it? But you wanted us to find it...[Consulting with the medical examiner over a dead super hero]
Thought our boy here was supposed to be considerably faster than a speeding bullet, or... whatever the hell it was they said on all the cereal boxes and the t-shirts.
[Arguing with her Captain, Donahue, about her supposed attitude problem]
(Mounting frustration)
Why don't you have an issue with them? Why don't they piss you off beyond all conceivable fucking measure? Ever since I came here, I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't lost my fucking mind. Sir.
So this audio drama will feature heavy use of narration. I'm going to try and refine my style over time, so perhaps in the future, we won't need as much of it. But for now, as a narrator, expect to deal with all sorts of scenarios. Drama, action, suspense, horror-- bear witness to it all, and tell us all about it! Do it your way!! I just want to hear what your idea of narration might sound like. If I hear a few different good voices, I may want to bring multiple narrators onto the team, so that we can have choices for different episodes. So don't hold back, give it a go!
The Blitz tries to move. His mind screams at his muscles to obey-- to carry him away, out of danger, as they have so many times before. In all his years in the costume-- running towards fires, outpacing mammoth explosions-- beating death to the finish line so many, many times... the idea that this could be it-- that his time could finally have run out-- it's almost unthinkable.
Kate tried to sleep last night, after talking to the widow Redman. It didn't work too well. Instead, she spent half the night lying naked in bed, in the dark, staring at the ceiling and thinking of what it might be like to fly. Would it change her, she wondered? Would it make her understand this world? Would it make her anger go away? But there were no answers to those questions last night, and there still are none today. So she's already loaded up on coffee, and her usual amount of spite, and now she's just trying to do her damn job.
Jack has just been to see Michael Pierce. A ten year old boy whose world was shattered when a man calling himself a hero threw a car at a woman seemingly made of concrete. The glass sent flying in the aftermath did irreparable damage to his spine. He may never walk again. Jack desperately wants to encourage him. Give him comfort. But what could he possibly say? He's still trying to figure that out, even now. And all the while, he feels restless. Agitated. Yes-- he wants to help the boy. But what he also wants to do-- really wants to do-- is find that fucking careless prick in the costume, who didn't even notice what he'd done-- take his face in his hands and--
So let's get this out of the way-- The Blitz, AKA Rory Redman, is a gigantic piece of human trash covered head to toe in red, lightning-branded spandex. He's a speedster. Before our story starts, he's assaulted numerous women, and our inciting incident sees him paying a heavy, final price for that. I know for me, portraying characters who have done such things can be a real hurdle, so I want to make sure you know what you're getting into. If it helps-- he doesn't stick around for very long! ;)
Entitled - Fast-talking - Manipulative - Charming -Stuck up - Indignant
[Facing imminent death, raging against your would-be murderer]
Fuck you. Do you know who I am? Do you have any idea who you're fucking with? You think you can do this to me? I'm a fucking superhero...!
[In flashback, telling your wife about a serum that will mimic your powers in an emergency-- superhero fiction is a hell of a thing!]
This cost a fortune, but if it keeps you safe, it'll be worth it. Remember, babe-- only use this in a serious emergency. If everything's totally fucked beyond belief. If something happens to me. If my enemies find you. It's a one-shot deal, and the effects will be gone in 72 hours.
So. I suppose you might call Margot Redman, the wife of the Blitz, a tragic character. But she's ultimately, I feel, a horrible person-- who targets and murders one of her husband's accusers, in the wake of his death, rather than accept what kind of a monster he truly was. So-- again, full disclosure-- this role is that of a victim-blaming disaster on two legs, who descends into unhinged villainy. Don't be afraid of bringing some sadness, and more than a little madness, to this role. This is someone struck by a tragic loss, and handling it in the ultimately worst possible way.
Broken - Furious - In Denial - Unwell - Erratic - Illogical - Distraught - isolated
[Kate's just asked her why she doesn't seem surprised to hear her husband is dead]
(Quietly mournful)
A feeling, detective. That's all, just... like I said. You learn to feel it. Or... I did. I hope you never do. Don't fall in love with heroes. They'll kill you inside, one way or another.
[Talking about those who had it out for her husband]
(Indignant, frustrated)
Oh. You know, Detective. You said it yourself. The media. The tabloids. They'll all be calling once the word's out, looking for scandal. Rory was... he was never perfect. But he saved lives. He saved mine. He gave his life for this world, and a week from now-- a month from now-- he'll be a five-second sound-byte in some shit-tier documentary. People shouldn't get to say whatever they want about my dead husband.
[Having been caught as the murderer of one of her husband's prior victims, Margot's gone full supervillain, monologuing to Kate]
(Raging, coming unglued)
This serum Rory had made for me? I've got news for you, Detective. It's good for 72 hours. That's still more than two days, where I'll have enough power to take care of every single rancid lying bitch out there who tried to ruin my husband-- make sure they can't hurt him anymore. Just need to take care of you first. But trust me... after the stunt you just pulled... I'm going to take my time.
Doctor K is another one of those regular supporting characters we'll see more of, if we're lucky enough to make more episodes. She's a huge nerd for this stuff, fascinated by the implications of super powered individuals, what their presence means for science, medicine, technology-- but she's still a bit unnerved sometimes, when faced with the sheer brutality that some powered individuals can be capable of. Looking to break some of the tropes with this character-- "Oh, I don't like people, that's why I work with dead bodies. Look at me and my quirky neurodivergence!" Doctor K is friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic. She craves discovery, experiences, new ideas. She wants to help people, and she feels like this is the best possible way for her to do it, in her own way.
Energetic - Enthusiastic - Optimistic - Verbose - Highly Intelligent
[Discussing the Blitz's cause of death with Kate]
(Excited, but maintaining professionalism)
Right. With the Blitz-- excuse me. Mr. Redman-- I'm seeing signs of severe electrocution. Enough to kill a normal person instantly, a few dozen times over. But, as you likely know-- his healing ability was known to be highly accelerated-- in keeping with the general theme here.
[After Kate surmises that the Blitz didn't die of electrical shock]
(Dry, slightly playful)
...No. That would be the hollow-point rounds fired at close range into his heart and his brain.
[Witnessing the aftermath of Lara's gruesome murder]
(Unnerved, slightly shaken)
But, that's not the worst part, I would say. I mean, none of this is great. Who wants to be stabbed 700 times? Or at all. But if I had to choose-- like, if you put a gun to my head--
(Gets cut off)
Poor Lara. Her role is brief in the story itself, though the circumstances of her horrific death at the hands of Margot Redman, and the ripple effects she causes, will be felt for many installments to come. She's very vulnerable, stuck in her home, unable to venture outside, after what was done to her. Before her death, she's working with Jack, her therapist, to try and move forward from her trauma. She's definitely raw, and scared, but I want to give her as much dignity and resilience as possible. Please do your best!
Brave - Raw - Struggling - Determined
[Talking with her therapist, about the death of the man who assaulted her]
(Hesitant, searching for words)
He's been dead for three days now. I thought... somehow, I thought that... now that he's gone, I'd be able to...
(Quiet-- somber)
Do you think... do you think he did this to other people?
(Anger, held back. Bitten down.)
At least... he's dead now. God...
Captain Donahue is worn down, corrupt, and angry. He's rapidly losing himself in a world that he doesn't understand anymore, fighting desperately to hold onto any measure of control and authority he can manage. But there's a part of him that wants to turn it all around, be better, do better. Figure out how to take a stand and make the world a better place. But... he's not there yet. Who knows if he'll ever be? That's part of what really bothers him about Kate-- she's bitter, angry, worn down-- but still trying. It's why he tolerates her "attitude" and insubordination. Because for all her off-color rage, he knows she's right.
Worn - Intelligent - Lackadaisical - Bureaucratic - Put-upon - Weathered
[Discussing with Kate the problems inherent in trying to police the community in a world with super beings]
(Exasperated. Stressed.)
Kavanaugh. What do you want me to do? Exactly? What do you want me to do? Even after everything that happened, the Mayor still goes on vacation wearing Apex merch.
(Some anger-- mostly frustration. Mounting irritation.)
Kate. Maybe you haven't caught onto this yet, but do you realize how nearly impossible it is for regular cops to investigate crimes involving these people? Much less prosecute?
(Continued from the previous audition line)
And still, I get the death stare. Great. Look-- super speed. Flight. Telepathy. Telepathy, Kate, Jesus. How the hell do you nail some psycho who kills people by thinking real damn hard? For God's sake, some of them become entirely different people! Or things that don't exist! It's a forensic nightmare, and half the time, the nightmare's wearing spandex from head to toe. Wanna know what that all means for compstat numbers? Not to mention public anxiety?
Madison's role in this pilot episode is very minor-- just the one scene, only a couple of lines. But in future installments, she'll be much more of a regular supporting character. Caliburn Services-- the company Jack works for? That's her baby. She's a wealth philanthropist, shrouded in a lot of mystery, with more than her share of secrets-- but she's ruthless in her pursuit of helping the less fortunate, with an incredible iron will. And... maybe some hidden agendas of her own.
Time will tell.
Calm - Driven - Indomitable - Precise - Decisive
[Discussing a client with Jack]
We can't help everyone. We're damn sure going to help whoever we can.
Young, not quite thirty, without much ambition, and one (and a half) failed marriages already. Morrison will likely be back in future installments. He's a good guy, he's just incapable of reading a room, always making the wrong jokes at the worst time, and cramming his foot so far down his throat he's tasting shoe leather for weeks at a time. A bit bumbling, but well-meaning.
Awkward - Bumbling - Enthusiastic - Boisterous - Well-meaning
[Investigating the crime scene where Blitz's body was found]
Hey, Detective. we found this-- looks like it might be some sort of tech. Deader than my last marriage, though.
Mitchell's trying, that's the thing of it. A bit dense, when it comes to empathy, but he's got a head for logic, and a desire to help. If the series moves forward, eventually, we'll see him make detective, and he'll have a larger role in certain stories. In my mind, he's a secretly ravenous Dungeons and Dragons player. ;)
Smart - Diligent - Loyal - Direct
[Showing evidence to Kate that was found at Lara Jennings' murder]
Business card. Worn all to Hell. She was seeing those people at Caliburn, maybe. Or thinkin' about it. For her phobia or whatever?
Morgan's a little older, he's been on the force for a bit. Has a lot of quiet admiration for Kate. He's Kinsey's partner, something of a gruff father figure to him, even though there's just barely a decade between them. Later on in the series, he, Kinsey, and Mitchell could be working with Kate pretty extensively. No spoilers, though, *obviously*. ;)
Fatherly - Patient - Irreverent - Experienced - Clever
What's wrong with her attitude?
Pussy. You gonna eat that doughnut?
Junior detective, taken under Morgan's weathered wing. He's got a spark in him, but he's still a bit of a people-pleaser, very by-the-book and straight-laced. Over time, we might get to see him come out of his shell a little.
Stiff - Prideful - Knowledgeable - Bookworm - Careful
[Having just been accused of taking Kate's stapler-- the worst of workplace crimes, except for maybe eating food that's got someone's name on it]
The fuck are you on about, Kavanaugh?
[Wondering with his partner about why Kate was just called into the Captain's office]
It's her attitude, right? It's gotta be her attitude.
This kid was originally written to be male, but the gender's not story-significant, so it would take less than a minute to adapt. Everyone is welcome to give it a go! Jack encounters them early in the script, tagging up a building with "Beware the Man in Black", a rallying cry that reoccurs throughout the series several times, by those who believe the Man in Black is doing good. It's not in the episode, but in my head, this kid has a rough home life, possibly facing some really abusive situations. So, they want to believe that someone's out there who might stop the bad things from happening to them anymore.
[Talking about the rumored serial killer on the loose. Jack just asked the kid if they think he's real]
(Serious-- mater-of-fact)
Hell yeah. He gets the bad guys.
There's a scene where Margot accesses a high tech safe, in order to get her hands on a serum designed to give her temporary speed-powers. Said safe does the classic computer voice bit. Just a couple lines, but have fun with it! Bonus points if you can come up with a way of making it sound more digitized / artificial (but still human-ish) so I don't have to! ;)
Biometrics confirmed. Awaiting access code.
This is a unique one! While the receptionist presently only has the one line, the reason I've asked for some ad-libbing as well, is that I'd love to work with whoever is cast to perhaps flesh out the character in future episodes. Ambitious stuff, I know, but let's see! Get creative, have fun with it, go nuts. Totally open to all genders and voice types.
Hello, welcome to Caliburn services. How can I help you tonight?
[Ad-lib a little! Let me hear your best improv customer service / receptionist bit. Front desk of Caliburn Services, which is primarily a mental health office, but also a hub for community services and other humanitarian efforts.]
Public Submissions