Anime NOW! Looking for Singers!

Anime NOW! Looking for Singers!

Project Overview

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking your time to audition for Anime Now! This will be a series of Anime OP that we as a group will create and put on YouTube.

Anyways lets get on with those rules 'n stuff, cuz that's really important.

▨ MICROPHONE QUALITY I̟ Have a clear and clean microphone, it's pretty self-exploratory but it just makes our group blend sound nicer 'n stuff, the things we will NOT accept are those who use phone microphones [also USB is not allowed]. 

▥ COMPLETION OF WORK I̟ Be able to turn in vocals / mixes / animations / sprite edits / art on time, this is the MOST part of joining the group. Any group will falter if goals aren't met, so please beware of our schedule and to see if it will fit in with yours.

▣ COMMITMENT I̟ Be committed to the group, this is somewhat different from the rule above but instead be able to stick around for a while. Have a chat with the other members or something~! Don't join and then leave after we've casted you or lets say you've sent vocals for the first cover. We want someone who can stick with us through and through! 

▩ JAPANESE PRONUNCIATION I̟  Since this group is singing in Japanese, have clean and clear pronunciation of the language.  

Okay! That should be everything we have to say so far, if you have ANY questions or concerns please contact us or leave it in the comments!

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Project Roles: Singer
  • Tell me about yourself. (how long have you been singing, whats your favorite anime, what type of singing are you comfortable with?)

  • Sing an Opening/Ending of an Anime of your choosing. 

  • Let me know what you hope to gain from joining Anime NOW!