Angela Anaonda Girls Only! (Student Life!)
Project Overview
Its Summer, our 4 girls from the show Angela Anaconda are stuck in a white void, but they ignore it, this is where there will be comedy. (each girl will have modern styled redesigns)
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Angela is very tomboyish, clever, and has a psychotic side, being into morbid imaginations involving her enemies and friends alike.
Her main hobbies including playing sports (hockey in particular), using her imagination, and causing trouble towards her number 1 arch-nemesis Nanette Manoir,
Despite being the least feminine of the girls, she isn't completely devoid of a girly side. For example, she regularly wears a dress, she enjoys hand mirrors and raspberry lip-gloss, a common thing that girls had in the early 2000s, but at the same time, she doesn't like anything princessy/fancy (unlike Nanette Manoir).
She speaks in a raspy, high-pitched Texas accent which strangely, none of her family members have (aside from her grandma Lou).
- female teen
(Singing) "My name is Angela hey hello, Welcome to my very own show, I'll introduce my friends to you. Oh, no, it's Ninny-poo! Shooby dooby doo waa waa, My name is Angela and you are not! Nanette Manoir Is a stuck up jerk face snob. And now, for today's story, starring me, and not starring Nanette Manoir!" (When she says "And now, for today's story, starring me, and not starring Nanette Manoir!" please start TALKING and stop SINGING)
(talking) "This week in class, we've been playing a game called: "Questions and Answers", that is not really a game but is actually just Mrs. Brinks trying to trick us into learning, but who cares? On a count of Gina Lash is winning the Q&A game that's, not really a game."
(Happy sounding, but on Revenge Fantasies, sound happy angry) "See you in my Revenge Fantasies!"

Josephine acts as a moral rudder for her classmates. She’s sweet, loving and forgiving, but stern when she sees injustice or immorality. Josephine often refers to others as "my child". She set up a confessional in the girls' washroom, where her friends come to talk to her about their stresses and worries. She is well-liked by her classmates, but like with Angela, Mrs. Brinks cares very little about her, an example being when she put her in after-school detention for refusing to write a report debating evolution vs. creationism; at one point, Brinks snatches a $200 check from Josephine's hands when she revealed that she "cheated" during a charity bike race (she didn't actually cheat, Mrs. Brinks failed to see the context of Josephine's statement; She claimed to have been aided by St. Christopher). Josephine urges Angela to see the good in Nanette instead of hating her (as seen in the episode "Touched By an Angel-a") but is surprised when she [Josephine] can't find any good qualities herself yet. Josephine frequently delivers praise and sometimes glows with a heavenly, serene light. She'd rather be in a Catholic school but makes the best of her public-school experience. Josephine comes from a large family (at least 10 brothers and sisters). In the episode "Cabin Fever" it is revealed that her mother has agoraphobia because she was shocked at the circus by witnessing clowns getting out of a small car.
- female teen
(talking) "Perhaps you already have been~"
(talking) "I heard that Angela, and you have to confess, it wasn't very nice."
(talking) "Hallelujah!"

The perfect little angel to most adults, Nanette is a devious, shrewd, arrogant, snobbish, and mean girl, exercising the worst of her traits on Angela and her friends, though she has shown the capability to be a very sweet person. The only known instance of this is in the episode "Secret Santa", where Nanette gets Angela an imported French cashmere scarf. This former personality, though, likely is the fault of her doting parents (who are snobs themselves), who fail to see how terrible their daughter really acts at school and never punish her for things she does wrong because they are also horrible like her daughter.
She is very proud of her looks, constantly bouncing her golden curly hair and she considers herself to be very beautiful, which may be true as her mother is very lovely. Nanette uses her family's wealth and high status as a way of asserting her superiority over her classmates, especially and specifically Angela and her friends. Unlike most teacher's pets, who loves the teacher and want to study more, she only uses Brinks for power in the classroom and her school life.
She is manipulative and has Mrs. Brinks wrapped around her finger with constant devotion and gifts, although Mrs. Brinks has had moments of anger with Nanette, such as the ending of the episode "Return to Sender" after learning the truth about being a pawn (and "being un-French and uncouth"), giving her detention when Angela read an insult that Nanette wrote about Mrs. Brinks ("the other horriblé thing at my school is my very un-French, uncouth teacher who luckily I am able to play like a viola, which is French for violin"), and in the episode "Earhart's Heirloom" where she accidentally called Mrs. Brinks' birthday "nothing" and gets Mrs. Brinks angry.
Additionally, Coach Rhinehart (Gordy's father) has gotten angry with Nanette once as well; after finding out that she has been lazy the whole time she is appointed as Team Thistle's captain, he punishes her by making her carry every single one of the other kids' bags back to the school bus.
Because of her French heritage, Nanette arrogantly believes that she can always understand French. She often sprinkles her conversation with misapplied French phrases, explaining their meaning incorrectly; for example, she believes "liaison" (connection, binding) is French for "lesson", "crème brûlée" (singed cream) is French for "prove it", "pomme de terre" (potato) is French for "apple polisher", and "Crêpe Suzette" (Suzette's pancake) is French for "overpriced pancake". She also claimed that the word 'viola' is French for 'violin', when in fact they're two different instruments - the actual French word for violin being 'violon'.
However, she uses correct French words and phrases in other instances. For example, in "Angela Who", she orders a large pizza "maintenant" (which is French for "now" or "right now"), and in "Puppy Love", she uses the French word "perdu", which means "lost". In "The Substitute", she uses a Japanese phrase, strongly implying that she may just be a girl that loves languages.
- british
- french
- female teen
(talking) "Its true! I can eat and eat and eat without gaining an OUNCE! Unlike SOME people i know~!"
(Talking) *mean laughter*
(talking) "faux pas? Which is french for Who invited you here?"

Gina Lash is a big food lover. Some of her most favorite foods include cinnamon swirls, pizza and Jiggly Fruit. Gina's appetite is so huge that she is able to eat more than 80 servings of a large meal.
- female teen
(talking, happy sounding, but said though teeth, so it sounds angrier.) "Then Again, Niny-Poo has a nice ring to it"
(Talking) "Another Revenge Fantasy, Huh?"
(talking) "We all know Nanette isnt REALLY french, right?"