"An Uncharacteristic Western" A Dogelore Movie (URGENTLY NEED ARIZONA RANGER)

Project Overview

Hello im nurakid! Ive been making weird dogelore videos for about a year now and Ive received a ton of support! Ive always liked doge as a meme and also a medium of expression. Ive gotten frighteningly good at making these videos. I want to give back to the niche-ass dogelore community by making a full spaghetti western movie. With original voice acting and music!

Im mostly known for this video, but Ive done more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajfdGmtZI4

I really need someone to help with sound design. It's something I'm not really practiced in. Apply here: https://forms.gle/iEpATtohbgZCE4ND7

If you can make music apply here: https://forms.gle/R7UPa3UVCuwXcjVNA

All major roles are already cast. More roles will be added as the movie progresses.

Due to the number of voices and amount of work I already have put on myself. I can't really give seconds chances. So make sure your audition is as best as can be. If you temporarily don't have good recording conditions I suggest waiting until you do. The deadline isn't final. You can upload as many takes as you want. Having a lower quality recording or background noise could hurt your chances

Remember! This project will be very long. You might have to do many more lines in the future. If you don't think you can keep up with a project this size do not apply. 

Discord is required as most of the communication with me and the rest of the people working on this will be there.

Ask me questions through discord. Do not message me with auditions, they won't be considered: nura#7735

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arizona Ranger
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

The Arizona ranger appears in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajfdGmtZI4

He has a deep stereotypical badass cowboy voice. Yes, like Arthur Morgan.

Remember! This project will be very long. You will have to do many more lines in the future. If you don't think you can keep up with a project this size do not apply. By applying you acknowledge how this project is fan-funded, so it's difficult to know the budget until the trailer is made.

  • You mind telling me how you got a whole town hunting you down in only a day?

  • There's no outrunning this *dramatic pause* We need to fight.

  • You two are overstepping your territory. *menacing*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sargent Pat Garret
cast offsite

He is a retired friendly-sounding sheriff. Should have a country accent

  • Well, Shoot… seeing as I'm retired I'll let you boys keep this one.

  • Age hasn’t slowed down these hands!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Texas Red

This is the only character I have that has been voiced before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOg7LAxQm8w I used a clip by Luke Correia. You don't have to sound exactly like him, but try to get as close as you can.

  • A lot of folks are telling stories of our standoff. Isn't that right?

  • You're going to make a slip one day, just like me…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gang leader Alvo

Hes a rough-sounding leader of the regulator gang.  

  • Damn it! A god damn hobo!

  • Mr. Mayor, we’re going to have to act fast. The folks back at tranquil might start putting the pieces together.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gang Members

These are the rough gang members thatll be throughout the movie. Multiple of these voices will be cast. They can sound whatever fits the descriptionion. Should have a country accent but not required.

  • Yeah well, you’re out of your jurisdiction, Ranger!

  • This fella looks like he blew in from Washington.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Janet is a smuggler. She speaks with a Spanish or foreign accent. You don't necessarily have to be a girl to do this one, but its probably preferred 

  • Buenos días perritos. Wake up cowboys.

  • This kid got himself in hot water? Huh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paper Boy

Hes a young paperboy. This is his only line. Feel free to improvise but keep it short.

  • Texas Ricochet Acquitted of all charges! Read All About It!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saloon Croud

The voices submitted here will be used as background sound for a saloon scene. If you really want to appear in the movie, most voices will be used.

  • Calm ambient cowboy ramblings

  • Yelling and laughing like you're partying


Public Submissions

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