Amphibia: Dimension Defenders
Project Overview
A series that Brings Amphibia back into the lives of people, with a twist
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- english
*Say something you think would fit*
- english
*Say something you think would fit*
- english
- animation/character
- female teen
- english
- english (american)
- thai
It's my Amphibia Museum, I built it myself, I did it so that everyone knows about your world.
Sprig, Polly, is that really you?
We? You came into our world when we were looking for someone, don't blame this on us!
- english
- american
- english (american)
- english
- animation/character
- female adult
- female teen
Why don't we ask the Guardian, she got to have a plan
Playing Fire with Fire, I like it! try this on for size!'
Oh that? Well, that right there is my Therapist Degree, work my entire tender at college to get it
- english
- female adult
- female teen
- american
- english
- animation/character
- english (american)
We're from a Different Earth!
Ok, but if he attacks, don't be afraid to go Calamity on him, got it!
Hey c'mon guys, we went through temples, backstabbing kings, and even an infected moon, this will be easy
- english
- male teen
- english (american)
- american
- male adult
- english
- animation/character
Head out to the City of Angels and find the three girls and bring them to me!
You see girls, I'm not the only Dimensional Watcher, The Guardian here, She's my Creator!!
Give it a few more minutes, I expect them to be here, anytime soon
- english
- female child
- english
- american
- animation/character
This is my masters watch center, he monitors everything that goes on in the worlds
And I'm Trojan, a descendant of the Guadian of the Multiverse!
Yes, there are more worlds out there, some you haven't heard of or seen!
- english
- female child
- animation/character
- english (american)
Anne, what up girl, you just going to stand there like a popsicle, or are you going to give me a Hug
Well it's pretty amazing for you to cherish us like this
Holy Smokes! So Awesome!
- english
- male child
- american
- english (american)
- animation/character
Um, Hi Anne
Aw, how sweet, but you didn't need to do that
Anne? Sasha? Your back here? but how?
- english
- english (american)
- male adult
- male teen
- animation/character
- base guitar player
Sasha, that was the best song you have ever written!
Heck yeah we're ready!
7:30, but we got to get there early, the sign-up sheet tends to be signed really quickly!
- english
- female adult
- female teen
- english (american)
- english
- animation/character
- female young adult
The Rifter, you sent Cheyenne to another world that no human is to go to!
She knows me because I was the reason why she has been with you two back on earth
I used my Mind to Redesign you, so you can be more useful when you help the girls fight
- english
- female adult
- english
- female teen
- female young adult
- american
Yep! We signed our band up for an open mic night at the Coffee Shop!
Oh, ok, do you need some company?
Don't worry Sasha, whatever is going on, you will fix it
- english
- thai
- female teen
- female adult
- female young adult
- thai
- japanese american
Really, Who is the person?
Well Sweetie, why don't you go to Sasha and talk about it, maybe you can fix the situation.
Well, how about telling Marcy what happen, maybe she can help?
- english
- thai
- female adult
- thai
- animation/character
So, what was it again that happened again?
Really, Who is the person?
Alright sweety, see you later.
Public Submissions