Amongst Other Things (EPISODE 2 RELEASED!)

Project Overview
CAST LIST (parentheses denote understudies!)
Elizabeth Ellis - bumblebeary
Elijah Ellis - galaxyguy26
Joe - tomeradev
Clarke - FOXKING
Lilith Ellis - SkiniMini (Spitfire1)
Olivia - Goldenfern
Tethys Loving - oh-gee (SkiniMini)
Phil Lee - dj horn (nerdlovem)
Scott Knight - turntechAuxillatrix (pcasao)
:) Smiles/Smiley/Smiley Face - EscherGirl (mphlondon)
Huan - wolfclaws (FOXKING)
Will - l_hart (afleece)
Chris Randolph - Pharoah2091
Go listen to all of the amazing va's in the results video over on the official Amongst Other Things YouTube channel here:
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Latest Updates
There is currently a new casting call to re-cast the voice of Scott Knight! If you are interested, please see the audition page here:
Episode 4 Casting Call!
Episode 3 was released today (February 12)! There is one new character that can be auditioned for that first appears in Episode 4 here: You can watch Episode 3 here: -
Episode 2 is now out! :)
You can go watch it here: -
Episode 2 Release Date
Hello! I wanted to post here as well that the release date for Amongst Other Things Episode 2 is March 11, 2020!! It will be up on my YouTube channel ( at 10am MST! -
It's up! I hope you all enjoy the first episode of my animated series, Amongst Other Things! Please support all of the amazing voice actors that helped bring this project to life! Thank you!! :)

**Joe only appears in Episode 1 and 4 of Part 1**
Age: 30s
Voice-Range: Med-Low, Exaggerated Emotions
A security guard that works at the guard house in Filigree Estates. He and his friend Clarke don't seem to take their jobs too seriously and find every opportunity to find some fun to keep their otherwise boring day jobs interesting.
Joe is the more professional of the pair, but inevitably gets sucked up into Clarke's antics.
(Mocking) Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Inheritor himself! And what can we do for you, Your Excellency?
(Strong, comforting) I know, I know, Clarke! I remember your Aunt Rose, too! But...may she rest in peace, buddy, MAY SHE REST IN PEACE. Oh, come here! Now you've got me going!
(Good-natured, resigned) Look, kid. You gave us a good laugh, but now you've gotta go.

Age: 21
Voice Range: High, Light
Phil is Scott's sassy roommate who can't seem to just be nice for once. Part of that is from his difficulty in expressing himself and he finds being rude simply easier, especially around Chris. He is far more polite around Scott and others that haven't irritated him, but overall tends to find something to complain about. Despite this, he does have a kinder side but hasn't shown it yet.
Well, it’s been...interesting to say the least, Chris, but it’s time for you to leave the so-called nest and go out into the wide wide world. You know, NOT right next to my room...blasting pop music and those ridiculous anime and...ugh...
(disbelief, mild panic) This can’t be where he lives. Scott, tell me this isn’t where he lives.
(struggling to be gentle) You know...just because he doesn’t live here doesn’t mean you can’t hang out with him.

Age: 23
Voice Range: Low, Smooth
Tethys is a very serious individual who takes everything word-for-word. If you tell her a joke, it'll probably go right over her head. She doesn't say much, but when she does, it is very direct and dry. The only person she talks more with is Huan as she has a history with him.
(Regretful, disdain) Olivia seems to value her job over the man she is supposed to be protecting. It's irritating.
(Dangerous) If there is someone bothering you, I will remove them immediately.
[Trying to get Huan's attention]
He’s probably watching FOUND. Let me try...HUAN! (pronounced like "Juan")

**Elizabeth Ellis only appears in Episode 1 of Part 1**
Age: 40s
Voice Range: Medium, Elegant
Elizabeth Ellis is Elijah Ellis' wife and the owner of her clotheline, Ellusions. She often has Lilith try on her clothes and model them as a way to connect more with her daughter, but fails to notice that Lilith has little interest in the type of fashion her mother makes her wear. Like Elijah, she often gets lost in her business, but has enough tact to realize when she does and often pulls her husband out of his one-track mind as well.
(Polite) Lilith? I have a few more outfits for you to you have a moment? It won't take long.
(Intense Whispering) Dear? What about Lilith?

Age: 19
Voice Range: Medium-High, Energetic
Chris is very upbeat, generally carefree guy, but can also be an extremely moody when he's irritated or doesn't get what he wants. He has lived in a dozens of places over his lifetime due his father constantly moving for jobs, so he's good at meeting people and being social, but not holding long-term relationships.
(Thoughtful, joking) You think the letter's fake? I don't seems pretty legit to me. And I DID have a grandfather who owned an estate around here. Apparently I even visited a few times, not that I remember it. I was like...yea high back then. [laughs] Besides, if it IS a scam, you’ll come in and save me, right, Sir Scott?
(Awkward) I just...uh...felt like making breakfast for you two, is all! Yeah! Nothing weird about that, right? Haha...ha...ha...
(Angry) I HATE YOUR FACE. (extended whining/grumbling)

Age: 17
Voice Range: High, Whimsical
No one really knows his name or what he really looks like, just that he suddenly moved into the basement one day without anyone noticing and anytime he signs his name, it's with a smiley face. The residents of the mansion have given up on trying to figure out what antics he'll get himself into next...
(plotting, ecstatic) Alright, it's time to break in and take what’s rightfully ours! So, I’m thinking you distract those employees over there while I dash in there. I’ll grab the cookies there, there, there and...ARE THOSE CANTOLOUPE FLAVORED! (excited laugh) Tom, we gotta move NOW!
(irritated) Do you have an appointment to speak with me? No? Then LEAVE.
[on the phone]
(annoyed, nervous, defensive) Yeah, I’m fine, mom – would you quit it? [...] When am I going to be home? Uhh...well, school hasn’t started yet, right? [...] Of course I’m studying!

Age: 22
Voice Range: Medium-Low
Huan is the manager at Happy Bee Market and the recent new heir to the Ellis Estate (as Lilith Ellis' fiancée). He's obssessed with the tv show FOUND. He appears to be emotionless most of the time, but has a fair amount of snark that sometimes surprises people. Despite being raised to inherit his family's corporation, he hates business and the people part of it, seeing them as fake and greedy. He has a surprisingly chaotic side, however, when things go awry. The man just wants to watch the world burn. Smiling.
(Curious, matter-of-fact) Will, can I ask you something? Do you try to be an idiot or does it just come...naturally to you? Just wondering.
(Unimpressed) So, are you going to sit there and mope all day or are you actually going to do something productive?
(Serious, incredulous) As your manager, I should remind you that the customer is the most important, but...haha, I can't even say it. Do whatever you want. I don't care.

**Clarke only appears in Episode 1 and 4 of Part 1**
Age: 30s
Voice Range: Medium, Exaggerated Emotions
A security guard that works at the guard house in Filigree Estates. He and his friend Joe don't seem to take their jobs too seriously and find every opportunity to find some fun to keep their otherwise boring day jobs interesting.
Clarke tends to get off task more than Joe and goes on tangents for seemingly random things.
(Joking) Hey, Joe, look what we got here! It's MR. INHERITOR!
(Trembling) B-But - that's so sad! What if he's an orphan! My Aunt Rose was an orphan!
(Game show host, congratulatory) Dee dee DEEE~! And what have we got for him, Joe? Should we blast some more Italian Opera over the loudspeakers?

**Elijah Ellis only appears in Episode 1 of Part 1**
Age: 50s
Voice Range: Low, Formal
Elijah Ellis is the founder of Ellis Enterprises and his family owns the largest homein Filigree Estates. He tends to get lost in the business side of his life and is more forgetful when it comes to his family, but argues that it's because he's working to support them.
(Welcoming) I would like to thank you all for coming to see the great union of business...and money! That is to say...uh, love! Through the union of our daughter, Lilith - and our company, Ellis Enterprises - and the heir to Aeros Corporation, Huan.
(Struggling to be poised while the party descends to chaos) This union between our companies, families is sure to promise many, many...uh, years of...of...JUST WHAT IS GOING ON OVER THERE?
(Stuck-up) Security? Please escort this GARDEN GNOME off of my estate.

Age: 20
Voice Range: Low, Warm
Scott is Chris' longest friend and one of the few that Chris is still in contact with after all of his moves. He is partially face blind and because of this, struggles with meeting new people, especially when he can't find a defining characteristic (ie, Chris' pink hair). Over time, he can recognize others by their voice, but it takes a while. He's used to Chris' antics and wants to support him, but can sometimes be at a loss of what to do.
(Sincere) I-I'm not saying that being friends with you is hard it's just...(sigh) What I’m TRYING to say is maintaining a relationship with ANYONE takes work and not a whole lot of people want to make that effort – at least, not for very long.
(Resigned) There are...many reasons why I don't let you ride my motorcycle.
(Dry, worried) Chris, every time I watch one of those animes I feel like my retinas are burning and I have no idea what’s going on.

Age: 21
Voice Range: Medium, Flippant
Will is a thief that tries to stay cool and collected but in reality has a remarkably short temper, especially when things don't go as he planned them. He can be a little oblivious when it comes to reading people's emotions and tends to like working with more concrete matters, like when and where he's going to pull off his next heist. While he usually pretty optimistic about his plans, he tends to over-complicate them and stress himself out, which leads him to stay up most night.
He also has a pet mouse that he found in the mansion's attic. Her name is Moustepheles and he adores her like nothing else on the planet.
(Optimistic) See, Moustepheles? This'll be simple! [...] Okay yeah there's the smallest chance that we'd get caught, sent to jail again, have to eat that awful prison food...(shudders)...but hey, the pay'll be great!
(Irritated) He’s being ridiculous! What’s with him being all buddy-buddy suddenly with everyone else, huh? Giving them muffins and being all nice? I helped him get here in the first place! [...] And no, I don't just want his crummy muffins!
[Will is trying to plan his next heist, but Chris keeps banging on his door, interrupting him]
(Methodical, planning, steadily angry) Okay. So if I go down this hallway I’ll have about seventy-two seconds before...*THUNK* the guard comes back around, with the camera going on intervals of five...*THUNK* seconds, meaning I have about ten seconds to hide in each...*THUNK* (Ragequitting screech/groan) WHAT. DO YOU WANT, PINKY?

**Lilith does not have a large part in Part 1 of the series, but a VERY prominent role come Part 2!**
Age: 20
Voice Range: Med-High, Quirky
Lilith Ellis is the sole heir to the Ellis Estate, however, her father doesn't think that she can handle the company on her own, which is one of the reasons why her father arranged a marriage between her and the more business savvy heir to the Aeros Corporation, Huan. Despite her usual subservient attitude with her parents, Lilith is far more sassy and witty with her close friends.
"(Polite, Tongue-in-cheek) Of course, Mother. I would be delighted to cancel all my afternoon and evening plans to try on your whole Summer collection. Should I block off tomorrow morning as well?
(Determined) If Huan thinks that he's getting out of this dinner, he has another thing coming! No way am I sitting there alone all night!
(Excited) You two are having a fight? Would you hold for juuust a second...there. I've got my popcorn. Continue. [laughs] This is gonna be good.

**Olivia only appears in Episode 1 and 3 of Part 1, but will have a more prominent role in Part 2**
Age: 21
Voice Range: Med-High, Professional
Olivia is Huan's new bodyguard. She takes her job very seriously, sometimes to the point where it irritates Huan. However, whenever she tries to be more casual with him, it comes off as being awkward and force, so she sticks with being professional most of the time.
I’ll escort them off the premises, Sir.
Sir. I resolved the issue in aisle eight, but it looks like we’re going to have block off the adjacent aisles while we clean up this pickle jar mess. [forced laugh] You could say it’s been a bit of a pickle! Uh...sorry, Sir. Just trying to lighten the mood.
Public Submissions