AI Mafia - Michael Maloney Recasting Auditions

Project Overview

Short Preview Description
- This is an unpaid production for now but there is a chance you will get paid for your work in the future.
- There is only one character in this call, but there will be others in the future if you want to follow the project

I have previously shared multiple calls for this show, "AI Mafia", during June of 2020 and earlier this year in March 2021 where I wanted to test possible candidates for the recasting of Michael Maloney and the Puppeteer.
Today I am back to hold auditions for one single character, Michael Maloney. Who's voice claim has drastically changed and I need fresh inspiration for from new individuals. Michael currently has 2 existing voice actors, one for normal talking and his robot role and another for his human role and for spanish speaking lines. I'm really only looking for people who could be recast or a backup to the original voice actor, but if you're able to speak spanish that would be interesting take as well.

Please be aware this is currently and unpaid production, I currently have some things up such as Patreon to help me with the expenses and do plan on doing much more as the story gains traction. You cannot be paid now but hopefully the pilot does well and going forward there will be payment for your hard work! 

I have provided a video for you to look at and study these characters voice claims as they are key components in the story, specifically Michael. The video has some small breakdowns available for you already as well, I apologize if the video itself is a bit long, it was the best way to get the point across of what I really need out of their voices and give you inspiration. The character descriptions have important notes as well, it's recommended you look at everything before making the audition

Here is a quick rundown of the story/show itself that was in the last call, if it'll help you:
The story is called "AI Mafia" and follows a gang of rouge robots and their plot to destroy all of mankind. These robots have been cast away by the human society for having ideas above their station and they want revenge. The humans treat robots like garbage and they act like their slaves, no matter how much more advanced and sentient they become. Michael Maloney, once a man betrayed by the people he thought he knew, is the one to stoke the flames of the robot rage. Michael is the leader of the AI Mafia, our main character and mastermind behind a very large movement. The series will follow Michael and his ever growing band of misfits. They don't get along with each other at first but must grow into a team if they are to complete their plan. But just when they're finally starting to get along they are met with a robot like no other but seems to know everything about them and Michael. Will they help Michael in completing his mission or will they try to take over and cause mayhem within their ranks. What will happen afterwards? Will the robots begin their revolution? What will be the outcome. Who will win.
Throughout the story you will also find out about Michael's tragic past and what really happened to the man he used to be.

AI Mafia is at the moment an "adult animation" simply for the heavy themes of violence, possible gore, abuse, mental health and issues similar to civil rights. While not outright NSFW there may be sexual scenes in the show later down the road. (i.e. scenes where the characters are in clubs and sexually deviant robots who like to tease the adult characters) 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Michael Maloney - Main Protagonist

In Depth Character Breakdown - Michael Maloney is a robot, once a man, who is bent on the destruction of all mankind. A vile and dangerous being who won't let anything stand in the way of his plans.
Michael in public puts on a stern and stoic mannerism, he's mysterious and quick to the point. Publicly he's a gang boss, he has to make a lot of deals and with that, is very cunning and resourceful. While a very angry individual deep down, his voice shouldn't always convey this, he talks as if he's always planning something. Michael has been through a lot, he's tough and cold, he has little to no feelings for anyone and does not care about others.
Among his employees Michael is very loud and vocal, always speaking his mind and letting it be known whether he likes something or not.
Michael is also not exactly ageless, Michael is canonically around 55 years old but due to his robot body can essentially no longer die, therefore his voice is permanently more of a middle age, you can try if you are younger of course, but do not give him a really old man voice. 

Pay very close attention to his voice claims, think of what he sounds like and how he talks. Go for something similar, again it's not recommended you try out for this if it is too hard for you to replicate. Try to slightly lower the tone.

Important Voice Notes:
- You are free to come up with more voice lines or use others from the voice claim references, this will give me an idea of some other ways you can handle it. More voice lines can also be given to you upon request if you do enjoy the role as well as improvement suggestions before the call is closed
- Do not oversell the character, his anger and frustration is not all that he is, I need his voice to sound natural. What I really want is to hear an attempt at casual conversation
- Give me your BEST evil laughs, this is a very important aspect of his character
Michael's voice claim is not meant to be an exact copy, play with it more and send the results, it's fine if this requires more takes

  • [You're doing a deal with a prospective partner, but he/she doesn't seem to realize the place of power you are in. Put them in their place with fear] (Your calm conversation turns into a low growl with growing anger at the person in front of you) I don't know who you think you are... but what I do know - is that you are going to regret ever meeting me if you're not careful. 

  • [You are in your final moments. You're plan has fallen into place perfectly but now someone stands in your way! You will use all your energy to get what you want no matter who stands before you] (Shouting out your joyful, villainous monologue) Fool! You don't understand the vast amount of POWER you are messing with! Nothing will stop me from destroying you and the rest of this pathetic planet until it feels my pain! (evil laugh) 

  • [A partner has wronged you, and it's time to make a deal. But you are definitely hiding your true intentions of tearing apart the miserable worm beneath your feet when your done.] (In a fake, comforting tone) Oh don't worry! I'm a reasonable individual! I'm sure if you... apologized.. and oh I don't know. Added on another 20% of your cut.. We could come to a compromise! And my associate here won't have to - (you're getting impatient, show them that you mean business) - splatter you all over the wall and feed your body parts to the dogs! 


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