Age of the Ring: Return of the King

Project Overview

"Don't say, we have come now to the end"

The final release for the award-winning Battle for Middle-earth project, The Age of the Ring, is upon us! The primary feature of this update is the highly anticipated Return of the King campaign; a thrilling conclusion to over a decade's worth of work in the BFME modding community. This campaign is the third of its kind, following the AOTR team's RTS adaptations of the first two books in Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. A large, sweeping narrative meets innovative RTS mechanics expressed with original art inspired by the books and Jackson films AND, original voices.

That's where you come in!

To pull off this massive, episodic narrative, we will need original voice actors to embody many characters, some well known to LOTR audiences and some with pivotal roles expounded upon from the books. Please read the descriptions of any character that catches your eye; there are so many you might connect with!

Understand that by auditioning for this project, you will be considered for any and all of the available roles herein. We may cast some folks for multiple roles as well.

Audition Notes

While dialect and accents are important, the focus should be on honesty and authenticity. Accurately portraying an area from our modern Earth is far less important than embodying the character from this fantasy universe. Sell it!

Feel free to audition for multiple roles, but understand that you will be considered for everything. You may also audition with a reel.


With so many characters, it's important for us to find individuality for them to connect with the players. How can you get this character across, even with only a few lines? Make a choice, and make it honest.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
High King Elendil
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The High King of Gondor and Arnor. Elendil the Tall was a great warrior, and the leader of the Faithful who escaped the downfall of Númenor. A renowned Elf-friend. He is the wisest and noblest of characters. The quintessential ‘good king’, likening to Charlemagne. His voice should be mature, deep, and wise.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.

  • I carry the lordship of Andúnië. [ahn-DOO-nee-ay].

  • Let the blessing of the Valar renew thee!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Isildur
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The firstborn son of High King Elendil, Isildur rules the kingdom of Gondor together with his younger brother Anarion. Isildur is a strong-willed, somewhat boisterous warrior-king; a reflection of his father’s warlike nature, without inheriting the full extent of his wisdom. He is eager for battle and to exact vengeance and justice upon Sauron.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Isildur am I, firstborn son of Elendil and ruler of Minas Ithil.

  • Yet we must make haste. Let us press on and put a torch to these towers, so that we may shroud our advance.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Anarion
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The younger son of High King Elendil. Anarion rules the Kingdom of Gondor together with his elder brother Isildur. Anarion is a pensive, intelligent man, a reflection of his father's wisdom, without inheriting the full extent of his mastery at arms. He is eager for battle and to exact vengeance and justice upon Sauron.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I am Anárion, here to serve at my father’s pleasure.

  • The strength of Men will neither bend nor break.

  • You face the Lord of Minas Anor!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
High King Gil-galad
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The High King of the Noldor Elves. A great and beloved Elven King, Gil-galad is wise beyond measure, a masterful warrior, and highly empathic. He should sound mature but not very aged, friendly and fearless, and devastating towards his enemies.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Together, we shall oust this Evil, once and for all.

  • May the Winds of the West bless us this day.

  • Eärendil’s light washes over thee! [eh-REN-deel]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Amdir
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The Elven King of Lórinand, or Lórien. Amdír is a wise and ancient lord, of great poise and grace. Descended from a nobler race, he now rules the wood-elves of Lórinand, for he wished to return to a simpler life, more in tune with nature. Called upon by Gil-galad, the High King of the Noldor, to fight against Mordor in the Last Alliance, Amdír has gathered a host of Elves and marches to war together with Amroth, his son. Amdír is excited to finally see some action again.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • The Sindar stand with our woodland kin.

  • Im Malgalad, aran-na-Lórien. [eem MAHL-gah-lahd, ah-RAHN nah LO-ri-en: I am Malgalad, the King of Lórien]

  • Cast out this wickedness! Aphado nin! [ah-FAH-doh neen! - follow me!]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Amroth
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The son of King Amroth of Lórien. Prince Amroth is a wise and joyous elf lord, beloved by his people. A renowned warrior, he has led his father’s armies during prior wars.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • All the Eldar must unite against this evil.

  • We must abide a while longer, Nimrodel.

  • Im Amroth, ernil-na-Lórien. [eem AHM-roth, er-NEEL nah LO-ri-en: I am Amroth, the Prince of Lórien]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Amrothos
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A man in his late twenties, Amrothos is the youngest prince of Dol Amroth, only a few years older than his sister Lothíriel. He is an adventurous seafarer - boisterous, boastful, and with a fiery temper. Amrothos nevertheless has an inescapable noble streak that has ever compelled him to aid his people wherever he could.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • I’ve commandeered a bit of wine, if you’d like to share? [slightly flirtatious]

  • *Captain* Amrothos, if you would.

  • [attacking] You would threaten a prince of Dol Amroth?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Erchirion
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A man in his mid thirties. Erchirion is warlike, possessing great martial prowess, taking pride in his ability to lead men into battle and come out victorious. He is fiercely loyal to Dol Amroth and Gondor. His voice is booming and strong. Name pronounced [erKEEreeon]

  • Men! Show them Amrothian valour!

  • The House of Adrahil stands strong!

  • In father’s name! IMRAHIL!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Elphir
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A man in his early forties. Elphir is the heir apparent to the Prince of Dol Amroth. He is a wise and learned man, a veteran warrior and cunning tactician - raised for leadership and ready to take up his father’s mantle. He is less brash than his brothers, more soft-spoken, more calm and thoughtful, but equally ruthless in battle.

  • We must not rely wholly on the Valar’s guidance.

  • We either safeguard the White City, or risk losing everything.

  • [especially rageful] I do as you have done. Now die!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dervorin of the Ringlo Vale
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Not yet a Lord due his long-lived father, Dervorin marches in the Lord’s stead. He is a man in his early fifties. Well-liked and kind, he is nevertheless an experienced commander who has fought many battles under his father’s banner.

  • Dervorin, heir to the Ringlo Vale, at your service.

  • Mordor cannot be allowed to hurt our people further.

  • I stand in my father’s stead.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Golasgil of Anfalas
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A wise and wizened leader in his forties, Golasgil has long defended the Gondorian land of Anfalas against coastal raids. Unable to spare many warriors in Minas Tirith’s defence, he nevertheless leads a long line of drafted townsmen, eager to do what he can to prevent the destruction of the White City.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • My warriors are few but we are fierce.

  • As for me and my house, we will serve.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Hirluin of Pinnath Gelin
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A man in his mid-thirties, Lord Hirluin is attractive and well-loved by his people. He is a great and knightly warrior with a touch of conceit about him who is nevertheless a heroic figure, marching a host of gallant knights to the aid of Minas Tirith.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Few have been known to match my skill with a blade.

  • Ah, Pinnath Gelin. Truly the fairest region in all of Gondor.

  • [attack] Trample them into the dust!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Duinhir of the Blackroot Vale
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A dour, rough man in his fifties. Lord Duinhir is the lord of a relatively poor region of Gondor, and might be somewhat embittered at the hardship his people have endured. Regardless, he is a heroic figure who fearlessly commits what little men he can spare to the defence of Minas Tirith.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Black as the roots of the river.

  • I’d bet my good eye Denethor has more supplies…

  • [attack] Black out the skies!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Lothíriel
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A princess in her twenties. Lothíriel is plucky, intelligent, and eager to contribute to the furtherance of her family’s status. She is the youngest of 4 - being a little sister to her 3 older brothers. Her father is Imrahil, the wise and elder Prince of Dol Amroth. She has also lived a sheltered life and will seem somewhat oblivious to the perils of the game’s battlefield that the player places her in. After the War of the Ring, she married King Éomer of Rohan - certain voice lines reference this fact.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • Do you think the war will come to Dol Amroth?

  • [Laughing, on horseback] See if you can keep up!

  • People of Dol Amroth! Defend your homes!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Ladies of noble upbringing, around mid-twenties. They have lived sheltered lives so far and are unused to the violence of war. Mostly vain, scheming and a little arrogant and manipulative, they hold a soft spot for Princess Lothíriel. They harbour some anger in their attack and combat lines, having lived their lives thus far doing little but performing menial tasks to those that happen to have a bit more noble blood than them. This character is intentionally somewhat comedic and silly.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • [overly dramatic, a trick] Brave Sir Knight! I never believed in love at first sight! Yet here you are!

  • Unworthy, even for a dog!

  • When are the honey cakes supposed to arrive?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Black Swan Captain
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Orphans of the many wars with Mordor and Harad. Raised in an orphanage but personally sponsored by the prince, they are thoroughly loyal to Dol Amroth. They have been knighted by the prince and now their purpose is clear: the enemies of the Prince must be destroyed. Their voice is coarse and gruff.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Leader of the Charge, awaiting orders.

  • Their blood will water the flowers of this land!

  • Slay the enemies of the Prince!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Old man who has seen too much of the world to really be worried. Taught all the princes including Imrahil swordsmanship and has no real respect for authority because of this. Greatly respected, grumpy and sarcastic. Hard shell and soft heart. Enjoys showing off his prowess when provoked. Voice is gravelly and low. 2nd audition line is actually two separate lines; he is often a man of few words!

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • Master-at-Arms, ready to teach you a thing or two.

  • Shoddy swordsmanship. -New line- Need another lesson?

  • [in combat] Is this all you can do?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Custodians of Durin
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

An ancient order of elite, venerable Dwarven royal guards. Their order has always protected Durin the Deathless, their king. Durin is a demigod-like dwarf whose spirit, once his body is dead, will eventually return to its body to reign again. The current Durin is Durin IV. The Custodians guard his body when living and when it slumbers. They possess great nobility, wisdom, and ferocity in battle. Deep voice, intimidating, serious. Not comic relief.

Certain lines are in Khuzdul, the language of the Dwarves. Khuzdul is a firm, somewhat harsh language. We don’t have a set pronunciation guide - what matters is that it doesn’t sound like a native English speaker attempting a foreign tongue, but rather more ‘authentic’.

Scottish is the inspirational accent; but again authenticity to the character is more important than accuracy to a true Scottish person's accent.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • scottish
  • The Sons of Durin make war upon this land!

  • M’imnu Durin! Du bekar! [in durin’s name, to arms - mihm-noo doorin, doo behkaar]

  • Where the Deathless goes, we follow.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Champions of Tirith Aear
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Knights born and bred, courtly and high minded and extremely competent in battle. They are the winners of many tourneys and are now royal guards, the highest honour to a knight of Dol Amroth. Generally cheerful because of their success, but grim in combat. The Champions have pleasant voices but are sometimes a bit cocky. Name pronounced [TIH-rith eye-AR]

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • As Húrin did! Aurë Entuluva! [Hoo-rin] [AU-reh en-TOO-loo-va]

  • Our order has served the Princes of Dol Amroth for generations.

  • [wrathful, after their lord has fallen] No! Send these vile creatures into the abyss!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pelargir Noble
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

r/iamthemaincharacter. Arrogant, pompous and prone to flattery. Would be handsome if they weren’t so convinced they were the most beautiful man in the room. Has enjoyed a formal education and high quality fencing lessons but has no real experience on the field. Boastful but prone to cowardice in true combat - but ultimately they mean well and seek the best for the lands of Dol Amroth. Accent leans more posh RP.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I see my presence is required!

  • Allow me to do the thinking.

  • The order is given! Arm yourselves!


Public Submissions

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