Agathoth: The Five Villages

Agathoth: The Five Villages

Project Overview

Hello, everyone! This casting call is for Season 1 of "Agathoth: The Five Villages" LHS Studios is producing a new series that consists of many characters that help their 

All roles are in the English language. Voice actors must be comfortable with having things done quickly and sometimes having to use profanity.

For all voice actor roles and all animators, LHS Studios will be working on getting a higher budget for this. We will be paying at some point as this series / show will be released to streaming services (some major, some minor).

We also will showcase all credits such as voice actors, producers, animators, and more. The showcase includes voice actors photo, biography, contact information and links to social media. Voice actors are allowed to not have to give this information if they do not want to, we will not force anyone to do anything they are uncomfortable with unless they sign up to do it knowingly.


The deadline for auditions is July 20th, 2021. There are currently no plans to extend this deadline, as the full Season 1 script is almost ready to release to voice actors. We need to receive all lines back from voice actors after a month the lines are sent to them (unless this is changed it will be the usual time for all deadlines).


Expect to be welcomed by LHS Studios workers such as Michael and Thomas. At this point, you'll be part of a voice acting family, where you’ll get to meet other voice actors such as yourself once we grow to be a bigger community. We communicate primarily through Discord and Telegram. If you are unfamiliar with either of these applications, you should not audition, however, we strongly, strongly recommend participation through Discord so that you can collaborate with your fellow voice actors. We've used Discord and Telegram with other projects and it has been of immense value. 


  • First and foremost, have fun and make memories -- we take pride in bringing together people with talents that most others do not have, we will make sure that this memory for you will be a great one, we will make sure any and all needs are taken care of, and lastly we will make sure that we attempt to make this more than fun for any and all participants in this project. 

  • Please submit clean recordings on prosumer mics (no air conditioners in the background, no fans. We don't mind performing noise reduction on your files, however too much clean-up reduces the quality of your voice). And speaking of clean-up please let us handle the post-production. Don't add effects to your lines as you should leave that to our audio workers.

  • Feel free to cut your lines to your best/favorite takes. Three is the gold standard. We have a few voice actors that would rather give us more takes, and that's okay, too. However please at least remove the takes you don't want to be featured in the channel where we will decide if you will be allowed in or if you will not.

  • Please submit your recordings with your discord or telegram contact info so that we can know how to contact you if you do get accepted.

  • We do occasionally ask for line re-dos, but we do this sparingly and only after great consideration - we realize your time is valuable, and we won't ask for anything we can't work around in edits. 

  • Lastly, since we are planning on multiple seasons of Agathoth: The Five Villages, we'd like to cast people who will be able to stick with us for a while. We're incredibly proud of the acting troupe we've formed over the years, and when starting a new project, we frequently return to voice actors we've worked with in the past. 



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Animator 1
Paid: Flat Rate 8 USD

Send your past animations and your discord when applying.

  • Say something you think would fit

Animator 2
Paid: Flat Rate 8 USD

Send your past animations and your discord when applying.

  • Say something you think would fit


Send in past projects and your discord when applying.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer

Please send your past projects and your discord when applying.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Apollo Smith
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Apollo is one of the most bravest ones in the series, he will survive many attacks, yet although he is brave he will be scared of most situations from the start.

Apollo will be the leading role / the main character that everyone will be following when watching the show.

  • "W-where am I?" (Scared)

  • "Hey, I'm Apollo, what's your name?" (Neutral)

  • "We've got to do this!"  (Courageous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Renata Quint
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Renata is a big character when it comes to the character development of Apollo. She will help guide him, help take care of him, and help him through all his journeys. 

  • "My name is Renata, what's yours?" (Happy)

  • "Do you wanna go to the festival with me?" (Happy)

  • "Where's Apollo?" (Frightened)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Osvaldo Grant
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Osvaldo is going to be a bit of side character while still remaining a lead, he goes and tries to help both of his best friends, Apollo, and Renata. Throughout this he will learn how to get through more, and he will learn how to get through tough situation.

  • "Hey Apollo, how is it going?" (Neutral)

  • "Woah this place is cool!" (Surprised)

  • "What are we going to do?" (Frightened)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack Tren
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD

Jack Tren is a supporting character that try to act cool during most of the days, although he is very easily scared.


    "Hey Apollo, hey Renata, how's it goin'?" (Happy)

  • "Today we are going to the energy room in the middle!" (Excited)

  • "Run!" (Scared / Loud)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tanner Queen
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD

Tanner Queen is the brother of Allie Queen, he is friends with Apollo after meeting him at the energy room in the middle. He is brave and Apollo usually looks up to him.

  • "Its either I do it or we die!" (Courageous)

  • "Hey, how's it going guys?" (Neutral)

  • "I've got us some tickets for the festival!" (Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Allie Queen
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD

Allie Queen is the sister of Tanner Queen. She is easily frightened and is teased about it a lot, mean while she also cares for everyone and tries to help everyone out when needed.

  • "Tanner you're an idiot." (Neutral) 

  • "Hey, wait what are you doing?" (Questioning)

  • "Wait, no don't do it!" (Scared)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Teacher 1
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD

Teacher 1 is a minor character that is used in the class scenes.

  • "Student ID (Number) Class (Number)?" (Questioning)

  • "Today we are going to learn how to control our abilities." (Informing, with a strict tone)

  • "Apollo, I need you to stay after class." (Strict tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Teacher 2
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD

Teacher 2 will be used in class scenes, especially for learning about the meaning of Agathoth.

  • "Today we will be learning about the meaning of Agathoth." (neutral)

  • "Alright lets wrap up the class!" (neutral but loud)

  • "Everyone take your seats!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extra voices

  • "Everythings on fire!" (Scared)

  • Just basically scream as if you are in agony

  • Make up your own lines


Public Submissions

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