A Poyo Life (Episode 2) - A Super Smash Bros Wii U / Ultimate Machinima Series
Project Overview
A Poyo Life is a brand new Machinima about 3 Kirby's (Poyos) that have relationship problems, doing random crap......a lot of relationship problems! These three are Dex, Jin, and Mina as seen in the video above. They, along with the other Poyos, are all young adults trying to get by in their daily day-to-day lives.
Originally conceived in Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U, A Poyo Life was created by Mectro15 and is being worked on in tandem with Nick S. of TheBoneHeadClan, two Machinimators with years of experience and several continually running series in Super Smash Bros. Coming off the backs of Super Smash Combo Class & Super Smash Bullies, It's a slice-of-life show featuring predominantly comedy-based antics along with some real-to-life drama only friends like these could have. But 3 friends can't a show make, that's why we need YOU; A daring cast of characters that gets bigger with each episode. (Not all characters will appear in every episode.)
The current deadline for the auditions is October 1st, but it may be extended or shortened if deemed necessary. Once all of the roles are filled up, the Casting Call will close, but fear not!
A new Casting Call Will be made for each episode, so there's always more roles to go around! So stay tuned!
A Decent Quality Microphone is Required.
Watch the attached video. (You can find the other "episodes" on the same channel if you so wish to watch them.)
Please only submit one audition per person unless there is a drastic difference or severe audio screw up.
If you have any questions or comments you can ask/say them along with your audition.
Happy Trails!
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Latest Updates
The scripts will be sent out in the Project Chat via a link. If you would like to be contacted through some method other than CCC, please leave it in the project chat section or in a private message. Our Discord will be linked as well along with email.
Casting Call Closed [Episode 2]
Thank you to everyone who auditioned! The roles have been cast. For those of you who did not receive a part, fret not, there is always next time! No one specifically has been cast for the "Extras" Role. All auditions for this will be used in some way. You may be contacted down the line to voice another character. -
1 Week Left!
I'd like to thank everyone for their auditions so far. We've loved 'em all. But there's still 1 week left for auditions, so tell your friends! Share the Casting Call around and don't forget, you could be casted for more than one character, so feel free to audition for anyone and everyone!

Gehry is another one of the Poyos. (Kirby Characters) Gehry has the tick of Multiple Personalities. Rarely, if ever at all, is Gehry seen not in some getup with a backstory and an accent to go with it. He always has a different headpiece on. Along with the other main cast of Poyos, it's likely that Gehry is of Young Adult age. If Gerhy's not acting like someone else, he just isn't being himself.
He's a Green Kirby who always has different hats on and gets into their accompanying personalities. The cast will always question, "What are you being now and who did you get that hat from? Stop stealing people's hats!"
Gehry is a character who will be required to do several different voices across many episodes as he is a reoccurring character.
(As a Police Officer)
"Break it up! Break it up! There will be no fighting around here on my watch."
"That's officer Gehry to you."
(As a Batman Parody)
"There is No Gehry! Only Justice!!"
(Come up with some unique personas and perform them in different voices.)

Minty is another Poyo. (Kirby) She is pink, but is distinctly always with a different hairstyle every day. Unlike Gehry, her personality stays the same. She is the girly-girl type; always wanting to get brunch, chat, and of course style her hair.
The voice I'm looking for is sort of akin to that of Bayonetta, only if she was friendly and not a angel killing witch. So, go a tad British and annunciate a lot, really get a good feel for stretching out words and syllables.
Minty-”I am just so into this new hairstyle. Like, I cannot even tell you how good my hairdresser is. He’s a Goddess!” (Really stretch out the Goddess.)
Minty-”Two wrongs don’t make a right!” (As she runs off after her friend, Jin.)
Minty-”AAAHH!!! Oh *sigh*. Gehry sweetheart, it’s just you. You’ve got to stop scaring me like that, honey.”

(Not Poon & Boom.
Boom is an explosion and Poon is slang for Poontang. I know it's a tongue twister, but their names are Poom with an M and Boon with an N.)
Poom & Boon are an inseparable pair. They never leave each other's side, they follow exactly along in each other's footsteps and they are unquestionably mysterious. To say they're creepy is an understatement.
Typically known as "The Mischief Makers", Poom & Boon (White and Black respectively) have a sort of creepy childhood voice you might expect to come out of the mouth of the girl who fell into the well in "The Ring".
They're not someones you'd want to meet in a dark alley. Or any alley. They're uncomfortable to the viewer, that's how it should be. They both have the same voice and it will be indistinguishable who's actually speaking between the two of them.
"We were breaking windows."
"Windows on every floor."
"And now we've finished."
"Isn't it Glorious?"Poom&Boon-"Hello."
(Say something you think would fit!)
(Often times, there is a back and forth between the two as they take turns talking to someone else.
So rather than just one of them answer a question, they both do, line by line. It's un-nervingly coordinated.)

The police force is made up of men that all sound and look vaguely the same. (They're all Captain Falcons.)
A strong, bold sort of voice would work well here.
(Note: This is one role to voice many officers with the same voice and persona.)
"Stop Right There!"
”You are under arrest!”
"All in a day's work."

If you did not receive a role or do not see a role that suits you, but are still interested in the series, you can audition for this role for potential extras.
If you present a voice, or a demo reel that we find suitable, you may also be personally requested to act as a character in a future episode.
The next few episodes have already been written so more roles will be needed very soon. (We're going episode by episode as to not keep people waiting.)
These are all up in the air. It can be any voice, any gender, and any way you like it. (Subject to change or dis-inclusion)
"Who broke my window?" (Annoyed)
"Oh my, what a travesty." (Appalled)
"I just can't believe this." (Shocked)
"They need better security here."
"I don't even live here and I have something to say about this!"
(Come up with some lines of your own for a potential character or scene!)
Public Submissions