A hymn for blood - Creepypasta original story (comic dub)

A hymn for blood - Creepypasta original story (comic dub)

Project Overview

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for voice actors for "A hymn for blood". I'm the author of this fancomic, and even if it's a "just for fun project" this actually means a lot to me. I'm currently uploading the first chapters on Youtube, thanks to the help friends and voice actors are giving me.

For further info, do not hesitate to contact me!

Thanks for your attention!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jeff the Killer
Role assigned to: EuclidClassDunmer

I'm looking for a young male voice, capable of expressing Jeff's twisted personality, including strong emotions, outbursts of anger, madness and mood switches (expecially because he's the main character of the story).

His voice usually sounds badass and smug - sometimes to the point of being irriverent or haughty – and it expresses self-confidence as well as his hot temper.

During the story Jeff shouts a lot, laughs hysterically, loses his control etc. so it's underlying not to be ashamed of showing strong emotions while reading Jeff's lines :)

  • (Jeff goes berserk, losing his mind totally and getting into a maniacal state)

    What's that... I feel so HAPPY now... so DAMN HAPPY...

    I need to kill... I need to see BLOOD spilling everywhere!! Why control myself then? All this... sounds like FUN!!

  • (Smug) He? Who the hell are you talking about? What's that fellow's name??

  • [Jeff woke up tied up to a chair. Two strangers, each one with a mask put on their face, are looking at him, menacingly] (Scared) WHO THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?? WHO EVEN ARE YOU??

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hoodie / Brian
Role assigned to: Terminal Pixel

An adult male voice that sounds shy and unconfident. Brian sometimes stutters and whispers, as he's kinda anxious when talking. He sounds quiet and gentle.

Example → Austin McMains

  • You could have killed us for all we know!

  • (hesitant, slightly scared) Ehm... Actually, there IS a problem, Tim.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Liu Woods
cast offsite

Jeff remembers of when, as a child, he used to play and talk with his brother Liu.

For this role, I need a voice actor capable to sound like a kid (both a female or male voice would be okay, as long as it's not too feminine or masculine).

As a child, Liu's voice was warm, comforting and cheerful, expecially when talking to Jeff.

  • (teasingly) last one to the fence is a wimp!!

  • (happy, excited and cute) Found you, Jeff!

  • [Liu finds Jeff, sit alone, looking sad.]  Everyhting okay, bro? You seem under the weather...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crazy voices in Jeff's and EJ's minds
Role assigned to: deleted361457

These voices are heard both in Jeff's and EJ's minds when going berserk. They sound crazy and convincing, like some sort of ghost.

  • [Eyeless Jack is starting to get possessed by Chernobog and despite doing his best to control himself, thoughts starts racing in his mind]

    What are you waiting for? Kill it. Stop resisting... EAT IT.

  • [A flashback of his dead brother Liu, covered by blood, appears in Jeff's mind] ...It's too late, Jeff.

  • [Jeff, possessed by a strong bloodlust, is looking for his knife to kill his opponent]

    The knife, the knife, THE KNIFE!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Jeff Woods
Role assigned to: ShiroTwin

In these lines Jeff sounds sad and melancholic, also a little annoyed.

  • [Liu asked Jeff "did something happen?] "Nothing happened... just leave me alone."

  • "I'm not hungry. Tell mom I won't come"

  • [Jeff and Liu are running together. Liu shouts "I'm faster!!"]

    "You wish!!"


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