A Distorted Future (REBOOT)
Project Overview
This story takes place on a long-forgotten planet named Neptar.
We look back to the past and relive the life of Mistery; a boy who never feels like he belongs. Born into royalty, he believes he needs to prove himself to those around him. However, in reality, the world's view of him greatly exceeds his expectations. His fellow peers around him hold his skill in such high regard to the point where even he feels overwhelmed.
Unbeknownst to him, something deeper and more sinister lies within this boy, thus his life becomes intertwined with those of immeasurable power. Now he must break out of his shell and move forward to prove his worth, not just to those around him, but to himself.
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
1. Please keep in mind that this will be a long term project
2. You must have little to no background noise
3. You must have a Discord account.
4. You must be active and respond in a timely manner.
5. Make sure to read the character descriptions in order to get an accurate representation of the role.
6. Many of the scripts are 35+ pages. Each chapter has around 4,000-5,000 words
7. This is a fairly complex and lengthy story
8. The 5 main characters of the story will be listed as well as characters appearing from chapter 1 to 3
9. I will continue to add more characters as chapters are completed
10. I may push the deadline back if necessary
11. This project will be an audiobook-esque story told through the perspective of the main character; Mistery.
12. If you need or want any more information on a character please feel free to contact me either through CCC or Discord "Mistery2#6609"
Character art by "auila_risq": https://www.fiverr.com/aulia_risq/draw-simple-colored-anime-art?context_referrer=user_page&ref_ctx_id=b4336f68-e218-4f3f-a64d-63f0f47384fe&pckg_id=1&pos=1
If you would like to read this story, I have a small portion of it posted online. I thought I should do this in order to allow people to see what this story is all about. I will try to occasionally update it and publish new chapters in the future.
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Latest Updates
Hello everyone! I have just added 2 new roles for the prologue. Both of these roles will start off very minor but will become fairly major characters in the distant future.
Chapter 2
Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that chapter 2 is finally available, Please feel free to check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1ejZThFrZw -
New Roles
Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that I have posted 7 new roles for characters appearing in chapters 4-9. So if you didn't get cast last time and are still interested feel free to give them a shot!
I am posting this role for the Prologue.
This will be a fairly minor role to start off with however Neuro will eventually play a major role in the story. So be warned this will be a long term role
Neuros voice should sound quite deep and menacing. He should have a strange monster effect and his voice should sound almost distorted.
You may add the effects yourself, however, I can and will add effects to each audition if they don't have any.
"I find your lack of fear amusing,"
"There will come a time when I paint the ground with your blood and rid this world of your blight,"
"You're the type of person I hate the most; someone who blindly follows orders. All you are is but a lapdog,"
I am posting this role for the Prologue.
This will essentially be a one-off role it's fairly minor but plays a major part in this story. However, I may require this role in the very distant future.
Her voice should be of a young woman, determined to complete her goal. She should have a calm aura about her, focused and mature.
"What should I be afraid of? All I see is a lost soul who strayed too far from his path,"
"You see yourself a god?"
"What a demented outlook,""Unlike you, I have people I care about, people who depend on me. I won't sit back and watch you slaughter them all!"
I'm looking for someone to create maybe a few scenes per chapter, typically around 1-2.
This artist's role will be to create the big pieces for each chapter for when just having characters converse isn't enough. These pieces will typically be scenes with more than one character present. These scenes will typically be fight scenes and intimate interactions between characters.
If you like doing a few large art pieces I'd recommend this role
All three artist roles are different so please feel free to contact me for more info on this role.
Say something you think would fit
I'm looking for someone to create drawings of various characters each with a range of emotions.
This will work in a similar style to that of a visual novel. Still images of characters will be placed over a background with their expressions changing based on each character dialogue.
While I do have reference images for the 5 main characters. this artist must be able to draw characters with little to no reference at times. However, I will be able to provide a plethora of other info.
If you like doing a lot of smaller art pieces I'd recommend this role
All three artist roles are different so please feel free to contact me for more info on this role.
Say something you think would fit
I'm looking for someone to create drawings of various backgrounds where characters can be overlayed. This will be in a similar style to that of a visual novel where a still background is used for different scenes. These backgrounds don't have to be extremely complex or specific, most of the time I'll just say stuff like "draw a forest, or draw a small room"
If you excel at drawing backgrounds I'd recommend this role
All three artist roles are different so please feel free to contact me for more info on this role.
Say something you think would fit

First Appearance: Chapter 1
Age: 17
Prince Mistery is the main character of this whole story. Since the majority of the story is told through his perspective, this role will be responsible for twice the amount of work, both his conversation lines and the narration lines. So as a quick disclaimer, this role has a very large part throughout the story, expect a lot of lines.
Voice: For this character, I'm looking for someone with a fairly dull voice, a medium pitch. Mistery also has a sigh in his voice every time he speaks.
Personality: Mistery is somewhat of a lazy person, you can see that though appearance alone and some of his dialogue might reflect that. However, deep inside he's quite a devoted person, he loves to help people, even if he thinks it takes too much effort. However, he has incredibly low self-esteem but hides it by acting quite pridefu1l and making a lot of jokes.
(in an annoyed/tired tone of voice)
"Do I have to?" *sigh* “Fine…”
(Almost like a whisper, as if he's mourning)
"No matter what I say to anyone, my grandfather’s ‘greatness’ always comes first and people just can’t seem to see past that."
(In a narrating style)
We continued to stand outside as the rain began to pour down on us. The streets were empty, but she wouldn’t take her eyes off me for even a second.

First Appearance: Chapter 1
Age: 19
Voice: Blade has a decently low-pitched voice, he speaks in a monotone voice and has a very disciplined demeanor. He also rarely shows any emotion.
Personality: Blade is a by the book type of person, he always follows orders and does his tasks to a tee. He is quite strict towards his classmates and peers, he is a natural-born leader and is quite a prodigy when it comes to most things. Some may see him as stubborn or distant, but in reality, he is quite kind-hearted when you get to know him.
(In a commanding tone of voice)
"We need to slow down and stick to the plan!"(In a strict tone of voice)
"Are you two done slacking off?"(In a slightly mocking tone)
“How long are you going to keep this facade going?”

First Appearance: Chapter 4
Age: 17
Voice: Hope has a very monotone voice, she is calm, quiet, and has a sort of whisper to everything she says. Hope has a medium to low pitched voice.
Personality: Hope has a very mellow personality, she doesn't speak too much and she's not very emotional about anything. She seems to have a strange dark aura around her which gives people the impression that she is quite sad and gloomy. She also tends to say things outright due to the fact that it's hard for her to interpret others' emotions.
“Can I ask you something?” (semi-long pause)
“Why have you been avoiding me all this time?”
(in a slightly embarrassed voice)
“Y-you didn’t have to do this,”"Well, I-I brought you this,”
“I could never be mad at you……” (she is saying this as she slowly falls asleep)

First Appearance: Chapter 10
Age: 18
pronounced (jan-it)
Voice: Janet has a medium to high pitched voice, she should have very happy and joyous expressions.
Personality: Janet is an extremely joyful and energetic girl. She can get along with damn near anyone and is just overall one of the nicest most carefree people you'd ever encounter.
Are you the guy I found lying outside of the forest?
“It’s a sandwich, don’t tell me you’ve never had one,”
“I mean, it’s just a normal sandwich,” (confused)
“Ham, Lettuce, Tomato. You know, the basics,”
(In a more serious tone of voice)
"You know, sometimes you've just gotta ignore the bad things in the world and focus on all of the good,"

First Appearance: TBD
Age: 18
Voice: Edge has a medium pitched, raspy voice that should have a sort of aggressive tone to it.
Personality: Edge is, in the most simple terms, a trouble maker. He is quite loud and overbearing, he's not good with following orders and tends to get into fights quite often.
(This should be said in an aggressive tone)
"You can either continue to stand there acting like a pansy or you can pick up that damn sword,"(This should be said in a menacing tone)
"Oooh, I'm going to enjoy tormenting this one,"(This should be said in a joking tone of voice)
*slight chuckle*
"Hey, it was worth a shot,"
First Appearance: Chapter 1
Voice: Lydia is a soft-spoken young lady, she tends to deliver her lines with simplicity and never overcomplicates what she is trying to say.
Personality: Lydia is quite playful but also very orderly and well mannered.
"Sir, please get ready, the King wishes to speak with you,"
"May I get you anything today sir?"
"I will escort you to your quarters. Please, right this way,"
First Appearance: Chapter 1
Voice: Zant has a quite deep and slightly scruffy voice. He also has a very commanding tone of voice.
Personality: Being a King, Zant exerts this strange and intimidating presence, he's incredibly intelligent and quite philosophical. However, he also has a soft side, he loves conversing with others and telling jokes.
"Alright alright," *sigh*
"Seriously, you kids need to learn some restraint every once in a while,"
"Instead of guessing, you need to rely on your senses, do not dwell on the past or worry about the future, you must react to any immediate danger in order to fully avoid it,"
"You say you began to lose control?"
"I see...that might warrant some looking into"
First Appearance: Chapter 1
Voice: Strek is a captain, thus he should have quite a loud and commanding voice. His voice should be low pitched and intimidating.
Personality: Strek is quite a serious person who expects only your absolute best effort.
Now then! Are there any other concerns?" (long pause)
“It’s settled then!” (he shouts)
“To begin our session, I need to see where you all stand, so we’ll be doing a little sparring for the next hour,”
“Begin to warm up! We will begin today's lesson shortly,"
(he should be shouting during this line)
First Appearance: Chapter 1
pronounced (sih-juhl)
Voice: I want his voice to sound as scruffy and as raspy as possible, he has a medium To low pitched voice.
Personality: Sigil is quite the reckless old man, he always cracks up at other's failures. He does as he pleases and says what he wants, he is unfiltered and unhinged.
"The shipment was delayed, there ain't nothing I can do 'bout it,"
"Oh, that hunk of junk? Yeah...I decided to throw that out a while ago,"
“Well if you want advice on love I’m the right man for the job,” *laughter*
“There’s no point in hiding it kid, your face says it all,”
First Appearance: Chapter 1
Voice: Trock has a decently low pitched voice, he should also be quite loud and intimidating.
Personality: Trock is an extremely arrogant person. He is always angry at something or someone. He is extremely proud of his noble status, and he makes sure you know that.
"You're going to regret that, I'll knock some sense into that insufferable head of yours,"
"I'm going to tear you to shreds you piece of shit!" (in an extremely angry tone of voice)
"What can a bunch of commoners ever hope to accomplish besides complaining?"
First Appearance: Chapter 1
pronounced (reeza)
Voice: Riza has a low pitched voice, her voice also has a small hint of sass.
Personality: Riza is a very prideful person. She tends to disregard others, often ignoring questions or thinking that she's too good for anyone. She is also very keen on insulting others.
"Holy shit!” (she shouts, in a somewhat mocking manner)
“You two look like you just got your asses kicked” (said with laughter)
"What's up prince? You look awfully gloomy today,"
"This ain't a one-way street pal,"
First Appearance: Chapter 2
Voice: His voice should have a sort of prideful sound to it, he has a medium pitched voice and should always sound like he's talking down to someone.
Personality: Marz is quite a stuck up person, he is a natural genius and thus, thinks that everybody else.
“Are you done ignoring me yet?”
"When will you get it through your feeble little skulls that I'm not looking to become friends with any of you?"
"Hey, dimwits, quit being a waste of space and go do something useful for once,"
First Appearance: Chapter 2
Voice: Joule has a relatively high-pitched voice, she extremely soft-spoken and tends to stutter while speaking. She almost always speaks in a nervous tone.
Personality: Joule is an extremely shy person, she never likes to talk and always keeps to herself
"I-I don't think I'm the right person to ask about this,"
To be perfectly honest, I'd rather be in my room away from all of this chaos," *slight giggle*
“N-no, it’s not like that!” (she raises her voice slightly)
“I just…”
First Appearance: Chapter 2
Voice: Aura's voice is quite high pitched, she also pouts and complains quite a bit.
Personality: Aura is essentially a spoiled "princess" type of character. She complains a lot, she's needy, she argues, but in reality, she just wants some attention.
“Unbelievable!” (she scoffs)
“You couldn’t even bother to change your clothes?!”
*hmph* "Crawling back to me are you?"
*slight giggle* "Snooping around are we?"
First Appearance: Chapter 3
Voice: Grewks typically have very raspy sounding voices consisting of a lot of grunts, gurgles, and screeches, as well as very basic speech.
Personality: Grewks are a species of creature, thus they don't necessarily have solid personalities. Every single Grewk is ranked in terms of power, the higher their rank, the more cohesive their speech becomes.
(try to say this in either a high or low pitch, bonus points if you do both)
*high-pitched screech*
*low-pitched screech*
“Stop this futile resistance,”
First Appearance: Chapter 4
Voice: Halmar's voice should be quite scruffy and somewhat creepy.
Personality/Info: Halmar is a mysterious salesman with various rare and valuable artifacts.
"Come right on in. Please, won’t you take a look at my wares?"
"Hey, a man's gotta make a living somehow,"
*creepy giggle*
"So you want it or not? I don't got all day,"
First Appearance: Chapter 5
Voice: Cretoll should have a deep and commanding voice; one befitting a powerful knight.
Personality/Info: Not much is known about Cretoll. However, he is a powerful knight, a strict teacher, as well as a great role model/father figure for Blade.
“My father gave me my first weapon when I was about your age, it’s only natural I’d do the same,”
"Watch carefully and listen well boy!"
"You'll never get anywhere in life if you just continue to rely on others help,"
"Take control of your own life and make your own decisions!"(In a lecturing tone)
"Why do you think I decided to take you in after I found you?""Well, it certainly wasn't to have you moping around like a spoiled brat!"
First Appearance: Chapter 5
Voice: Ferha has a soft, yet captivating voice. She has very proper mannerisms and should have a medium to low pitched voice.
Personality/Info: Ferha is one of King Zant's attendants, as well as a castle servant.
"Welcome to the great Kingdom of Torn!"
"Our king shall see you now, please, follow me,"
"I apologize for the delay, how may I help you today sir?"
First Appearance: Chapter 5
Voice: Adira should have a relatively low pitched voice. She should be strict, commanding, and slightly aggressive.
Personality/Info: Adira is a very powerful and dedicated knight, a bit 'too' dedicated. She takes her abilities and standing as a royal knight extremely seriously.
"If you want to rise to the ranks of the royal knight you must overcome any and every obstacle in your path,”
"Let the lesson begin!"
"You dare come to me after that pitiful performance and ask why you failed?"
(she begins to shout)
"Everyone in this regiment has trained their asses off! All except for you! And why is that? Because you can't get off your high horse and lose that damn ego!"
First Appearance: Chapter 8
Voice: His voice should be more on the deeper side, he should be courteous, but expressive, and carefree.
Personality/Info: Reaver is a prince of Otoma; a neighboring planet. He is a powerful warrior as well as a respected figure.
“Greetings, I have arrived as you've requested,”
"I'd rather not be involved in your quarrel, I've got more important things to take care of,"
"A prince's job isn't to worry about changing the people's expectations of him, but to meet them,"
First Appearance: Chapter 8
Voice: Echo speaks in a very machine-like way. She also has an echo every time she speaks; hence the name.
Personality/Info: Echo is an extremely advanced AI created to aid Mistery. She can gather a variety of information and has a vast database.
"Running Diagnostics,"
(slight pause)
"Negative, I have no information in my database,”
"Greetings, I am designated as Codex 1 5 0 2," (read out each number)
"I was created for the sole purpose of carrying out this mission,"
First Appearance: Chapter 9
Voice: He should have a middle-aged rich and pompous voice.
Personality/Info: Fraughel is Hope's primary caretaker as well as an extremely pompous and pretentious noble.
"My my, someone is awfully chatty today,"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Why are you wearing those things? They're filthy,"
"Go on take them off at once and get out of my sight!"
Public Submissions