A Distorted Future
Project Overview
We look back to the past and relive the life of Mistery; a boy who never feels like he belongs. Born into royalty, he believes he needs to prove himself to those around him, though he lacks the skill and the confidence, people still look up to him and respect him. Through a strange series of events however, his life becomes intertwined with those of immeasurable power. Thus he must break out of his shell and move forward to prove his worth, not just to those around him, but to himself.
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Each chapter has around 4,000-5,000 words (excluding chapter 6 which as under 1000)
1. I don't ask for much, but it would be helpful if you had some sort of mic and voice that is at least comprehensible.
2. You must have a Discord account.
3. It would also be helpful if you are over the age of 13.
If you need or want any more information on a character please feel free to contact me, I just wasn't sure how much info to add. I will try to get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
I don't actually have a set "deadline" I just wanted to try this out after learning about this website.
If you would like to read this story, I have a small portion of it posted online. I thought I should do this in order to allow people to see what this story is all about. I will try to occasionally update it and publish new chapters in the future.
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Latest Updates
Hello everyone, I would just like to notify all of you that this project will be undergoing a reboot and we will be starting fresh with a new style of project. If you would like to audition or even just follow the progress of this story please check out the new Casting Call at: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/a-distorted-future-reboot
Joule Re-opened
The role of "Joule" has been reopened, I am in need of and somewhat in a hurry to find someone suitable for this role. Chapter 2 is currently in production and we will not be able to complete it without someone to take over for Joule. -
Main Character Role Reopened
Hello everyone, I just wanted to give a quick announcement. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the role of Mistery has been reopened. At the current moment, we are only missing Mistery's lines to be able to begin producing the first chapter. If you would like to try out for the role, please feel free to. However, I warn you, he has a hefty amount of lines that need to be recorded. I wish you all luck. -
Cover Art
The cover art for ADF has finally been completed, hopefully, this will encourage more people to audition. As a disclaimer, I did not draw this piece. For more info on the artist please check them out at: https://www.fiverr.com/aulia_risq They have great prices and amazing artwork. -
Chapter 1 Update
It's been a few days since I have posted this project and I have gotten a surprising amount of auditions (way more than I was expecting at least). For the most part, I have a vague idea on who I will be choosing for each of the characters. I am almost ready to be casting people, It would just be great to fill up the remaining two roles required, which would be; Riza and Lydia Two female characters. Both of these characters have fairly minor roles for now, so this may be a great role for those who would like a lighter workload. I will very shortly be sending out private messages to confirm whether or not you would still like the role. So good luck to all of you who would like to be involved in this project and I hope there are no hard feelings.
I'm looking for someone to create maybe a few scenes per chapter.
I would like to have something to place over the audio rather than having one static image the entire time.
This would help in making each chapter feel more "alive" and give the audience something to look at and imagine while listening to the progressing story.
We can discuss the details later on, but I was thinking that around 3-4 scenes per chapter might be a good idea.
Say something you think would fit

Prince Mistery is the main character of this whole story. And since this story is told through the first person...the person who gets this role will have to also narrate. I don't think many people will audition for this role, but one can hope, right?
As a quick disclaimer, this role has a very large part throughout the story, so expect a lot of lines.
Personality: Mistery seems like somewhat of a lazy person with his outer appearance and some of his dialogue might reflect that. However, deep inside he's quite a devoted person, he loves to help people, even if he thinks it takes too much effort. However, he has incredibly low self-esteem but hides it by acting quite prideful.
Voice: I'm looking for somewhat of a medium tone pitch, not extremely low but not too high either. Mistery also has a strange sigh to his voice every time he speaks.
Lore: Near the beginning of the story, Mistery becomes enrolled in a much higher ranked course at a "military-esque" academy. Most of Mistery's classmates believe him to be incredibly powerful, however, that is just their belief due to Mistery being the grandson of the King; Zant. In reality, Mistery is by all terms 'average' and maybe even slightly below that in some aspects. Mistery also has a deep connection to Hope, however, we will get into that later on since that deals with backstories, lore and all sorts of complex and fun stuff.
Also, the spelling is correct. His name is Mistery, not Mystery.
(In a narrating style, as if he's talking to an audience)
My room was fairly small and ordinary; black walls, black rug, a small black bed and a long black shelf full of books.
You can probably see the pattern here. (With a slight chuckle, and like he's pointing this out)
(In an annoyed tone, or as if he's complaining)
"You just had to bring that up,” (emphasis on 'had')
“Now you’re just mocking me, you know I want to become a royal knight someday,”
(Almost like a whisper, as if he's mourning or serious)
"No matter what I say to anyone, my grandfather’s ‘greatness’ always comes first and people just can’t seem to see past that."

Blade is one of the 5 major characters in this story. He has quite the major part during Chapter 5 where the story is told through his perspective. So some narrating skills may be required later on down the line.
Appearance: As seen in the picture
Personality: Blade is a by the book type of person, he always follows orders and does his tasks to a tee. He is quite strict towards his classmates and peers, he is a natural-born leader and he is quite a prodigy when it comes to most things. Some may see him as stubborn or distant, but in reality, he is quite kind-hearted when you get to know him.
Voice: Blade has a decently lower-pitched voice, slightly monotone, but nothing extreme.
Other Useful Information: Blade is very intelligent so his vocabulary may also be quite extensive at times as a warning.
“It’s funny," (slight chuckle)
"Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a natural at everything I do,”
“No, wait!” (shouts)
“I can still keep going!”
(In a slightly mocking tone)
“How long are you going to keep this facade going?”

Hope is another one of the 5 major characters within this story.
Either way, this character does not appear until the end of chapter 4 so it may be a while until I have to use her lines, but here she is.
Appearance: As seen in the picture
Personality: Hope has a very mellow personality, she doesn't speak too much and she's not very emotional about anything. She also seems to have a strange dark aura around her which gives people the impression that she is quite sad and gloomy.
Voice: Hope has a very calm and quiet voice, She also has some sort of whisper to everything she says. She tends to say things outright due to the fact that it's hard for her to interpret emotions.
Other Useful Information: When she speaks to Mistery, her entire tone of voice changes to be a tiny bit more enthusiastic.
“Can I ask you something?” (semi-long pause)
“Why have you been avoiding me all this time?”
“Y-you didn’t have to do this,” (in a somewhat embarrassed voice)
"Well, I-I brought you this,”
“I could never be mad at you…” (she is saying this as she slowly falls asleep)

First appearance: Chapter 10
Janet (jan-it) is the 4th main character of this story
She should have very happy and joyous expressions, she should be quite loud and overbearing she is overall just extremely nice to everyone around her.
“Are you the guy I found outside of the forest?”
“It’s a sandwich, don’t tell me you’ve never had one,”
“I mean, it’s just a normal sandwich,” (confused)
“Ham, Lettuce, Tomato. You know, the basics,”
"Let's go!!"

(WARNING: Please do not expect this character to be cast any time soon, I am just listing him for the time being in order to keep this project up on the website)
Edge is the last of the five main characters. He is, in the most simple terms, a trouble maker.
He is quite loud and overbearing, he's not good with following orders and tends to get into fights quite often.
His voice should be medium pitched, raspy, and have a sort of aggressive tone to it.
"So you finally decided to let me out, it's about fucking time!"
"So you want me to go kick his ass? Sounds fun,"
"Why don't you quit acting like a pansy and fight me already?*menacing smirk*
"Is that the best you can do old man!?"
Zant is the current king of the planet Neptar (the main planet this story takes place on)
Appearance: Zant is a quite tall man, he has medium length gray hair, blue eyes, slight wrinkles on his face, and he always wears a red and gold robe.
Personality: On the outside, Zant exerts this strange and intimidating presence, but in reality, he's just a huge goofball, always pulling pranks and telling jokes. However, he does have his serious side and he's quite philosophical.
Voice: His voice is slightly scruffy, somewhat deep, and he has a very commanding tone of voice.
“Hello Mistery, you look well today,”
"I mean you lack refinement, and frankly you need to learn a bit of restraint every once in a while"
We wouldn’t want you to blast any holes in a wall, now would we?” (last part should be said in a joking tone)
(In a somewhat serious tone of voice) "In order to improve your reaction skills, I have devised a perfect training routine,"
(in a joking tone) "I am going to throw rocks until you improve,"
Lydia is Mistery's caretaker and somewhat mother-figure. She is around her early 20s
She has a few lines during the beginning, but she's doesn't have an overwhelming part
Personality: Lydia is quite orderly, playful, and well mannered.
Voice: Lydia is a soft-spoken young lady, she tends to deliver her lines with simplicity and never overcomplicates what she is trying to say. (Unless it's towards Mistery, then she does everything in her power to mess with him)
“Is everything alright in there? I heard a loud crash,”
“Please be ready soon,” (small pause)
(in a light voice) “You should also wash your face,”
“You’ve got a bit of…ash all over it,” (giggles)
Strek is the captain of Torn's (a capital on neptar) royal army. He is also a teacher at Torn's main combat academy. He is generally referred to as 'Captain' by most students and people of lower status.
Appearance: Strek is bald, he is quite a large and burly man, has a scar across his right eye and has a thick brown beard.
Personality: Strek is quite a serious person who expects only your absolute best effort.
Voice: Strek has quite a loud and commanding voice. Since he is the captain he is always giving orders.
“Mistery!” (he shouts)
“You’re late, get in line!”
"Now then! Are there any other concerns?" (long pause)
“It’s settled then!” (he shouts)
“To begin our session, I need to see where you all stand, so we’ll be doing a little sparring for the next hour,”
Personality: Trock is an extremely arrogant person. He is always angry at something or someone. He is extremely proud of his noble status, and he makes sure you know that.
Voice: His voice always has a sort of grunt to it, it's quite loud and intimidating.
"To hell with this!" (he shouts)
“So the prince wants to fight does he?” (he scoffs)
“I’d be happy to oblige,”
"I'm going to tear you to shreds you piece of shit!" (in an extremely angry tone of voice)
Pronounced (reeza)
Personality: Riza is a very prideful person. She tends to disregard others, often ignoring questions or thinking that she's too good for anyone.
Voice: I am looking for a somewhat low pitched female, her voice also has a small hint of sass.
"You can have him,"
"Sparky, your with me,"
“I think you’re forgetting something,” (said with a slight chuckle)
“Holy shit!” (she shouts, in a somewhat mocking manner)
“You two look like you just got your asses kicked” (said with laughter)
Pronounced (Sih-Juhl)
Personality: Sigil is quite the reckless old man, he always cracks up at other's failures.
Voice: I want his voice to sound as scruffy as possible, he has a medium pitched voice.
(I'm not sure how to explain this last part, but he's a blacksmith, a voice fitting that title would suit this character just fine)
“Ah Mistery, how’s it going?
"You look like shit,” (he then cackles)
"Nah, the shipment was delayed, there ain't nothing I can do 'bout it,"
“Well if you want advice on love I’m the right man for the job,” (he laughs)
“There’s no point in hiding it kid, your face says it all,”
Personality: Joule is an extremely shy person, she never likes to talk and always keeps to herself
Voice: Extremely soft-spoken and tends to stutter while speaking. She always speaks in a nervous tone.
“N-no, it’s not like that!” (she raises her voice slightly)
“I just…”
“U-umm, B-Blade,” (she is shocked)
“W-what are you doing here?”
“It’s hard to imagine you messing up that badly,” (she says with a slight giggle)
Personality: Marz is quite the stuck up person, he is a natural genius and thus, thinks that everybody else is below him.
Voice: His voice should have a sort of prideful sound to it, he has a medium pitched voice. However, the tone of his voice should still sound somewhat serious.
“Are you done ignoring me yet?”
“The great prince. Oh, how honored I am to be praised by you,” (in a sarcastic voice)
"Just because you're the prince doesn't mean I'm going to submit to you like the rest of these dogs,"
I know the description says "Teen" but I'm actually looking for something in-between Teen and child, like a pre-adolescent.
She has very few lines for the time being, so this is a pretty simple part.
Personality: The best way I can describe this is, a spoiled 'princess' type character.
Voice: High pitched, she also pouts and complains quite a bit.
“Unbelievable!” (she scoffs)
“You couldn’t even bother to change your clothes?!”
"Oh, it's nothing," (she says with a small delay)
"Your girlfriend just happened to stop by a while ago," (said in a condemning manner)
Pronounced (Creh-Dohl)
This character for the time being only has a few lines, however, down the line he becomes a very important character.
Voice: Cretoll is a knight so I would say a low pitched middle-aged man fits this character quite well. Feel free to show me a different spin on the character I'm not too picky about this one.
“How do you expect to get better with your body in shambles like that?” (in a strict tone)
“My father gave me my first weapon when I was about your age, it’s only natural I’d do the same,”
“You will set off to Torn in a few days, there you will have an audience with Lord Zant. I suggest you take it easy during this time to recoup your strength,”
First appearance: Chapter 4
Grewks are a species of creatures,
They typically have a very raspy sounding voice consisting of a lot of grunts and gurgles.
"Stop this futile resistance"
"Through your structures, you've brought nothing but pain. With this army, so will I,"
First appearance: Chapter 5
Ferha has an extremely minor part
I am just looking for a middle-aged/young adult female voice for this role.
"You're just as stubborn as ever I see" *sigh*
"Oh...am I interrupting something?"
First appearance: Chapter 5
Adira has an extremely minor part
I am looking for a young adult female voice for this role. Her voice should be more on the lower pitch and sound knightly (if that makes sense)
"Your skills are still lacking,"
"If you want to rise to the ranks of the royal knight you must overcome any and every obstacle in your path,”
First appearance: Chapter 8
Reaver starts out with a very small part but eventually becomes quite important to the plot as a whole.
His voice should be more on the deeper side, he should be courteous, yet expressive and carefree.
“Greetings, I have arrived as you've requested,”
"It seems we have company,"
"Things tend to get a bit...awkward when she's around,"
First appearance: Chapter 8
Echo's true name is Codex 1502, she is an AI designed to guide Mistery
This character speaks in a 'machine-like' way.
“I have no information in my database,” (slight pause)
“Information obtained, scanning,”
'My receptors are picking up a strange signal"
“You have sustained critical amounts of damage,”
“If you continue to take any more damage this may become lethal,”
First appearance: Chapter 9
Fraughel (fra-jel) has an extremely small part near the end of the chapter
I am just looking for a middle-aged rich and pompous male voice.
“Why are you wearing those things? They’re filthy,”
“I beg your pardon?”
First appearance: Chapter 10
Rose is a nurse at a small clinic. She has a decently sized part in this story, but nothing too overbearing.
She should be a middle-aged woman
“I’m going to check your vitals, something doesn’t seem right,”
“So who are you, we don't have any records of you at this school,”
“Is there anyone I can call to pick you up?”
First appearance: Chapter 10
Any teenage male should suffice.
“I didn’t catch your name,”
“Just write your name on this paper,”
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,”
“Are you from a tribe or something,”
Halmar is an old and creepy shopkeeper.
His voice is pretty scruffy and jittery.
He appears during chapter 4 for a brief moment
"Come right on in,"
"Please, won’t you take a look at my wares?
"Hey, a man's gotta make a living somehow,"
*creepy giggle*
Public Submissions