A Bird Flies Into A Power Line - Novella Promotion Casting

A Bird Flies Into A Power Line - Novella Promotion Casting

Project Overview

A BIRD FLIES INTO A POWER LINE is a superhero/realistic fiction novella starring two young adult secret agents who also happen to be exes.

Devonte is nothing like his father. That is except for inheriting his powers, joining the same secret agency as him, and also meeting the love of his life there. Except Ayumi was not the love of his life—she betrayed him. But that’s all in the past now, and he’s ready to move on.

Now he’s on an unusually secretive new mission—destroying a superweapon at a prestigious gala full of the world’s elite—and the stakes don’t feel like they can get any higher, until he discovers who his partner is.

Set in a rapidly changing world of superheroes, A BIRD FLIES INTO A POWER LINE explores the often heartbreaking reality of early relationships, the struggles of finding one’s place in the world, and how we all must confront the things that shape us no matter how hard we try to outrun them.

Project Details

For this project, I will be seeking voice actors to record lines to be used in promotional materials for the novella that will be posted on social media. Currently the following two pieces of promotional material are planned:

  1. A trailer for the novella featuring a brief excerpt from the story read by the main protagonist (Devonte, ~100 words) and a few lines of dialogue (Devonte, ~20 words) (Ayumi, ~10 words) 

  2. A “leaked recording” of an employment interview featuring both of the characters, ~200 words each

For the dialogue in both cases, the tone is definitely leaning more towards realism rather than over the top, please keep this in mind for your audition.


  • The timeline isn’t set in stone yet, but currently looking to cast before Nov 2nd, 2024

  • Since the lines are fairly minimal, I’m guessing recording won’t take more than 2 hours, with $50 paid to each actor.

  • Payment will be done through your choice of either Venmo/PayPal

  • Multiple takes of lines will most likely be required and it's possible I may ask to direct the voice actors live over Discord.

  • Please be sure to audition with the setup you will be doing the final recording with and make sure to record the cleanest audio possible (no background/white noise, peaking, audio pops, etc.)

  • There’s always a possibility for future work in these roles too :)

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Project Roles: Devonte, 21 Ayumi, 21
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Devonte, 21
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Devonte has always struggled to find his own path in life. After graduating high school, he went to a prestigious college, but quickly realized it wasn’t the place for him and dropped out. Despite being haunted by his father’s betrayal of the family and his parent’s divorce, he nevertheless decides to join the Agency and follow in their footsteps, hoping he might finally find somewhere he belongs.

Cocky and confident, but as a coping mechanism to deal with his insecurities. He has a sense of humor but it’s often sarcastic, as he is also somewhat cynical about the state of the world.

Also note the “text excerpt” which is a direct excerpt from the main novella text and as such should be performed differently than “dialogue”.

Actor of African descent preferred.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american (west coast)
  • promo
  • american
  • audiobook
  • audiobooks
  • (text excerpt) I turned away from the menacing faces of the elite of the world in their fancy suits and gowns and faced the midnight cityscape. I took a deep breath. (character dialogue) “Here goes nothing.”

  • “I was joking—you don’t need to recite the handbook. I think we’ve established by now that dating in-agency is not the move.”

  • (being interviewed) “It wasn’t going to work out. We were too different--different beliefs, different interests--the usual, y’know?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ayumi, 21
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Ayumi’s life has always felt plagued by her mother, who would belittle her since she was a child for her strong emotions. Growing up mixed race, she also never quite felt like she fit in with the other kids, even though culturally she was quite similar to them as her mother had kept little Japanese tradition alive in their house and rarely spoke to her in Japanese. Because of this, she never had many long term friends, which led her to become a very independent person and deep down, believe that she may just be a liability.  

Confident and independent, but as a coping mechanism for the fear of rejection by others. When she feels comfortable or can no longer contain it, can be very emotional.

While I haven’t decided the exact lines yet, it is possible that there may be a few that are in Japanese, and as such I have also included an audition line in Japanese. However, please note that native/near native fluency is absolutely NOT required (as she herself only speaks a bit of the language), so as long as you have some experience speaking Japanese that’s perfectly fine!

Actor of Japanese or mixed Japanese descent preferred.

  • english
  • japanese
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • audiobooks
  • female young adult
  • promo
  • american (west coast)
  • american
  • (mid-argument) “I just can’t take it anymore—I don’t understand, do you not see how I don’t feel respected?”

  • (interrupting, but timidly) “私の日本語は本当に悪いけど、言いたいことがある。”

  • (being interviewed) “He made me feel like I could be myself around him, and…I don’t find that in people very often.”