[Vocaloid] 31 people - Hated By Life Itself (Oktavia's lyrics) - REVIVAL
Project Overview
I am reviving this project! I tried to start it in 2020 with zero experience, but I'm BACK, baby-
There's a Japanese version of the song "Hated By Life Itself" with 31 singers, all singing together, so I linked it somewhere here. But, then I thought, what if I made the same thing, just in English?
I'm looking for 30 singers to help me with this project and a couple audio editors that can work together to put it all together. I will be one of the singers, and I will do the scripting, showing who sings what.
It will be with Oktavia's English lyrics! And in the same key as Oktavia's (can be at octave or an octave down) : https://youtu.be/XVuydzqDAxU?si=C5WKvPpTbnW9hpPJ
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In need of singers, preferably distinguishable from each other. I love unique voices and want everyone to hear people with amazing and/or unique singing voices, so even if you stumbled upon this and you don't think you sound very conventionally good, I'd love to hear you!
Please send your Discord and vocal range with your audition! If you are selected, I will message you there, as there needs to be thirty of you. There will end up being a Discord server to manage all of the parts going on!
- english
- androgynous
- male teen
- male young adult
- child
- neutral
- female adult
- female child
- female teen
- male adult
- male child
- any
- female young adult
- nonbinary
- Any decent microphone
- audacity
- reaper
- having a decent mic
- bandlab
- having audio that doesn't peak
Just listen to Oktavia's version of "Hated by Life Itself" - https://youtu.be/XVuydzqDAxU?si=1R0tl7iTluUi_WNN and pick a part of it, between 30 seconds to a minute long to sing. OR
Pick a song that you think shows your best talent as a singer and sing 30 seconds to a minute of it.
Basically, I love you guys for existing because I have no clue how to edit audio to make it sound nice and put it all together. I will need a couple of you to work together.
Please put a link to one or more of your previous audio works that you do not mind sharing and include how long it took to make it. The amount of time taken will not affect your acceptance or rejection, but I'm a curious person.
I will be contacting you via Discord, so please include that with everything else!
I don't know if that 31-person video will play back for you or not, but please submit something where you mix more than 5 people (yeesh... this is gonna be a lot, but you'll be working with others)
Say something you think would fit
Basically, I love you guys, too, and all I need for this one is the lyric video, similar to the style of the song Hated By Life Itself (like in the video) It will potentially be color-coded or font-coded, since there are 31 people in total
Include your Discord as well, please! :)
If the video linked in the project doesn't want to play back for you either, then just use this as reference: https://youtu.be/XVuydzqDAxU?si=n0qTslaz7IBcdfBU
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions