28 Days Later Vol. 3 - Audio Comic (Deadline Nov 1)
Project Overview
This little project is the third part of a videos series based on the 28 Days Later Comic book, which picks right after the first movie ended. People have been begging for the continuation and, I would like to finish the whole thing so here we are, the presentation will be in a complete story format which consist the third volume called Hot Zone and covers issues 9-12, as mentioned previously it will be presented together as a coherent story like a movie, it will have music and the proper sound effects to produce an atmosphere just like my previous two previous volumes and my Alien projects and it will be featured in my Youtube Channel Comics101.
Only thing, I require is a good Microphone and not much background noise as there is only so much that can be done to clean it up before the audio starts to sound bad. Also in the previous volumes, people mentioned the lack of accents representing the area the story is based on so in this one each character will have the right accents listed on their roles unlike last time.
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Al is the leader of the CIA spooks, tough bad guy, true and true or at least he's portrayed that way, he also seems to be quick to the point and doesn't like to deal with nonsense.
Some of these bodies look fresher than the others. This one at least had some sense. For all the good that it did her.
(Wearing Gas Mask) Billingsworth, this is Al. Zimmer's plan to burn them out worked. He's shackling a stunned group of infected right now. But we've got a small hiccup. Survivors.
(Turning into an infected) But I'll...Unh...be damned if I give you the satisfaction of...killing me.(He shoot's himself)
Clint is our second main protagonist, he's a reporter trying to show the world what really happened in England. Here I would like to find a similar voice to the one in the previous two volumes that have been made but also free to go with your own version also need someone that can show emotion according to what's happening in set panel's and that makes sounds here and there as the character interacts with others you know little things like if you were having a conversation with someone and you sigh before talking as an example things like that make these characters come alive. Also she's British so the accent is a must. And you must be willing to come back for the remaining three arcs for the sake of keeping things sounding the same. Also if you need a reference as to those sounds the characters do make here and there be sure to watch the previous two volumes in my channel.
No thanks necessary. You learn pretty quick that Selena talks a tough game, but she's really a big softie.
If this was just about us breaking Quarantine, they'd just let us take our chances with the infected. But this is something else. They're looking for us. The questions is, why?
Derrick is our third main character and he's blind he was, Clint's photographer until the events of the last volume. Here I would like to find a similar voice to the one in the previous two volumes that have been made but also free to go with your own version also need someone that can show emotion according to what's happening in set panel's and that makes sounds here and there as the character interacts with others you know little things like if you were having a conversation with someone and you sigh before talking as an example things like that make these characters come alive. Also she's British so the accent is a must. And you must be willing to come back for the remaining three arcs for the sake of keeping things sounding the same. Also if you need a reference as to those sounds the characters do make here and there be sure to watch the previous two volumes in my channel.
She's right, you know. You should leave me. She's just being smart. I can't drive, I can't be a lookout, I can't even use a camera anymore. Why keep me around?
Clint has a point. Anyone looking for us wouldn't make camp here in infected territory. They'd fly out to where it's safer. And we haven't heard any helicopters. So whoever those guys were, they're local.
There's something out there. What is it?
The Doc here is trying to find a way to weaponize the, virus by experimenting on people by seeing how the transformation happens, he should be a bit friendly at the beginning and after maybe creepy or sinister.
Ah, you're here. Good! Remove your jacket and have a seat. I need to take a quick sample of your blood.
Cure? Who told you I was looking for a cure? I'm trying to alter the virus, eliminate the mindlessness and the hemorrhaging while leaving all the power and focus of purpose. By weaponizing the virus, I will save lives. Then the death of Britain would at least be worth something.
The Kiddo here is part of our main cast for this volume, he should have a teen Scottish voice since they're in Scotland for this part of the story.
Hey, Selena? Now that your friend is better are you going to be leaving? If so, I was, uh, wondering if...you know, maybe...I could go with you?
What about river Thurso? It's just a few kilometer west of here. Maybe we could find a boat and take the river to Lochmore Cott.
For this last one a take he's transforming into an infected, for reference he's tied up to a straight jacket gurney in these panels.
This mean person here is Douglas mom whom we meet in the last arc, I figured to send her off she should get the same treatment as her kid and try to get her an Scottish accent as she should have. These are all of her lines.
Good to see you up and about. I guess this means you'll be leaving us?
No, You're not. You most certainly are! Now go put that pack back inside! Now, boy!
Where are you going? Get back here! You selfish little ingrate! How dare you walk away from me!? COME BACK HERE!
Kirk is part of multiple dream sequences, Selena has through the story, he's her neighbor and looks like he was an all around nice guy.
I might have something in the shed that can help.
This should make life easier, unless you'd prefer a Machete.
I think I'm going to have a chat with David. He should be out here doing this instead of you.
One of the many soldiers assigned to escort CPT. Styles.
I don't like this, Sarge. We shouldn't even be here.
Why's he got such a hate on for this girl?
What is that dudes's issue?
Selena is the main character of our story, as this follows right after the movie, here I would like to find a similar voice to the one in the previous two volumes that have been made but also free to go with your own version also need someone that can show emotion according to what's happening in set panel's and that makes sounds here and there as the character interacts with others you know little things like if you were having a conversation with someone and you sigh before talking as an example things like that make these characters come alive. Also she's British so the accent is a must. And you must be willing to come back for the remaining three arcs for the sake of keeping things sounding the same. Also if you need a reference as to those sounds the characters do make here and there be sure to watch the previous two volumes in my channel.
I think this is far enough, any farther and we won't be able to get back out by dark. This isn't a place we want to be when the sun goes down.
They killed your entire crew. You're blind because of them. You honestly think they'd just pick you up and send you back off to the states now?
(Forest is on Fire, Infected getting Closer, Selena has her Mask On) Dammit. You lot keep moving. I'll catch up. And Douglas, don't get too far ahead of Clint and Derrick. Now move!
The lead Soldier, in charge of talking CPT Styles around.
If the brass says we take this guy on a tour, we take him on a tour.
Sir, we're not even sure they're who you're looking for.
One of Al's men or as, I call them the Spooks lol, this guys are all mean and they mean business.
Looks like a Quarantine dump. Probably thought concentrating the dead in one place would minimize the spread of infection. Idiots.
(Radio Transmissions) Nothing weird about that. Lot of people offed themselves when it hit the fan.
(He's threatening Selena after having fought all three of our main characters) I've been trained to fight the world's deadliest warriors. Did you really think you and your boyfriend could jump me? And win?
One of Al's men or as, I call them the Spooks lol, this guys are all mean and they mean business.
You think they wouldn't be this hard to find.
Whatever. The Phillies are going to get crushed in the postseason.
Yeah. Listen to him, Kid. Be quiet.
One of Al's men or as, I call them the Spooks lol, this guys are all mean and they mean business. This is his only line.
(The Infected are charging towards them) Uh, Sergeant...
One of Al's men or as, I call them the Spooks lol, this guys are all mean and they mean business. These are all of his lines.
Let's go, let's go! Smoky the bear has left the building! And would someone go and drag Billinsworth's candy ass out here! We're leaving in ten!
(The Infected are charging towards them) DAMMIT, GET US AIRBOURNE!
(He's being bitten) AHHH!
Here lies our main bad guy, he is ruthless and he will kill anyone that gets on his way to get to Selena for having killed his men in the movie. He's a recurring character so, I would like someone that can play him through all of his appearances to keep things equal.
Anyone who wasn't infected would have come running the second they saw that thing in the sky. Except for this girl. She was here.
Very well. If they come back, I want them on foot. Burn the car.
Bloody Moppet.
One of the many soldiers assigned to escort CPT. Styles. Also this are all of his lines.
No bodies, Sergeant. Just some clothes and stuff.
Captain Stiles, looks like we found your rabbit.
Nothing, Sergeant.
One of Al's men or as, I call them the Spooks lol, this guys are all mean and they mean business.
(Gas Mask On) The one I tased is still alive. But the rest are dead. On a scale of one to ten...dead. They're useless, man.
(Gas Mask On) But we're in luck. Incoming.
(Gas Mask On) Relax, Man. I got this.
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