

The ghost of the most!

Joined Mar 2022 36 Following162 Followers
About PhantomWolf

Hello! My name is PhantomWolf! I like to draw, play video games, and voice act. I have autism and Asperger's syndrome. I'm also the creator of an animated YouTube series called, Midnight Stroll.


I charge for whatever price you are willing to give me.

What PhantomWolf is looking for

I work on all sorts of projects tbh. I want to be able to get better at voice acting and hopefully make some new friends along the way! I joined Casting Call Club so that I can gain experience as a voice actor and be able to promote my projects along the way as well!

  • @wilfqueen080602

    He and I work very closely. He created the original Midnight Stroll story as a comic. He is very willing to help anyone out and is great to talk to, work with, and be around