Nugget (David)
I am a 18 year old Voice Actor and singer that is looking to gain financial success to support both personal and luxury things for myself and my family. I have been voice acting for 3 years now and have a decent amount of experience. The only work that has been made fully public of mine is Smash 1 (A mod of Super Smash Bros. Brawl), and Eerie Desolation, a game that is currently in development that you can watch the trailer for (featuring my voice) on Steam!
Pricing is completely up to you. I can receive payment only through CashApp for now unfortunately.
I am looking for a reliable source of income with a side job in voice acting, I am not fully relying on voiceover as a way to make money. I do this mostly for love and fun not just because there is a price tag. I'm looking to get myself known more before I start to push to get paid for it.