

Joined Jul 2019 3 Following0 Followers
About NovaNovetta

Hello, just started this blog but I have done VA for a few of years now, mainly Mercy from Overwatch dubs but I'm broadening out to other media.

Currently on projects including Fate Abridged series (additional voices) and Danganronpa dubs.

My voices include but are not limited to characters from Danganronpa (Peko, Sonia, Chihiro, Monophanie, Akane, Chiaki), Overwatch (Mercy, Moira), Camp Camp (Nikki, Ered). My natural voice is a low, chest voice with an English accent. I’ve voiced young/teenage boys before.

In terms of singing. My vocal range is mezzo soprano and have been classically trained (though I’m not sure if opera would pick up well on the mic).

I'm super flexible and willing to whatever opportunity I come across.

Also I am over 20 if that’s a factor (lot of youngins here)

  • @captainh

    Nova Novetta is a fenominal singer, actor, voice actor has a great personality, and is an amazing person to work with. I've known her for about 3 years now and we've become good friends in that time having fun singing working and playing together like we we're 10 year olds at a jungle gym and If there was anyone I'd want to put in my play, movie, or song it would her her.

  • @semigen

    Back in the day we voiced some Overwatch comic dubs together. It was fun and amazing! She's very reliable and nice to work with! :D

  • @nightingale

    Nova has been my "Mercy on Call!" for every Overwatch project I've worked on and I honestly couldn't ask for a better person to work with! She has an incredibly fun personality and is an incredibly talented singer + voice actor with a wide range of voices. She always submits her lines on time and does multiple takes with varied inflections. She really brings out each character that she voices, with emotional acting never fails to surprise me.