hello!! my name is kaleido/yoomtah/clover, whichever one you prefer idc!! i'm currently 14 years old and I'm gonna turn 15 later this year!! i'm a voice actor, singer, and writer who mainly voices for project sekai fandubs!! my discord is <3 cloverxinyskiez !!#9037 if you want to ever contact me about voice acting and or singing projects you have!! some of the following socials you can find me on are,,,
tiktok - cloverxinyskiez
instagram - dreaminscopez
youtube - cloverxinyskiez
i mainly work with project sekai fandubs but, i'm also free to try new things like any gacha series and or mini movie, any voiceover of some sort, and maybe even singing roles!! [keep in mind, i cannot be a voice actor for anyone who is planning to make a video game because i just don't have that kind of special equipment and plus, i'm not on THAT professional level yet due to me being a minor and mostly doing these projects for fun with no payment method!!] but other than that, what i really want to get out of this is to be known across the project sekai fandub community!! i really enjoy voice acting and i dream of others appreciating it!! :D
now, i joined casting call club in july of 2020, but i've only started using it again now. while i can't remember the main reason i joined, all i can infer is that i tried to do voice acting in 2022, but never actually got the time to submit my auditions,, but i'm happy to be back and using this once again and i'll for sure get voice acting roles submitted!!