

Joined Jan 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About Nosstheboss

I have a lot of passions and creative writing is one of them.

I like having my imagination run completely wild! (ON MY OWN Projects)
One of my secret projects only for my eyes is an OMNI-Genre story that I wish to publish but sadly even though the first 2 books are complete no publisher will take them because apparently the world isn't ready for it.

See on my own I fly off the handle completely. But when I work with other passionate people I become passionate as well and things become extraordinary when we bounce ideas off each other.

I don't do a ton of fan-fiction its more like Fan-Creation I take something and I generate it like the author's initial beats then I go and change things to where its its own identity and no knows what the original content was. I do like to slip in the occasional reference when it feel appropriate.