

Owner and Founder of Nostalgia Central Productions and creator of my animation shows like Ellie: A Classical Adventure and NostalgiaToons.

Joined Mar 2024 17 Following81 Followers
About NostalgicFan2764

Hi, I'm NostalgicFan2764, you can call me NF2764. I'm a voice actor, script writer, animator and artist, and the owner of Nostalgia Central Productions and the creator of my shows like Ellie: A Classical Adventure and NostalgiaToons. I have joined casting call club to look for voice actors, storyboards, artists, musicians, scriptwriter, video editors, and audio engineers for one of my shows, Ellie: A Classical Adventure.


Willing to work for some indie animation stuff in paid projects and unpaid projects

What NostalgicFan2764 is looking for

Voice actors, voice actresses, artists, composers, audio engineers, and script writers for my projects.