NallyAsh VA

NallyAsh VA

Joined Jul 2017 12 Following0 Followers
About NallyAsh VA

Hello! My name is Nally and i do voice acting here in CastingCallClub!
My main focus right now is to graduate.
Feel free to send me messages if you want me to voice act for anything, i would love to work with people on projects and do what i can to help.  I love acting a lot, and working with other people. I like to voice act for Minecraft roleplays, Anime Fandubs,  Comic Dub, Own-Animated Series and many other stuff. I'm fine with swearing, but just for a humor. Don't put me up with an NSFW stuff or some Sexual scene. Like i said, i'm fine with swearing... but just for a humor.

I'm working on Dubbing a comic too, so fell free to join in!

Contact Info :

Skype : NallyAshPlays

Youtube : NallyAsh VA

Twitter : @NallyAshPlays

Email : nallytrydubbing@ gmail .com { Ignore The Space }

Discord : NallyAshPlays#7299