Myles MylieJoe Moss

Myles MylieJoe Moss

Joined Feb 2021 64 Following255 Followers
About Myles MylieJoe Moss

I'm a sound effects editor, sound designer on YouTube. I create various cartoony sound effects and general sound effects.

  • @ooglyeye

    Myles is a great friend and a talented music composer, sound designer/editor, and voice actor. Not only he manages to mimic any sound designers' style so accurately, he also can do requests for anything. He can even mimic Dick Maitland's sound design style. Me and Myles may be total opposites regarding tastes in sfx (I'm a Sound Ideas guy, while he's a Hollywood Edge guy), but deep down, we're sfx buddies.

  • @prayollson

    Hello,It took a minute but the server is finished: