@moose__chanStoryboard artist. Creator of Corrupted Memories. Prev: Storyboard Artist @ Signing Animation
Hello, My name is Jocelyn! I'm a college student enrolled at Gallaudet University. I am a Deaf artist, and I'm an art major candidate for B. A in Art and Media Design at Gallaudet University's College of Arts and Science, and I also plan to minor in Digital Media. I plan to pursue a career as a storyboard artist.
I do my short films and storyboarding in my free time. Also, I am interested in doing comics and projects of my own! Just like my animation project called Corrupted Memories
Please do use one of these social media I have to contact me to discuss, ask, or inquire about me or anything else art-related!
My mission is to create this show inspiring to the deaf audience.
If there's anything about my short-lived VA career, I voiced my story called: "Deaf in Hearing World" on Storybooth on Youtube,
I prefer to have $20-30 per hour salary.
A unique animated show that I am willing to work on as a storyboard artist/revisionist/director.