

Joined Jul 2019 2 Following1 Followers
About MechaKirbs

Hello! I'm an aspiring voice actor who's looking to get some work. My voice could be used for young adult or teen characters. I hope you consider me for any projects you have and thanks for reading!

Projects I've been a part of:

What MechaKirbs is looking for

I'm looking to get more voice acting or voice experience of almost any kind. I'll usually want to check out what kind of project I'm going to be a part of to see if I would like to be a part of it. The only work I will not do is NSFW and most ASMR type projects. Thank you for reading and I hope you consider me for any future projects!

  • @mollexi

    How does this man not have more recommendations? He is highly underrated and fantastic at what he does. His range is incredible, but not only that, he is a delightful person to be around. I highly recommend casting him for your projects.