

Aspiring voice actor looking to get out of the mundane lawyer lifestyle and into the glamour of VA!

Joined Sep 2021 1 Following1 Followers
About MagicallyAverage

By day, I am a young attorney working at a large Midwest firm, just trying to make a name for themselves. By night, I'm still an attorney... BUT, I am also an aspiring voice actor! Having done numerous podcasts and some theater work I thought, "Hey, why not try voice acting? You do silly voices all of the time to annoy your girlfriend. Plus you're constantly watching cartoons and anime, so you should be halfway decent at it!" 

So, here I am, just boy standing/sitting in front of his computer looking for any and all opportunities to put his foot in the door and enter into the wonderful (yet slightly terrifying) world of voice acting. As always, feel free to reach out to me directly for any potential openings or inquiries as to my experience. Thanks!