

Embrace the masks, and have a ball while doing it.

Joined Jun 2021 5 Following3 Followers
About MadJazzer

Hello! I'm an overworked highschool student, trying to balance eight different creative passions at once. I'm not looking for paid rolls and really just want to get some more experience under my belt, as I'm definitely an amateur. To me, getting inside the head of a character is my favorite part of any type of acting, so acting with my voice is really enjoyable!

  • @ccmaci

    MadJazzer is a quality voice actor: he excels in vast vocal range & performance, has a quick DM response time, and is straightforward to direct.

      In Hallownest Vocalized, he voices 2 Major Roles, and 6 Minor Roles which he volunteered for.

      “Elderbug” was an extremely important role to get right. He’s the first bug you meet, and is likely the one you’ll talk to the most. With this task at hand, MadJazzer took on his role in stride, perfecting the mannerisms and voice required of Elderbug to a tee. Without MadJazzer, the introduction to 

      Hallownest Vocalized would have been incomplete, as his performance acted as the perfect hook for players to stay invested in their playthrough.

      MadJazzer should be a highly sought after voice actor, I highly recommend him. If he auditions for your project, don’t overlook him!

      Additional Notes: This recommendation is for a voice actor from Hallownest Vocalized, a Hollow Knight mod which gave English voice acting to every character in the game. This was a large-scale project, acquiring over 5,000 auditions, but only casting 100 voice actors. This is the mod's Launch Trailer (this VA does not appear in it)
