

Joined Jul 2018 5 Following0 Followers
About LeoIsTryingToAct

Hey there! I'm a solo creator with basically no audience. My dream is just to get my ideas out there with my creations. I'm a broke college student with only this petty little dream in her arsenal, but I can promise you my ambition and effort is there! I have about 10 years of acting under my belt, even having taken a couple courses in acting. I guarantee you as a casting director I know what I'm looking for and that's crazy creative actors that just melt into their role! 

I tell all my fellow coworkers to call me Leo. I run a studio under the name of Nighttime Studios, but don't bother looking for it because it has no reputation! This is entirely new to me, but I determined to get not just myself, but anyone who works with me out there! I'm just here to create passion projects with my okayish skills in drawing. I suppose the real piece of the cake is the story-telling that I attempt to do. I just want to have fun with people right now, but if I grow into something bigger, I'll bring everyone with me to the top! Cheers!