
Hi!, Am a beginner in VA

Joined Nov 2023 1 Following0 Followers
About Leo

I Am 14yo
I Speak Both Spanish and English
My Vocal Range Is Around Medium-High Pitched & Medium-Low Pitched

Some "I Will Not/Won't" For me:
Homophobia Or Anything Anti-LGBTQ+
Extremely Explicit Content (I can Accept Suggestive/Explicit Content such as Gore, Slight Nudity, And Swearing but I have my limits.)
Anything Controversial

If You Find My voice For Your project I would love to hear about it <3! (Please Read my "I will not/won't" If your project Does Avoid any of the above then there's more chance I will Answer back! I Will accept Paid and Not Paid Projects Since I want some experience!)

You Contact Me VIA:
Discord: leokoi