

Joined Jan 2021 13 Following0 Followers
About LeBobaXD

About me: 
Hello! My name is LeBoba, I real life I go by Debbie. You can call me Debbie, Boba, LeBoba, or LB.

 I'm a 13-year-old voice actor, music composer, writer, artist, and director! 
When I was 7 I started to practice acting every day. And singing- can't forget the off-key high-pitched screaming- oops I mean singing.  

Anyway, I'm busy with school so I won't be auditioning too much. But I hope to work with you guys! 

How to contact me:
Discord: LeBoba#0103

Email: [redacted] (DM for email)
Instagram 1: YukiiNanaArty
Instagram 2:  Catastrophe Duo
Other CCC:  CatastropheDuo

  • @stillthinkingu-u

    It LiTeRaLlY sAys sO oN tHe tOp --

    Anyways, she's a real good friend, person, and a great voice actor! She has been in one of my projects earlier before, and I loved working with her^^

  • @lilythegoatking

    She's a fantastic VA. Extremely talented. Her performance as Loralie in my series "Hidden Potential" was definitely a great casting choice. Kind, sweet, not mean, pretty much all the positive stuff. She's a great person to work with.