

Joined Jun 2020 36 Following43 Followers
About Kees

Hi I’m Kee! I’m a big nerd who loves video games and voiceover... and D&D and sci-fi (Especially Star Trek and Mass Effect) and fantasy and well, basically a lot of nerd stuff. I have traditional 4 year acting degree, but voiceover is where I want to work the majority of my time hopefully.  I love storytelling and character creation, so let’s make some cool stuff together! 

Have a great day! 

  • @alex_snow_

    Absolute beast of a talent. Way above the quality of work I asked her to work on. Professional and well worth it. Brought to life a character I didn't think I could get done. As soon as I heard the voice, I was like, "Damn! That's the one!" Luckily, she answered the call. [ * * * * * ]